Unfathomable Heart - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Lajpat Rai Garg books and stories PDF | Unfathomable Heart - 3

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Unfathomable Heart - 3

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After Ramesh left for Mumbai, Rani went to North Country Mall with her friend in the evening. Paintings of many famous artists were on display. Rani liked two paintings of the famous artist Shobha Singh - one, the painting of Guru Nanak in the posture of blessing, which is the best artwork of the great artist and the other, the most popular painting of Sohini-Mahiwal (Heroine and hero of Punjab’s popular folklore) in which Sohini is shown going to meet her lover Mahiwal living across the river. She is shown crossing the river with the help of a mud pot - and Rani could not resist buying these paintings. Since Alok was expected to come on Sunday, she had got the paintings put on the wall opposite the sofa in the drawing room. The paintings enhanced the look of the drawing room. Anyone coming to the drawing room could not help noticing these paintings. When Ramesh came home on Monday afternoon, seeing the changed decoration of the drawing room and the new paintings on the wall, he asked Rani, “When did you buy these paintings?”

“After dropping you at the airport on Saturday, I went to Mrs. Verma’s house. During our conversation, she told me that there was an exhibition of paintings in North Country Mall, so we went there to see the exhibition. I liked these paintings and bought them.”

“These are very beautiful and have greatly enhanced the look of the drawing room. Who got the paintings installed?”

“Alok, to whom I had introduced you at the wedding, had to come yesterday, so after coming home, I called Deepu and got these installed.”

Ramesh started thinking, ‘Rani had used the honorific address ‘Aap’ for Alok while introducing him in the marriage ceremony. Today Rani is using the words ‘whose’ and ‘them’ for him. There is no formality between friends, especially childhood friends. Has the relationship between Rani and Alok progressed beyond friendship?’ So, he said sarcastically, “You must have had a great time with your childhood friend?”

Ignoring Ramesh’s sarcasm, Rani simply said, “I felt nice that Alok came to meet me.”

“Why won’t you like it? Childhood friendship is a different kind of relation. One always remembers one’s childhood. In childhood, the mind is free from worldly troubles. You guys must have refreshed  your childhood memories?”

From Ramesh’s way of talking, Rani could not decide whether he was being sarcastic or simply commenting on childhood friendship. Trying to put a full stop to this conversation by saying ‘yes’, she asked, “Let me know, how was your journey? The work for which you had gone, must have been done?”

No normal person would miss an opportunity of self-praise and to boast. Ramesh was no exception. He said, “Nobody can stop my work. You know that no matter what method I’ve to adopt, I always get my work done. ….The journey was fine as usual.”

“The food is ready, should I serve it or will you have tea or coffee first?”

“I took meals on the plane. Now I’ll take tea only.”

And Rani went to the kitchen to prepare tea.
