Quotes by Dr Rihana sayyed in Bitesapp read free

Dr Rihana sayyed

Dr Rihana sayyed


शायरी के नजरसे...✒✒
मेरी सभी प्यारी सहेलियोके शानमे कुछ अर्ज किया है.....
"काबिले तारिफ है नारी,
तेरा जज्बाऐ दुनिया जितनेका,
पुरी कायनातने सज्दा किया है तेरी खुबियोके खजानेका,
साबित किया है तुने हर बार
अपनी काबिलीयतको,
कभी ना झुकने दिया
नारी के सम्मानको,
अपने गुणोको पहेचानकर,
उनका सम्मान कर,
तुझमे है एक अनोखी ताकत
उसे पहेचाना कर,
आगे बढ अपनी दमकशीको {प्रेरनाको} लेकर,
मिसाल बन सबके लिये
हौसलाऐ बुलंदी देकर।।।।"

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'Presence of Understanding in Absence of Words simply called love'

Have a blessed life...............
I am writing spontaneously ,
To share my views confidently,
You get the life fortunately,
Accept yourself honestly,
Live each moment joyfully,
Enjoy the life humourously,
Obstacles will come frequently,
Face the troubles courageously,
Treat everyone respectfully,
Follow the mind immediately,
Try new things enthusiastically,
Take the decision seriously,
Do the actions quickly,
Achieve the aim wisely,
Live with friends happily,
Spend time with them deliberately ,
No one can live life perfectly ,
But try to be perfect eventually,
Things will happen accidentally,
You will get success finally......

Dr. Rihana Sayyed

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Colourful life.......
Pure white will make you vertuous,
Royal purple will make you imperial,
Peaceful blue will make you sociable,
Creative orange will make you innovational,
Optimistic yellow will make you favourable,
Prestigious green will make you estimable,
Energetic red will make you indefatigable,
Honest brown will make you impartial,
Sentimental pink will make you equitable,
Luxurious black will make you valuable,
Altogether they will make you perfect ...

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