Leaders are born and not made."
The phrase “leaders are born not made” suggests that personality types, and that only, distinguish a person that people will willingly follow and respect.
Great Man theory and Trait theories believe that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. There are certain inborn characteristics that predispose people to be and become leaders.
Are Leaders born or made?
This is one of the most often-asked question about leadership. Research by psychologists has proved that, in the main, Leaders are \'mostly made. \' The best estimates offered by research is that leadership is about one-third born and two-thirds made.
Some people think leaders are born—they naturally possess the social intelligence and charisma that motivates others to work together.Researchers have found that leaders come by their talents partly through genetics but mostly through hard work and persistence
Leaders are born and made. There are some God given capabilities (spiritual and natural gifts) that leaders receive at birth or when they are born again in Christ that can bring strength to a leadership role.
Leaders can be made with hard work, increased knowledge, skills, and with faith in God.
So, the answer to the question is this: Yes! Charismatic leaders are both born and made. No doubt there are "naturally" charismatic individuals, but leadership, like charisma, can be developed and trained.
Warren G. Bennis- an American scholar, organizational consultant and author is rightfully regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies. Having written more than 30 books on leadership, presidents and business executives from around the world have taken advice from his eminent personality.
Leadership Can Be Learned!
Leadership is something that you can work at and develop over time.
There are a number of aspects of leadership that require practice. It\'s not all built around inborn personality traits. Even the best leaders you can think of didn\'t have these skills honed from day one.
If Peter Drucker was the man who invented management (as a book about him claimed), then Warren Bennis was the man who invented leadership as a business idea. Central to his thinking was a distinction between managers and leaders.
Leadership styles based on authority can be 4 types:
Autocratic Leadership,
Democratic or Participative Leadership,
Free-Rein or Laisse-Faire Leadership, and.
Paternalistic Leadership.
The 5 Essential Qualities of a Great Leader
1. Clarity. They are clear and concise at all times--there is no question of their vision and what needs to be accomplished.
2. Decisiveness. Once they have made up their mind, they don\'t hesitate to commit.
3. Courage.
4. Passion.
5. Humility.
5 Things Successful Leaders should refrain from doing.
Stop Thinking that this Is Business as Usual.
Stop Being In Charge.
Stop Focusing Inside.
Stop Sticking to the Plan.
Stop Spending time Alone..
you need to have the basic potential of leadership which can be worked upon to create successful effective leaders which is lagging in the country.