In previous Episode [Roy Arrived to Decide House to Ask for his Help But he is not agreeing to Roy to help him, then suddenly decide Phone call rings and when decide goes to check it out a message pop up on the phone screen and same thing to the weather was written in that message it's just s coincidence or something else it's still a question] now continue ...
Roy "what the hell was that ... (He peak out of the window and sees a very heavy Rain with thunderstorm Going on)"
Decide still in his thoughts what just when the message pop up on his phone screen after few moments same things happens there which was written in the message, it's just a coincidence or there's something which is so much than our thinking. He thinks In his mind
Then suddenly Roy phones and he picks it up ...
Roy "Hello, who is this?" But no answer comes from the other side, Roy Shout again "who the hell is this"
Then a very slow but cry voice comes ... Ro... Roo... Roy
Roy took only few seconds to realise it's Sharlet
Roy "Sharlet ? What ... What happened why are you crying Sharlet"
Decide looks at roy curiously ... He ask to roy "what happened ?"
Roy "I don't know but it's like Sharlet is in some kind of problem, then suddenly the calls cut"
Decide "what happened to her uh ?"
Roy quickly get up from the bed and hurry to his bike to go to Sharlet "i don't know but it's looks like she's in trouble, i need to go"
Decide also comes outside of the bedroom too ...
Decide "Roy wait ..." Roy opens the door and sees Very heavy and in this heavy rain he can't drive his bike.
Decide "let's go in my car"as he goes in his garage and takes out his dad very old car, Roy Quickly sits in the car He looks so serious and also worried about her, Decide also sits on the driving as he takes the car out of the garage and heads towards to sharlet house.
The rain was so heavy, All roads and highways are empty ... The thunderstorm make everyone stay inside there house.
At the 7 am ... They reach to Sharlet place Ror quickly opens the door of the car and runs towards her house ... Decide also didn't park his car and rubs to her house too ...
When they reach in her house there were so much crowd surrounded the main hall of Sharlet house ... They get inside the main hall while pushing other away, and when they reach, in the middle of the hall Sharlet sitting on the floor her mom and dad and dead and everywhere just blood whole hall filled with blood and rain water Sharlet crying while holding her dad hand into her hand ...
Roy goes ahead and sits beside her on the floor and touches her shoulder to excuse her she looks at her and hugs her tightly and start crying roughly... Both of decide and Roy was so shocked they have no idea what happened here, Roy hugs Sharlet and trys to comfort her decide was so shocked because both of sharlet mom and dad is warp with blood and everywhere on the floor is only red-red blood.
Suddenly Decide Phone Suddenly fells of to his pocket, he picks it up and sees a message pop on his phone screen [Two people at the 6 : 30 am will die ...] He was shocked after reading that message and when he sees the timing when that message comes it's 30 min before to this time and it's the same time gap which was everything happens, It's like everything have different timings but the same 'connection' ...
To be continued ...
Next Episode :- [Ai]
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So, i know this episode is too small but ready for the next episode because it will story changing episode launch on 18 Mar, Follow me to get direct update notification.