My Painful Poem...!!!!

Today..!! the whole World 🌎
Paralysed by merely one JERK

Almighty..!! has Realised us

Black headed man touched D
Space D Moon 🌑 & D Planet 🪐

Just one such Victory made him
Egotistical Attitudinal Superlative

He also made Nuclear Weapons
Atomic Bio-Chemistry Weapons

But he Forgets that he is nothing
Before the Great & Merciful God

Hence, Almighty shakedowns the
Whole World 🌎 by tiny Virus 🦠

By willing or unwilling each and
Every Human Being locked down

The whole Human kind is now lives
Life under terrific & Scarred Ghost

INDEED...!!! The Giant the Great and
The Loving the Almighty is D Almighty



English Motivational by Rooh   The Spiritual Power : 111400459
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