Without you - 12 in English Love Stories by TOXIC books and stories PDF | Without you - 12

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Without you - 12

Valentine's day is very memorable for everyone but for some it's so horrible like a scary dream, some don't want to be in relationship, some don't have any relationship and some who fail in relationship, it's just a little different between all of those words but the meaning, the feeling is totally different ...

The sixth day of valentine's week, also known Hug Day ... 

At the morning Time, 7 o'clock Thursday 

Decide fells to sleep while chatting with his bot on the table but he forgot to close the phone and whole night his phone is on ... Then suddenly his door bell rings and he suddenly wakes up with shock ... He looks around himself and rubs his eyes, the light of sun streaming out of the window.

Roy "Decide ? Are you still or you just ignoring me, don't you dare to ignore me i am gonna kill you" Roy shouting while ringing the door bell continuously 

Then suddenly decide opens the door, he still looks sleepy ... 

Decide "hey you, stop shouting, I am not ignoring you, what happened ?"

Roy "oh, well nothing happened you know today is hug day and you know i need your help again"

Decide "*sighs* uh, this again ? Now I need to teach you how to hug your girlfriend, listen I am not a love teacher or something" he turns over and goes to brush his teeth"

Roy also comes inside and close the door 

Roy "if you won't help then who will, you know you're the only one who I can trust"

Decide "i don't care" (he says while brushing)

Roy is just walking around in his house and waiting for him to come out, he looks at the clock which is stuck on 12 : 00 pm, maybe the clock battery is finished already, Roy thinks in his own.

Then Decide came out and goes in the kitchen to make tea for both of them ...

Decide "by the way where are that stupid goes ?"

Roy "you mean Sharllet, well i went to her house but she is not there maybe she will go on Shopping or something"

Decide "whatever, so exactly in which situation you want my help ? Did i need to teach you how to hug a girl uh ?" 

Roy "uh ? Something like that but you know I don't want to ruin my very new relationship with my Sharllet"

Then Decide came out and sits on the couch and turn the tv on. 

Decide "Then i don't think i can help you !!!"

Roy "what but why ?" He sits beside Decide 

Decide "because I don't want to"

Roy "stop joking, you know i really want help"

Then Decide just randomly changes the channel and A news channel broadcasting, today's weather information and situation 

[Today weather will be so sunny than normal days and at the evening time it will be a little rain too] The news headlines about weather.

Roy "hey, you listening me or not you need to help right now"

Then suddenly Decide phone rings, Decide remember he left his phone in his room, decide get up to take his phone in his room, second side Roy Also get up and go along with him in his room.

Roy "hey, you listening me or not uh ?"

Decide sees his phone and he was so shocked Because his phone ringing but there's no call.

Roy "what the hell is that ?"

Decide "i think i forgot to turn my phone off tommorow night maybe this is because overheat or something" 

Then suddenly a message pop up on the screen of his phone ... 

[On Friday, February 14th, when the weather will be so different than any day, which is seen by first ... hope you Find me DHCGHEVIBMDGHEVY] The Message 

Roy "what ?, is this some kind of prank ?"

Decide "i don't know And what's with this random words ?" He just about to pick his phone up to look closely then suddenly a bright light flashes on the phone screen and the phone start turning red side of side ... 

Decide "what's happening" he trys to pick his phone but it's so hot like a burning lava ... Then suddenly a it switched off automatically ..."

Roy "i don't think if we won't turn off our phone in night it will burn like that"

Decide "i don't know" (he was so confused too)

Decide pick the phone but now it's not hot at all but now the phone won't turn on it's like all of the wires and connection is break inside the phone.

Decide "i don't think this will gonna turn on"

Roy "what with this phone uh ?"

They just thinking about it what happened then suddenly a thunderstorm start and a very loud lighting sound comes which shocked both of them very badly that Roy fells on the bed and covers his eyes with pillow.

Roy "ahh, what the hell going on with this weather, few moments before it's so bright and peaceful and now it's like a very big thunderstorm"

Decide still thinking about it, it's all coincidence or between the sudden weather change and in that message has any connection ...

To Be Continued...

Next Episode - [Episode #13, Connection]

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[From me :- So, i know y'll so disappointed but you know what, I am just experimenting something and plus my studies is so tough to make a balance between both of them, if you want next episode please rate this Book Right now, I want to hear from you and ya don't worry now spellings mistake will be not that much.]