Metamorphosis: Chapter 3 in English Fiction Stories by Yash Raja books and stories PDF | Metamorphosis: Chapter 3

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Metamorphosis: Chapter 3


"Son, this is Mr. Grey, Jade's dad, he works at Hathaway, and Mr. Grey, this is my son George London, he runs multiple businesses. You know my son..."introduced Mrs. London. Sitting on the maroon sofa in front of Jade's Dad and Mom and next to her son.

"So where is Jade?" inquired George, interrupting his mother, "Can you call her please?"

"Oh! You know how impatient kids are these days!" exclaimed London.

"Yes! Of course! She would also be getting impatient to meet him." Mom said though she knew she didn't, "Honey! What's taking so long?" she called.

"First time someone is coming to see her, so she must be hesitating to come, you can understand, right?" said Merrin.


A fair bare hand with luminescent blue ring appeared in the middle of the curtains which slid them. The depth of the black eyes caught his attention dropping his jaw, her skin, white and as radiant as, if not more, moonshine. The puff of hair on middle as if it were a crown. She wore a necklace with sky blue stones studded on it and a white sleeveless one piece extending hardly upto her knees, giving a good view of her long legs. She was holding a serving tray with glasses containing wine in it, her appearance popped his eyes out, figuratively speaking.


When she finished serving everyone, she sat on the chair in facing him crossing her legs one over another. George’s world was in slow motion. She took a glass from the tray and raised her head as she brought it near her thirsty lips and blinked her eyes. The glass touched her full red lips as the drink switched its place from the glass, going down through her soft neck, moving back and forth, on every sip that passed. Then she exhaled and then spoke. Even though her lips were moving he couldn't hear a word. How can he? He was blinded by her enchanting beauty. His eyes engaged those tiny movements of the upper lip meeting the lower lip in various ways. He never would get such a beauty to marry with. He had fallen in love with her. He had taken cupid’s arrow straight to his heart.

"George! She is talking to you." His mom pinched his leg, and told him.

"Ouch! Sorry? Yes, yes! What were you saying?" He said, trying to get hold of his senses.

"Started dreaming already? I am impressed!" Jade replied mischievously. Her mother suspected something. Jade was behaving actually very nice. But she didn't want to marry at the first place. Why would she behave in such a way? George was also not so charming that could change her mind. he was in fact 4 years older than her.

"Why don't we leave them alone for sometime and let them know each other. In our presence they would feel shy to talk." Merrin suggested. And everyone agreed to that and walked upstairs.

Her eyes were waiting for others to go. Her mom glared at her threatening her against misbehaving. She withdrew her eyes from stairs to George who was already staring at her. Both of them exchanged smiles.

"So what's your main business?"

"I have various businesses but those are managed by people working under me. I manage a petrol pump in Bangalore.

"But you seem too young. How did you manage to grow so much in so less a time?”

"Okay this may not make me look like a legend but let's be honest, my uncle taught me this, he invested on my behalf, when I was getting trained I started making profits so he trusted on me." replied George with his cheeks blushing. "What about you? I was honest now it's your turn, did you have boyfriends?"

"No I wasn't allowed to you know."

"Well that's great, so we would be getting married, with my brain and your body, we would just make a superhuman race." Both giggled.

"But what if it goes the other way, my brain and your body?"

"Then we would need to have a second child." Both laughed. He stopped to see her laugh. it was beautiful than anything he could imagine.

"Hey! It's 8. I forgot to take pills"said she suddenly.

She searched the cupboard, and found a blue capsule and swallowed it.

"What is it for?" He interrogated suspiciously.

"Nothing, I have some minor disease." She answered waving her hand to show that I wasn't a big deal.

"And what is it called."

"Some fancy name doctor said. What was it? Amino sinderency? What was it called I forgot it's name.."

"Was it Acquired Immuno-deficiency disease?"

"Yes! Exactly." lied she.

"MOM!!" He stood up from the sofa and shouted vigorously. "MOM!, COME HERE, RIGHT NOW!" She got startled and tried to stop him to shout. But he evaded her and shouted anyway.

Their parents rushed downstairs and stopped in the middle from where they could see both of their faces clearly.

"What happed son? Why are you so angry?" Asked Mrs. London.

"Lets go mom!" He grabbed a hand of her mom and rushed outside. Jade's parents followed him to the gate.

"What happened son? Calm down we will sit and talk." Jade's mother asked. But it was too late they had boarded the car and left unanswered.

Merrin turned back and looked at Jade's face. She knew that that look was not good. She had seen that before and regretted to see it again, she knew now that she was in trouble.

"Jade I am going to ask only once. What happened?" He said with arms akimbo, power pose.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Merrin walked towards her hastily and grabbed her by her hair. She tried to get rid of the hold but it was futile. He dragged her upstairs and threw her in her room on floor. He slammed it shut.

"Fine don't tell us. You will have to tell when your hunger haunts you. That's right. You will only get food if you tell us what happened. Till that No food! No going out! Rot there you bitch."

He came back. And the phone rang, her mother picked up, Merrin took it from her hands and answered. Like a chameleon changes its colour, he changed his mood to funny and answered it as if it was no big deal. He again rested the phone on the table. Her mother asked about what happened, but he appeared more angrier than he was. He ran towards her room and opened it.

Jade was where he had left it, on the floor crying. He locked it from inside and turned towards her. She looked at his red eyes. He was exhaling too loud. He took off his belt.

"AIDS happen to weak people. It was my mistake that I didn't make you strong. Mrs. London just told me about the disease you have. Don't worry I will make you strong as a horse. You know how horses are made strong. Don't you?" He raised his hand and jerked the belt straight on her head, the belt jerked so fast that it made a whipping sound.

She fell down again. He lashed her on her bare legs, she screamed and tried to block them with her bare hands, only to hurt it there.. She jerked her hands back due to pain and Merrin continued to lash her legs, arms and stomach alternatively. Whenever she blocked she got hit on her hands. She flipped over to ease out the continuous assault on the area already hurt badly, crying for mercy but he showed none. He whipped her back and arms’ and legs’ backside, her thighs, calves, elbows, palms, feet, knees. All had turned red. She was feeling immense pain as if someone had poured scalding hot water onto her freshly burnt bruise of skin. He still was lashing her. Her mother was staring at the closed door from outside. All she heard was screams and hits. She could have imagined how it would have been to her. The noise was unbearable to her.

Finally Merrin got tired, and was sweating a lot due to the heat of his own anger. He said breathing heavily,

"It seems you love us too much, why do you want to live with us when he is so rich? You will get everything you want. If you stay here I will serve you like this every day. 2 times on Sundays, those days I get too bored, and have nothing to do. So you decide on one side you will get cash, on other you will get thrashed, choice is yours." said Merrin throwing his belt on the floor." Mrs. London called me and told why George got angry. I convinced him that you didn't mean it and it was just a joke, George seems to like you except that incident which now he thinks was just a misunderstanding. And we will fix your engagement soon. So, marry him. Agree to marry, or he will make you his wife in his bed. Good night. Have sweet dreams." And he laughed and got away.

Her mother was relieved that the screams from the other side had stopped, and the door swung open. Merrin came out all wet. He came near and told to her what had happened.

"But why did you beat her so much? What If the beating causes scars? George won't marry her, infact no one would marry her." Her mom asked nervously.

"I hit her only on the area that could be covered by clothes, and the bruises will go till she is engaged.." Merrin explained with a low voice." And even if it doesn't, George will only see her after the marriage. If he doesn't except her after that, he will divorce her, and in alimony she will get half of the property owned by George, and what is her is ours too. Isn't it?"

And they both laughed loud, till tears came out of their eyes.

Tears fell somewhere else too. Also In the same house, but they weren't because of laughter but because of the silent cries due to pain... Upstairs in Jade's room.

Jade wasn't being hurt now. But those bruises were still hurting her; mentally and physically.