Split Personality - 37 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Split Personality - 37

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Split Personality - 37

Split Personality

A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Wonderful mom! It is just wonderful!” Maanav laughed loudly “You have such a high opinion on a person whom you left him thinking not fit to be your husband.”

“Just shut up! You rascal.” Yamuna yelled loudly. “I did not leave Viswanadh thinking he is not fit to be my husband. Your dad suddenly entered into my life again and we both were lovers such an extent before, so I came away from him so. You know all about it but are still talking like that.”

“It is just because mom..........” Maanav stooped forward and said “..........it is quite unbelievable to me that you left him only because of the love between you and dad. My half-sister knows the better answer for it. Just try to remember the first question she asked you after your marriage with dad.”

“Scoundrel, get out of this place! Get out!” Yamuna got out of her chair and yelled loudly.

“What’s wrong in what I said mom?” with a sort of amusing expression in his face Maanav said.

“I asked you to get out! Get last!” Yamuna once again yelled.

“Alright” Maanav nodded his head, got off from the sofa and went away from that place.

“My god! Why my own child became an enemy to me like this?” she slumped beside Viswanadh and covered her face with her hands before burst herself into weeping.

“Relax! Relax yourself dear! Don’t behave like an ordinary woman! You are a reputed and experienced doctor.” Putting his both hands around her, Madhukar said.

“What’s the necessity to me to remember her first question? It is always uppermost in my mind.” She perched her head up and looked into his face.

“Is this man fucking better than dad mom? Only for that you left dad and came to him.” Madhukar with a smile on his lips said. “You said this to me on that day itself when she asked this and I too never forget it. But how this rogue came to know about it?”

“I would have slipped somehow at him or that girl herself would have told him.” Yamuna was looking into the face of Madhukar “They both are very good friends.”

“He did not even born by the time those incidents took place.” Madhukar laughed “But he has been well informed about everything, no doubt, by his half-sister. They both have good intimacy between them both.”

“But only you and I know the truth, no one else. It is not for the fucking pleasure or for any other pleasure I came away from him. In fact, to that matter, he is the best fucker in the whole world.” There was firmness in her face.

“Of course, I know about that dear. You told me.” Madhukar kissed on her lips and said. “But why suddenly you are like this on this day? Why you are becoming emotional and worried like this now?”

“To be frank Madhu” Yamuna relieved from the hold of Madhukar but was still looking into his face with even more intensity. “I have not been feeling alright from the moment he married that girl.”

“That means you still love him, even after you came away from him you don’t want him to be shared by anyone else.”

“I liked him and still like him a lot because he is such a good person. But my love is only for you all the time.” She said sighing heavily. “My feeling like this is not because of his being shared by some other girl. I have not seen her yet and when Pramee told me about her, I felt her just like my daughter and now also I have the same feeling on her. If Viswanadh can get happiness with her, I always welcome that. I wanted him to be married long time back and be happy. He did that alteast late and that is in fact a happy thing to me.”

“Then what it is really troubling you?” Madhukar knitted his brows together.

“There is something that made them both united Madhu. Something which they both themselves don’t know made them united and the purpose of it is sinister and not good.”

“Your talking peculiarly like this is not new to me. You do have a hunch again, are not you?” keeping the frowns like that in his face, Madhukar asked her.

“You are right, of course. I just don’t know why I am feeling in this way. It is more a gut feeling and a hunch!” suddenly her face was with full of anxiousness and worry. “I am feeling so strongly that Viswanadh’s family is already in trouble and the trouble is going to be even more in future.”

“If it is so” suddenly with firmness in his voice Viswanadh said. “We provide our help to them as much as possible. We try our level best to make them free of their troubles.”

“My good husband!” she hugged Madhukar strongly and kissed on his both cheeks perfunctorily. “That is what I do want exactly!”

There was some silence between them both and Yamuna’s face was still with worry. “We took a decision. Why do you still worry about it?” breaking that silence Madhukar asked her.

“My uneasy feeling is not completely groundless Madhu.” With a small voice Yamuna said.

“Share whatever you do want with a free mind.” Madhukar once again put his right hand around her shoulders. “I am here not only to give suggestions but help also.”

Then she explained to him about Evalla’s psychological disorder which she heard from Prameela. “That is appearing a little odd to me. What is that she has been suffering from a split-personality?”

“We ask Prameela to come to our home and try to extract the complete details from her. Then we shall see how we can be much helpful to Viswanadh.”

“That is indeed the best idea!” kissing on the right cheek of Madhukar perfunctorily after putting her both hands around his neck once again Yamuna said.


“Tomorrow is your science examination. You have to study well and write it.” He said to her looking into her face when she approached him.

“I already have studied enough for it. You don’t worry about it.” She said advancing onto him.

From that moment he took the initiative and it went on like that in its usual way. By the time both of them satisfied each other, they were completely exhausted and their bodies were with full of sweat. 

 “It is indeed good, is it is not?” he kissed on the edge of her right ear and asked her

“Yes, of course.” She smiled and said.

Evalla sat straight on the bed and her whole body was filled with sweat. He got her fucking from him so! He was so much respected by all because of his philanthropy and he was a man of high moral values but when she herself went to him for that, he could not say no.

“I am sorry. I am sorry. I should not have taken advantage of you like this.” The previous joy feeling in him was vanished and his voice was with full of sorrow and worry.

 “Don’t worry. Every time I myself am coming to you for it.” Kissing on his lips she said.

“But....but....I am such a big man! Supposed to be in the place of your father.” His face was with a grim expression and sorrow.

“I feel  you just like my father also.” She hugged him gently and kissed smoothly on his both cheeks. “Stop worrying about everything and hold me just like I am your baby.”

That’s what he did then and she slept in his hug just like his daughter. After his death she craved for a person not only to get her sexual urge satisfied but to hold and treat her like his daughter until she met with Viswanadh and married him.    


“We need to know about Evalla in full before we venture to know about that Okatho. I mean we should have complete knowledge of her childhood, her parents, wherefrom she has come into that orphanage.”

This time those three were assembled in the room of Sadan in that house. Prameela, Viswanadh and Evalla also particularly requested him to stay in their house itself.  When he has agreed to it he has been given a room in that house with all facilities.

“I think I said to you.” Prameela said. “Dr.Rose tried to know about those details putting her under hypnosis. She got little success.” Then she explained to him what happened when Rose tried to know about Evalla’s childhood under hypnosis. “What all she could remember was that someone has dropped her at that orphanage and his name was Charakka Champarpole.”

 “To that matter I cannot remember a lot from my recent past also. It seems that I have been suffering from a serious memory problem also.” With a sorrowful expression in her face Evalla said.

“As per Dr.Rose’s opinion Evalla was programmed by someone not to remember her childhood.” Prameela said.

“But why can’t I remember my recent past also? I don’t remember much of my life in that orphanage now.” Looking into Prameela’s face, Evalla said.

“I am thinking either you have been programmed later on also to forget certain matters or you have a psychological problem to remember things.” Sadan said.

“I don’t think that I have been programmed by anyone to forget matters. How anyone can program me without my knowledge?” Evalla knitted her brows together.

“Experts in psychology can do that.” Sadan smiled. “Don’t worry. I try to know the reason why you cannot remember the things in a proper way. I also do put you under hypnosis and try to know about your childhood and everything.”

“But Okatho exposes in the meanwhile. I already told you what happened when Dr.Rose tried to do that.” Prameela said.

“No problem at all, Okatho is my friend now.” Sadan laughed on hearing that. “If Okatho exposes her, I deal with her. Anyhow there are matters I need to know from Okatho also.”

“But what if Amsara also exposes? Dr.Rose said that there is a chance that Amsara also will expose in me and my problem to be turned out into a multi-personality disorder.”  Once again there was fear in the face of Evalla.

“Amsara never does expose in you like that Eva. It is just because Amsara is not a character either imaginary or real in you to be exposed, it is a most powerful and dangerous bad angel!” Sadan said.   

“You already said a lot about that Amsara.” The fear in Evalla’s face was intensified even more. “It is just making me feel fear even more.”

“Just rely on me and be fearless. I am here particularly to protect you people.” Sadan paused and before anyone said anything he said again “One thing we should remember here. Okatho is Amsara’s favourite and she is in you. So you are also the favourite of Amsara.”

“I am feeling disgust to feel like that. I don’t want to be the favourite of Amsara.” The expression in the face of Evalla turned into disgust. “It is such a bad angel with such nasty wishes and desires!”

“For god sake don’t talk like that Eva. It does not forgive anyone who tries to insult that and go against that. If you want your problem to be solved completely, just don’t talk like that.” Sadan hurriedly said.

“It is still very much complex and unbelievable to me. What it is that there is a character in me and it is adoring a bad angel? Why it is all not just a psychological disorder in me and why should not we deal with it in Dr.Rose’s way?” Evalla got off from the chair and said looking into the face of Sadan.

“There shall be no problem with what I am going to do and you people agreed to it after lot of thinking. Dr.Rose also has agreed to my interference into this matter, have you forgotten?” Sadan said keeping his gaze levelled with Evalla. “It is surprising to me that you are talking like this Eva! In fact you are more interested in treating this problem in my way.”

“But on one hand I am thinking that it should be a simple psychological problem and be treated and cured fast.” Evalla once again slumped in her chair.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)