Metamorphosis: Chapter 2 in English Fiction Stories by Yash Raja books and stories PDF | Metamorphosis: Chapter 2

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Metamorphosis: Chapter 2

Tears Of A Teared Heart

3 Years before: (3 years before what?)

"Mom! Have you seen my purse?" She yelled from her room.

"Where did you leave it honey?"

"On the floor, But it's not there now." She said lifting the cushions off her bed.

"Your room was a mess so I cleared it, it must be somewhere in your cupboard..."

"How many times have I told you to let my things stay a mess? Stuff is easier to find from the mess than the tidy room." said she searching for the purse.

"You need to learn to keep the room tidy. Will you adhere to your messy ways even after you marry?"

"Mom, I am what I am, I won't change for anyone." She clarified.

"No one will marry you if you live like that." Mom tried to convince.

"Then I will die a virgin." She yelled angrily, tired from arguing.

"What did you just say?" She yelled back and slapped her on her fair face that grew red like cherry. She turned her face away and ran outside. Her eyes had started watering. The drops fell on the ground. Her thoughts were on high tide and to hide her tears, she covered her head with a helmet. The keys were turned right, engine started, she pulled the accelerator towards herself, and drove the Pegasus to the road.

"Why was I born?

To cook? To clean the toilet or to iron clothes? Or just to do everything for the sake of the guy who would sleep with me after my 18th year? Don't I have a life of my own? Was I born just to sleep with someone and be a slave my whole life?" these thoughts clouded her mind.

Though she was born in a normal family, Jade was not like other girls. She was an imprisoned bird but she knew she had wings and those weren't made just for show. She hadn't seen what was it like to fly, but she knew she can and she wanted to.

In a jiffy she reached where she had to. The place where the bars didn't bind her, the place which kept reminding her that she can fly and she had to, as life isn't miserable as it seems - her college. She didn't have boys as friends as she knew that if her father comes to know, her education will be ruined.


Two voices were arguing inside her.

"How can someone be so insensitive? They have no right to govern my life, who are they to decide what I should do?"

"Parents! They have spent so much already for you. You can't think about them like that."


"They had to do it, they had to, they didn't want to, as they couldn't risk killing me. I am just a burden for them and this isn't the first time, they had done the same thing before. I could have done engineering or medicine, Or anything but a commerce degree."

"But I am a girl, I should be thankful to them that at least they are paying for my studies. After all I am going to marry someone else and the money I shall earn would never be useful to them. Who would bet on a losing horse anyway?"


yelled someone, bringing her out of her dreams.


She yelled back irritatingly and looked at the source of the voice. She realized that it was of her teacher. She looked around. She had reached her class and was sitting on a bench. She realized that she wasn't paying attention to the class..

"Sorry. I was just…" She apologized.

"Jade! Are you alright? I called you three times. Where were you?"

“Yeah I am alright. Sorry. Was daydreaming I guess."

"You look worried. Is there any problem? Is somebody harassing you? You know you are not alone right? Tell me, Jade, I can help you."

"No, no one is harassing me. I am alright sir." she said. Thinking that he couldn't do anything for that. If a boy harasses a girl it is possible for her to ruin his life, but what could she do when parents are forcing her to do something she doesn’t want to? There is no law made for that..

"Fine then, so class, we were talking about consignment. Consignment means ..." Relieved from the answer, the teacher started teaching again.

The college dispersed, she reached home. As soon as she opened the door, her parents stopped talking at once and got straight on the maroon sofa they were sitting on and started staring at her as if she had murdered 8 people and was about to kill them too.

"Honey, how was your college today?" Merrin asked.

She sniffed that something was wrong. She couldn't remember the last time they asked her about her college.

"Why do you ask?" She inquired. She was suspicious that something is wrong, but couldn’t figure out what.

"Because we care for you, we love you Honey." her father answered.

"Why suddenly?" asked she, raising her voice." I don't remember the last time you called me honey or even cared about my college" she added "What do you want?"

"Animals don't deserve respect, Merrin." her mother advised her step-father. "You are 18 now and we have decided to arrange a significant other for you. Today Mrs. London is invited at our home. She is coming to see you today for her son. Behave properly."

"Why are you telling me now? You could just have said, ‘This is the groom, you are the bride go marry him.’" She said sarcastically. "You didn't even ask me that honey we are searching for a groom for you, are you okay with it?"

Merrin stood up and grabbed her neck, bringing his face closer to hers "ARE YOU MY DAD?" He yelled at her so loud that she could have heard it from a mile away. That tone of his always frightened Jade.

"Am I inaudible to you? I ASKED A QUESTION JADE! ANSWER ME! ARE - YOU - MY - DAD?" Now he was shouting so loudly that drool drew out as he spoke. Jade was almost about to cry but she didn't. As she knew it would make things worse.

"No" Jade replied softly.

"I didn't hear you.. LOUDER!" Merrin commanded shaking her head to cause more terror.

"NO!" Jade sobbed.

"THEN STOP BEHAVING LIKE ONE!" Merrin commanded and threw her on floor."I am your dad and YOU ask permission from me. NOT I! Do you UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes. I do." Jade said staring at her.

"What are you STARING AT? Go to your room." Merrin commanded while stabbing his finger towards the room."

Jade ran towards her room upstairs, skipping the steps as if a tiger was chasing her. She closed the door and pressed the hand against the door to take support and sat down weeping and thinking of her miserable life.