Gujarati Quote in Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA

Blog quotes are very popular on BitesApp with millions of authors writing small inspirational quotes in Gujarati daily and inspiring the readers, you can start writing today and fulfill your life of becoming the quotes writer or poem writer.

ध्रुवा ह्यनित्याश्च न चान्ययोगिनो मिथश्च कार्यं न च तेषु युज्यते ।

अतो न कस्यापि हि किंचिदिष्यते स्वयं हि तत्त्वं न निरुक्तिगोचरम् ॥

I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think

Amidst the chaos of the world we live in,

One must seek refuge in the Self within.

For the mind, as powerful as it may seem,

Is but a mere illusion, a fleeting dream.

Through logic, hearing, and introspection,

We can attain a sublime comprehension,

Of the boundless omniscience of the Self,

That liberates us from suffering and strife itself.

Thus, let us embark on this inner journey,

To explore the depths of our own reality,

For in the Self lies the ultimate truth,

That frees us from all illusion and uncouth.

May we all awaken to this profound state,

And let the light of the Self illuminate,

Our hearts, minds, and souls forevermore,

Guiding us along life's ever-changing shore.

Gujarati Blog by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA : 111901676
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