Rain Flower - 18 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 18

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Rain Flower - 18

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“I did the worst thing. I must be punished.”

When she could become her usual self again, Vinil said.

“I am not going to worry even I am hanged. I have committed such a heinous crime. That too against my dearest friend.” The expression on his face was sincere. She could not doubt it at all.

“I just cannot understand how I have committed such a horrendous thing! Some unseen force compelled me. My mind did not allow me think rationally.” Amrut said with a shivering tone. “But for one thing  I am sure. I must be punished. Otherwise I cannot live in peace.”

“Yes, Liz. Please give a police complaint. I am ready to spend any length of time in jail for what I did to you.” Varun said.

Liza nodded her head in negation. “You three are my best friends. You helped me in many a way in the past. In fact I never can repay for the help you extended to me.”

Varun tried to say something but Liza stopped him with a hand wave.

“I know that you three are having no sexual enjoyment for the last few years for the reasons you know, is it is not so?” she asked them.

“You are right, of course.” Amrut nodded his head. There was agreement in the other two’s expressions also.

 “Despite being a woman I can understand the crazy driving force of sex in men. I am excusing you three taking it as a first time mistake. I want that we can be friends from now on also as we are until this moment. But please see never a thing like this happen again.”

Those three nodded their heads and said one after one to her such a mistake never would be happened by them not just to her but to anyone else either. The sincere expression on their faces convinced her that they meant it. And never again such an ugly incident took place between them four.

What was more ironical to her was she too enjoyed while they were raping her so. Sometimes she thought to some extent she helped them carry out what they did want.

“Sister, what you are doing?”

Liza came into this world when Rose entered into her room saying so.

“Just thinking. Nothing more than that.”  She sat on the bed.

“I am sorry. It seems that I have unnecessarily disturbed you. You are trying to sleep.” Rose regretfully said.

“Not at all dear. I always enjoy talking with you. You are my dearest sister.” Kissing on the left cheek of Rose after she sat beside her, Liza said.

“I am your dearest sister. But you never do bother to hear whatever I may say to you.” Rose angrily said.

“Oh, I am thinking about that Rose. But time and again I am feeling that my life is not suitable for marriage and children.”

“Why the bloody hell it is so? Are not you like all of us? Are not we got married and settled in our family lives?” knitting her brows together Rose asked her.

“But my ideology and thinking are different from the beginning. I have given myself to an old man for the help he did to us. I did not take seriously when I was gang raped by three people.”

“Oh, Liz, why you are linking those incidents to your marriage? Your ideology is perfect! Only matured people can understand that.  You must marry and lead a happy married life.”

This discussion did go between them both many a time. Rose indeed felt guilty to marry when her sister who was elder to her not married at all. Liza was beautiful, educated, clever and earning a lot. Why she did not prefer to marry someone and settle in life, Rose could not understand.

“Is marriage that much important either to man or woman?” Liza asked her.

“Oh, sister.” Rose irritatingly said. “Either to a man or woman, marriage is must to lead happy life. Just see how happy I am feeling now.” Rose said.

“I am feeling happy that you are feeling happy.” Liza smiled. “But what purpose would be served by marriage?”

“First and foremost facility by marriage.” Rose paused and said “You do get a partner to satisfy your sexual desire.”

“Do we need to necessarily marry for that?”

“Oh, my God!” Rose closed her eyes and opened them again. “I understand your opinion. If we are not disciplined in sex and limited ourselves to a single man, you very well know about the dangerous diseases that we may be contacted.”

“What if we are disciplined and limited ourselves to a single man always without marriage?” Liza questioned again.

“Even then too.” Rose said. “I am thinking to be married is the safe way and most disciplined. And marriage is not only for sexual pleasure. It does serve other purposes also. We can have legitimate children only through marriage. I wish that you do marry without subjecting yourself to crazy thinking.”

“Alright then. I sure do give preference to this and start thinking whom would be better to marry.” Liza laughed and said.

“You are already thirty six or so aged. Don’t waste too much time in thinking.”Rose said.

“Alright dear. I try to keep what you have said in my mind.” Mocking seriousness in her face Liza said. Then she asked her again “What are the recent developments in the matter? Could the police get any trace of that Tippu?”

“Not yet. But they are trying furiously. You may not be known but our family is a very influenced family in this town. Soon something will be surfaced.”

“That is what I too do want.” Liza said.


When the hot water was pouring over her body from the shower Rose felt that she was in another world. One of the things that she always could enjoy was bathing. Even eating also she would not enjoy that much. She took every cloth out and took care of every part while bathing. After enjoying her bath nearly half an hour, she opened the door and entered into the bedroom. There was a full length mirror in that room and she started examining herself minutely in it. Her hip was narrow, eyes were bright and she appeared quite beautiful to herself.

She knew her nakedness was dangerous. After the incident of her gang rape, her sister Liza specifically asked Rose not to be naked completely without observing carefully to be sure there were no male people.

“I really cannot blame those three. A complete naked body of a woman does have an effect like that on men. We need to be in our care.”

A small smile erupted on the lips of Rose remembering her sister’s cautioning like that. In fact exposing with tight clothes was more dangerous than the complete nakedness like this. Anyhow that there was no chance any male would enter into her bedroom except Williams. Other servants would enter into her room only after knocking on the door.

“Beautiful.” She heard the voice and turned back. There stood her husband Williams.

“Why did you have entered into my room without knocking?” she tried to move speedily to the cupboard there to open it and took a dress from it. But immediately she was beholden by him.

“But I am not your servant to first knock and then enter into your room.” Kissing on her right cheek perfunctorily he said.

“Please Will. Let me put some dress on my body. I am feeling ashamed to stand like this before you.” With a pleading expression in her face she said.

“I am making you completely naked every time before I do that to you. Why you are suddenly feeling like this?” running his hand on her naked body he asked her.

“That is a different time and this is a different time. This is morning ten and we have to put ourselves in other works. Anyone may enter into our room now.” One half of her wanted to escape from him and dress herself and the other half in her was urging her to remain like that in his hands.

While his hands were moving frantically all over her body she said. “My God! You are too much.” but crooned even more into him.

He slowly led her onto the bed. “It is ten in the morning. Not a time for this.”

“But there is no specific time for this to me.  All the time is for this. And don’t forget only by this you took me into my senses” Laying her gently on the bed he said.

She involuntarily smiled on hearing that. How much true what he has said! By giving him the taste of sex she could make him come to his sense from that madness.

 By then the business that had to be carried out between them both was confirmed and she lost her shame feeling.

 “Atleast finish it fast. Anyone may enter into this room now.” Rose once again pleaded with him.

“No way. It does take as much time as it usually takes.” Undressing himself he said. “You should not have appeared to me naked like that.”

“My sister warned me about this possible danger. But I did not take enough care.” Mocking regret in her face she said.

“An unmarried women how she said it like that? I cannot understand.” He quickly undressed himself.

While watching his naked body she said to him about the gang rape on her sister by her own friends. “Those three rascals did that to her as soon as they found her completely naked so.”

“My god! What you have said to me was true?” there was a shocking expression in his face.

“It was absolutely true.” She nodded her head. “I did mention it to you before also.”

“What your sister did then?” knitting his brows together he asked her.

“She exonerated them. I think I said this also to you. For various reasons those three were starving for sex for years and when they found her all naked and handy like that, they just could not control themselves. Except that mistake, they did not do any mistake either before or after that day. So my sister understood them but warned them not to do such a mistake again. The kept their promise.” She hissed out.

He gently laid himself beside her momentarily forgetting about his urge. “What you are thinking? What is your opinion? If you subject yourself to such gang rape, by such people under such circumstances, can you exonerate them as your sister did?”

She turned towards him and put her hand around his neck and kissed on his left cheek. “Difficult Will, very difficult. A rape is a highest degree of insult to a woman. I don’t think that I could pardon those if I were in my sister’s place.”

“You are a psychiatrist. Why cannot you understand other people’ psyches and situations as your sister did?”

“That is why I am saying my sister is great! Even she did not study psychology or psychiatry, she understood the minds and behaviors better than I.” There was appreciation in the face of Rose.

Williams remained silent as he did not know what to say more.

“It reminds me the novel I read ‘a village, a forest and an old mansion’. In that novel a girl was raped by her two friends and the parents of those two friends financed her to study medicine only to make her not to complaint against their sons. But that gang rape on her was remained as a permanent scar on her psyche. Woman can bear anything but not rape. Even prostitutes also cannot bear rape. It is not just an attack on the body but an attack on the psyches in a most heinous, degradable and insulting way.”

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)