Rain Flower - 12 in English Detective stories by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Rain Flower - 12

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Rain Flower - 12

Rain Flower

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

It was just like every time to them both and even he has to use last ounce of his strength also to satisfy her animal desire, he also enjoyed that. Even he knew about her physical relations with other men it did not bother him much. She was attractive, youthful, cooperate with him in that heart-fully, also having kinks like him and that was enough to him.

 “Now I want to tell you some important matter.” She explained to him her going to Williams’ house.

He moved uneasily on the bed and asked. “Now what should we do? If he remembers what he had seen on that day everything would be finished.” There was anxiousness in his voice.

“I made a suggestion to my father that is: make him off the earth. Only that makes us feel relaxed.”

“But it is not your father determines the things here.”

“My father said that he would talk to Chief.”

There was silence. David did not say anything immediately.

“Are you thinking Chief would agree to this?”

“It is the Chief who would be in great danger if Williams remembers that incident.” She said.

None of them were in a mood to dress themselves up. They remained naked like that in each other’s hands.


“Please come in. It is very rare that you do come into my room.” Seeing Rose coming into her room Jasmine said.

 “You have stopped coming into my room completely. So I came to you.” Rose smiled. “What you are doing now?”

“Not doing anything in specific.” Jasmine hissed out heavily. “I cannot think anything in a peaceful way.” Her voice also was dim.

“Why, what happened?” Rose asked with surprise.

“Need anything happen now?” Jasmine said. “My brother’s incident itself is enough. I just cannot understand when he becomes completely normal.”

“I told you already not to bother about your brother much. He sure will become alright in all respects in due course. You need to wait. Be patient.” Rose said persuasively.

“I cannot be patient. Thoughts are not leaving me. I just cannot get rid of the feeling that my brother has become a vegetable. If there are no feelings and thoughts about my brother’s condition I may be alright. But………..” Jasmine hissed out heavily.

“What thoughts and feelings can do to you? Don’t try to get rid of your thoughts, don’t worry about your feelings. Then thoughts and feelings can do nothing to you.” Rose said slumping herself beside Jasmine on the bed.

Jasmine knitted her brows. “Your words are surprising to me. How that solves my problem? My feelings and thoughts are the main problem, I cannot think keeping them in me so does solve my problem.”

Rose laughed and put her hand on Jasmine’s shoulder and squeezed it. “You are forgetting I am a psychiatrist. I know better about the mind and its characteristics than you.  The best way to treat our mind is in the way I have said.”

“I am not worrying about my mind. I am worrying about my thoughts and feelings.” Jasmine irritatingly said.

“What is the mind if it is not feelings and thoughts?” Rose asked her. “Mind is nothing but a bag of feeling and thoughts. Controlling your mind means controlling your thoughts and feelings.”

“Surprising! Is there no mind if there are no thoughts and feelings?” Jasmine indeed felt surprised.

“No mind at all without thoughts and feelings.” Rose assured her.

“That means, if there are no thoughts and feelings there is nothing at all.”

“I did not say without thoughts and feelings there is nothing. But without thoughts and feelings there is no mind at all. And if there is no mind you can feel hundred percent peace.”

“You are talking in riddles. Do I have to make my thoughts and feelings completely out of me to get peace?”

“Quite opposite. Of course it is true that if there are no thoughts or feelings there would be no mind and there would be complete peace to you. But it is simply impossible without lot of practice. But you can control and manage your thoughts and feelings and that also gives you lot of control over yourself and eighty percent peace.”

“Your talking is very interesting to me. Please elaborate it even more.”

“My pleasure.” Rose nodded her head. “Thoughts are harmless. They cannot do any harm to you. But thoughts sometimes evoke feelings. Those feelings create problems to you. Make you suffer. But the problem is you cannot get rid of either the thoughts or the feelings.” She paused for a moment. “Don’t worry that you cannot get rid of them. Just be separated yourself from your thoughts and feelings. Think always that you are different from thoughts and feelings.”

“Do the thoughts and feelings then stop making me suffer?” Jasmine hopefully asked her.

“Thoughts are harmless I once again say. They don’t make you suffer. It is the feelings that do make you suffer.”

“Alright then. Do the feelings stop making me suffer if I separate myself from them?”

“Of course, yes. But it requires some practice. Without worrying that your thoughts and feelings are making you suffer, just try to observe the thoughts and the feelings that created by thoughts separating yourself from them. Once you accustomed to observe your feelings and thoughts different from you, yes you are right, they stop making you suffer.”

Jasmine hissed out heavily. “Sure I do practice it. I am quite fortunate that I have got you in my home to give suggestions like this. I think you have told all these to my brother also.”

“He became an expert in practicing these techniques. When you find time ask him about these.” Rose smiled.

Jasmine breathed deeply and hissed out heavily. “You make a heavy situation light.” She smiled. “How you are feeling in my home? Its more than two months that you started living with us I think.”

“Just wonderful! I am feeling very happy to live here. You are all so good with me to say.” Rose said.

“I want to ask you something, if you don’t mind.” Rose said again.

“We have crossed that limit to think otherwise whatever we may say to each other. Just ask whatever you want.” Jasmine smiled and said.

“I want to know about the relationship between you and that John.” Rose hesitatingly said.

Jasmine closed her eyes. “What you have guessed is right. We both love each other. We have decided to marry.”  

“Why you are feeling heavy saying this? John is indeed quite suitable for you. It is a good news!”

“I am not thinking my mother thinks like that. She is more conscious of her status than anything else.”

“I am not thinking like that.” Rose said. “I am not acquainted with your mother as much as you did but she is not conscious only of her social status. If it is so why would she propose your brother’s marriage with me?”

“To be frank, it is a necessity. Without you it is difficult to save our brother and keep him sane. But it is not so in my case.”

“First talk this matter with your mother. Don’t come to an opinion before doing that.” Rose advised to her.

Jasmine nodded her head. “What you have said also is appearing reasonable to me. Alright, I tell my love matter to my mother at an appropriate time.”

“I think your mother saw you both together on some occasions. Did not she assume something over it? Did not she ask anything about that to you?”

“I told her assuredly that John is only my friend and nothing more than that.”

“Why did you do it like that? You would have told her about your love with him. The problem would have been solved a long time back itself.”

“I felt fear that she put a stop to our love then itself if she came to know about it.”

“What I am thinking is you did not understand your mother better.” Rose said. “Not just you, many children misunderstand their parents just like you.”

They both talked some more time over that.


“I talked to Chief.” Peterson said with a small voice. “He specifically asked us not to do anything with regard to Williams.”

 “Certainly he lost his mind. Did not he know what happens if Williams remember what he had seen on that day?” David said

“Better you watch your words. You are talking about Chief.” Peterson angrily said.

“He is not here and he cannot hear what we are talking.” David irritatingly said.

“Wherever he may be, he can know everything. Sometimes I think he is having supernatural powers. If you know the assets he pooled up so far, the power he is wielding, you feel surprise.” Peterson said.

“That much is true” Rita said and after few seconds she said again. “I don’t know why that Williams remembering me in his dreams. If I go to him more, there is a chance he starts remembering everything including that dangerous thing.”

“But it is the Chief who gets big loss if ever Williams does remember what he had seen on that day.” David said. “Why still he is opposing to it?”

“I cannot say about his reasons but Chief never let any danger like that comes. He is going to take care of that. His asking us not to bother about Williams means he takes care of him himself.” Peterson said “Anyhow you both don’t go to him anymore. It may work against our interests. There is a chance he may start remembering things by seeing you both.”

David nodded his head. “Alright then. Neither of us does go there. What we should do now?”

“We have certain instructions, of course, to follow.” Then he explained to them what to do.

David not satisfied much with what he had heard. But he knew he could not do anything in that regard. Instructions from Chief need to be followed word to word. Otherwise Chief was well known for his discipline and cruelty


“Oh! Wonderful! How nice that you have come!” Rose hugged her sister Liza and kissed on her both cheeks as soon as she had seen her at the entrance.

 “First let me come in full. There is lot of time to us to do these types of things.” Laughing Liza said.

“I am sorry.” Rose released her sister. “With the pleasure seeing you have come, I forgot other matters.” She said. “I got all the arrangements made in the house for your comfortable stay. Please come, I shall show your room to you.”

Rose took her sister straight into her room.

“Wonderful! How big it is! I like this room.” While unpacking her suit case in that room, on the bed there Liza said.

“There are some special rooms in this palace and I got it completely for you. I want you to stay a long time here.”

Liza looked into her sister’s face and smiled. “What should happen to my clients then?”

“Just forget about your clients while you are staying here. There should be nothing between you and me.”

“You have got the time to spend like that with me? I don’t think that you would spend your time with me like that leaving Williams aside.”

Rose nodded her head in negation. “It is not so, I do have time to spend with other people after spending reasonably with Williams. Don’t feel fear.”

Liza laughed and hugged her sister. “Alright. I know you always give preference to me.”

“Williams also very much interested in spending time with you.”

“Is it is so?” Liza knitted her brows. “He still remembers me? He had seen me only in the marriage.”

“His memory is perfect with the incidents happened after his madness episode.”

By then Liza completed her adjusting the things in her suit case in that room.

“How really such a thing happened to him? I still cannot understand.” Liza said.

“It is not understandable even to me, his psychiatrist and wife. There is no surprise if you cannot understand.” Rose said.

(I hope that you enjoyed the story till here. I update the next chapter as soon as possible. Don’t forget to rate and review this story)