Rain Flower - 6 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 6

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Rain Flower - 6

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“It is possible of course.” Charles said. “By putting him in deep trance we can know what happened at that particular point. But the problem is it may have dangerous consequences. Even the remembrance of that thing which made him mad like that may make him so again.”

“Never, never.” Margaret hastily said. “There is no necessity to do anything like that. There is no problem even ever we don’t know what made him like that. If my son behaves atleast like this, that is enough.”

“But I must say one thing here.” Rose said. “If the madness happened because of his seeing or hearing something shocking, there is a chance that any time in future he remembers that. If it happens like that it may have the same effect on him again.”

“Oh! No. What should I do then?” the anxiousness in Margaret was intensified even more.

“Need to be careful all the time. You have to take him to psychiatric experts whenever such a situation arises.”

“Oh! God.” it was evident that Margaret really disturbed with whatever she heard. “What should I do now? Can I take my son back to my home now?”

“Just wait for few more days. Then sure you can take your son to home.” Charles paused before continuing. “My strong advice! Bring him to us as frequently as possible. For some years, he must be under our close scrutiny.”


 “I want to ask you something.”

The serious expression on the face of Williams put Rose in thought. What this might be?

“I am all ears. Just tell me what it is?” trying herself to be easy, she asked.

“Stop that funny way. It is something very serious.”

Rose mocked seriousness in her face “I am also serious now. Tell me what it is.”

“I am a mental patient and you are my doctor, my psychiatrist.”

Rose became some more alert. She breathed deeply and hissed out. “Ever I say like that to you?”

“Then what is the relationship between you and me? Who are you and who am I?”

Rose did not say anything.

“Whatever you did to me on that day, you have allowed me to do to you, is only a part of the treatment. Only to bring me to my senses, is it is not?”

Rose got off from her chair and came near to him. She put both her hands around his neck. “Ever any woman would do something like that just for her profession’ sake?” she kissed on his cheek.

“Then is there something more really to it?” Williams’ face instantly lit up with pleasure.

“A lot more, more and more to it. If you do want to call it as love, I have no objection to it.” She dragged her chair near to his chair and slumped herself in it.

“I just cannot believe it! I never have thought a beautiful and intelligent woman like you would fall in love with me.” He garlanded his hands around her and perfunctorily kissed on her right cheek.

“You must have to. It is important.” She smiled and did not bother to release herself from his hold. “You have appeared quite handsome to me, the first time itself when I have seen you. I must say instantly I became attracted to you. Slowly, I must say slowly but strongly, I started feeling something towards you and later I clarified myself that it was love. When I have been entrusted with your case and nothing worked for more than twenty days, I experimented like that only because I loved you.”

“But what if my mother does not agree with our love? What if my mother does not allow me to marry you?” knitting his brows together and looking into her face straight, Williams asked her.

In the depths of her heart she knew it would not happen like that. She could sense the deep love of Williams on her and even if his mother would not agree to their marriage, somehow or other he would make his mother agree to that. Even he was talking like that, the real message was quite clear on his face and in his eyes.

“No, I cannot even imagine it to be so. Please don’t talk like that.” Keeping her hand against his mouth she said mocking worry in her voice. 

Williams chortled loudly. “You believed it, did not you? You believed what I have said just now.” He made himself calm then and said “My mother never says anything against my wish and desire. I can make her easily agree to our marriage. Don’t worry for that at all.”

Surprising! ‘Is he remembering about his mother? Is there further development in his case?’

“Do you remember about your mother? Can you remember about your other family members also?” with lots of anticipation she asked him.

There was instantly a painful expression on his face. “No. I cannot.” After few seconds he said. “No. I cannot remember about anyone. Why I have said like that about my mother I cannot understand.” He breathed deeply and said again. “Because of that woman’s behavior with me in so far last week or so, I have come to that opinion.”

Rose kissed on the same cheek again and said “Its alright. Don’t force your mind to remember anything”.

“You are saying the same thing again and again.” Williams irritated.


 “Your son is in all respects right for the present. He can leave our mental care now.” Rose said.

There was an instant happy expression on Margaret’s face and she was about to say something, then Charles said. “But I must warn you again about the same thing madam. He is not yet completely out of danger. That type of situation may arise again. Or he may face some other types of psychological problems because of the recent incident. He should be under best psychiatrist’s care as much as possible.”

“But how long?” there was agitation on Margaret’s face.

“Only time can decide.” Charles said. “I cannot make predictions.”

“Should he stay only in the mental care then?”

“That is absolutely not necessary.” Charles said. “Frequent checkups and medication is enough.”

“But if he is with a psychiatrist all the time, it would be the best thing. What do you say?” She said.

“Sure.” Charles said. Rose was observing them both minutely.

That place instantly impregnated with silence. Rose could not think of anything to say and she understood her senior also under same condition. It was Margaret who broke the silence first.

“I want to talk with Dr.Rose for sometime privately.” She said.


“It is a big thing I am asking you. But I cannot see any other way except this.” They both sat in a room in chairs facing each other. “You don’t know how Williams used to be before becoming like this. He was a great sports man. Active. Everyone liked him.”

Rose smiled and said “I heard it so.”

Margaret nodded her head and continued. “I don’t know how you could make him this much atleast. But I came to trust you than anyone else in the entire world with regard to my son’s mental health. I am confident he becomes his usual self fast if he is with you all the time.”

“Madam. I cannot understand……….” Rose tried to say something.

“You have to marry him.” Margaret waved her hand to silence Rose and said. “I just want to say it straight without mincing words. I cannot afford to lose him to madness. At any cost, for whatever I may have to do for this help you do to us, you have to marry him.”

Rose used all her energy not to show the erupting pleasure inside her on her face. She did not think of the things do come in her way like that.

“Don’t think that you have to sacrifice your career.” Rose felt uncomfortable as Margaret’s eyes searching her face intently. The usual small charming smile was as usual on Margaret’s lips. She was appearing as if she got the perfect solution to her problems. “You can build your own hospital.” ‘Wonderful! What else she needs!’ Rose thought. “But Williams must be your prime concern all the time.”

There was silence. Impregnated with pleasure for Rose. She knew that she has to break it as that very rich lady eagerly waiting for her answer.

“Can I have little time to mull over this?” Rose had to put all her effort not to say ‘I have no objection whatsoever.’

Margaret nodded her head. “Okay, take one day. I want the answer by tomorrow itself”. Suddenly the expression in her face was changed. It was pleading, begging and cajoling this time. “I except that would be positive. I want only a ‘yes’ from you.”

Rose remained staring at the retreating figure of Margaret from that room.


Jasmine hugged Rose and and kissed perfunctorily on her left cheek. “Wonderful! Just wonderful! I have not expected this at all. I did not expect that a beautiful psychiatrist like you would become my brother’s wife.” Still hugging her so, Jasmine said.

Rose felt quite happier as she was acceptable to Williams’ sister also. Her hug like that was suffocating Rose to enough un-comfort and she was feeling pain even in that happy situation also.

“I am sorry.” Jasmine released her from her hug. “I have just realized that I am suffocating you to death.”

Rose breathed deeply, relaxed herself and kept her gaze on Jasmine’s face for a moment. Jasmine appeared aged twenty four or so and she also beautiful and attractive just like her brother but in a different way.

“I am happy that I am acceptable to you also.”

“Is there would be any reason that you are not acceptable to anyone?” Jasmine mocked surprise in her face. “Come we cannot talk much standing like this.” She led Rose into the chairs there and Rose slumped herself wearily in one of them and Jasmine followed her suit.

“I want to say something to you even whatever affect it may have on you.”

Rose knitted her brows together. ‘are there any secrets in the family that she has not known yet?’ she was mulling.

“I am all ears.”

“Two years back my brother fallen in love with one girl. Her name is Rita and she is the daughter of one of our family friends”

Shock! A big shock! Her handsome Williams already in love with someone! But she could not blame him for not telling this as he could not remember most of his past. But how Margaret asked her to marry Williams then? Or was that girl denied to marry him now as he became mad like this?

“Don’t worry too much. It has been found out by my brother that Rita is in love with someone else. That girl also agreed that she loved that someone and wanted to marry that someone. My brother cut off all his love connection with her.”

“Is it is so? Are you sure that there is no love between them both now?” Rose relieved herself but still there was some uncomfortable feeling.

Jasmine laughed loudly and took Rose’s right hand into her hands and squeezed it.  “Surprise! I am seeing feeling of anxiousness on the face of great psychiatrist!” Jasmine became serious. “There is not even an iota of chance to you to worry even you do want. Because that Rita married that other man. It happened more than one year back itself.”

“Thank God!” Rose could not remain without saying that.

“I know my brother cannot say this now to you as he does not remember any of his past before that day. I thought it may be better that you do know this important piece of his past life.”

“You did a very nice thing.” Rose hugged Jasmine and squeezed her in her hug. “It does not make any difference in the matters.”

“That is what I just do want. We cannot afford to lose you under any circumstances. You are the only hope to us to save our brother in all respects.” With hope filled eyes Jasmine said.

“You don’t worry about that at all.” Looking assuredly at Jasmine, Rose said. “Very soon he would become my husband. Who can become my prime, main responsibility then? Until I make him in all respects better I don’t think about anything else at all.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)