Predicament of a Girl - 18 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Predicament of a Girl - 18

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Predicament of a Girl - 18

Predicament of a Girl

A romantic and sentimental thriller

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

These dialogues were out of the script. He asked her in his natural curiosity knowing that she was doing so in her quite natural way.

“I read somewhere.” Suddenly she hugged him strongly and vehemently and kissed on his lips. “How can I say that you are the first person doing this to me?” these dialogues were also natural and out of the script.

“Just in few minutes I do fuck you and know about this. I can say hundred percent whether the girl has experience in it or not just by fucking her once.” This was also not in the script.

“Then fuck me and give me that pleasure!” she mumbled in his right ear and said of her own. “I want it so much now.”

“Not this fast. You have to wait sometime more.” This decision and saying this also were not in the script.

They have been given freedom to say dialogues like these also and that has been written in the script too.

After saying that he once again put himself into action and she once again became an active partner. Sometimes his body came onto the top and sometimes her body and they both did not know how much of time has passed but were active partners in giving and taking in equal measure. Suddenly he made her upside down, positioned himself on the top of her and looking straight into her eyes said “Now you are going to have it.”

She hugged him once again and after kissing once more feverishly all over his face and said with a shivering tone. “I just cannot wait for it anymore.”

These were also out of script.

She hugged him just like that while he was moving his hips in a rhythmic way on the top of  her and she so much wished to have it with him and did not know how to give any expression without actually having it from him. She once again clipped her lower lip between her teeth frames, knitted her brows and was trying to give an expression.  Suddenly he became weak and slumped on the top of her and she did not know what happened, whether he was acting or just it was natural on his part but felt some wetness on her thigh under the petticoat. Even though she did not have experience in sexual intercourse, she knew about the releasing of men and understood it happened to him. She tightened her hold around him, kissed on his right cheek and said in his ear ‘I love you!’ it was also something which was not in the script at all.

‘Cut........ cut.........” after few seconds of Tarang’s saying so, Charitha and Sarath both came off the bed.

“I must say you both did in the best way, especially Charitha............” coming near to them and looking into the face of Charitha, Tarang said. Charitha felt very much happy but it dampened with the next words of him. “........... but the last scene, the climax scene, it did not come perfect.”

“As per your saying I did not do anything. I just let my natural feelings float. My body also just reacted in a natural way.” Charitha felt irritation. She was feeling suddenly lot of shame thinking what they both did before all those people and even it was quite pleasure-some to her and her body was demanding it, she just did not want to do it again.

“I understood that and there is no wrong on your part.” Tarang said and nodded his head “But anyone can say it is not really taking place between you both. In that climax scene the problem is mainly with you. The expression on your face is not that he is really doing it to you.”

“If everything should be natural on my part, I don’t think I can make anyone believe that he is doing that really to me.” Charitha became angry.

“Alright then. Act and pretend that he is really doing it to you but it should appear natural to the audience. For the climax I allow it.” It seems the rest of that scene satisfied him, he did not get angry. “We are going to shoot only the climax. You must pretend and act that expression and body language as if he is really doing that to you.”

“Okay then.” Charitha nodded her head and she did not understand how to pretend an expression and move her body as if something was taking place in which she has no experience at all. She started feeling that she could not do it better and it has just happened like that. After ten takings of the same thing whole of that day, Tarang burst into anger.

“You said that you put your heart and soul in it, this is what that I think.” He yelled loudly.

“I am trying my level best. If my expressions and body language cannot satisfy you, I am helpless.” Charitha also yelled.

“I have a weakness Charitha.............” with force Tarang controlled himself “.........unless I have got perfection in one thing, I cannot move onto the next. Your expressions and body language are not at all so as it is really happening to you. Just try to give your best performance.”

“I am trying only that all the time.” Charitha was also trying to control herself. “I just cannot understand what’s more I can do.”

“Better we postpone this to tomorrow. She also adjusts herself and tries to give her best.” Madhukar suggested.

“Alright, go and take rest for this day.” Compromising himself and trying to control his irritation, Tarang said. “But it must be over tomorrow. The day after tomorrow itself we have to leave this place and go to Tamilnadu.”

Without saying anything Charitha came into her room and Prameela also came just behind her. “I am afraid it shall be just like this tomorrow also.” Looking into the face of Prameela, Charitha said. “I don’t think I can satisfy him at all with my performance in that.”

“Just be relaxed and don’t worry about it now.” Prameela said dragging her onto the bed beside her. “Once you do take ample rest for this night, tomorrow you can make him agree with it at its first take itself.”

But it did not happen like that on the next day also. Even after twenty takes of the same scene also, Tarang was not satisfied.

“For the first time I am worrying that I have taken you as my heroine. You are acting as you took money from me but you are not putting your heart in it as you promised.” Tarang was maximum angry.

“How can you say that I am not putting my heart in it? Of course I am acting in this movie as we took amount like that from you. But I am trying my level best to satisfy you to the maximum in every scene.” Charitha also could not control her anger at all.         

 “No, it is not at all so.” Tarang voice was firm. “You always want my movie to become a flap. You are thinking that it should be a big flap and then no one would see it and your family reputation remains intact! That is why you are not trying your best to give the best performance.”

“How can I convince you it is not so? You know one thing! Even my dad also asked me to put my heart and soul on my acting to do justice to the fucking money you gave to us.” Then she did not know what more to say, burst herself into weeping and ran away from that place.

Prameela tried to console her but she could not. After sometime Prameela fell asleep but Charitha was not. For a long time she thought in herself how to satisfy Tarang in that regard but she did not get an idea. There was no wrong in what Tarang said also as she herself knew that her expressions and body language were not perfect then. How she could pretend the exact feeling and body movement for something in which she has no experience at all?

While she was thinking like that a sudden idea struck her and she sat straight on the bed. ‘Yes, that is the only way’ she thought. She did not know whether Tarang, Sarath and the rest would agree to it or not but there was no way except that to satisfy him and to give the natural and best performance of her. Anyhow she determined to say her new idea to Tarang and relaxed herself after coming to that decision. If they did not agree to this, it was not her problem and she would say it was not possible to her to give the natural performance to that unless they do agree to it. She fell on her back to sleep again but that new idea of her made her even more uneasy and she could not fell asleep until it was four or so in the morning and by the time she woke up it was eight and full day.


 She knew why she has not been woke up by anyone and without hastening herself she completed her routine. After dressing herself with a green saree and blouse she observed herself in the life size mirror in her room. For the first time she felt that there was no wrong in the people considering her as utmost beautiful.

“We already overstayed here. If we cannot move away from here on tomorrow itself nothing will be as I planned. I know your difficulty producing that without experience but please try.” There was a full pleading expression in the face of Tarang and the same was reflected in his voice also.

“I need to talk with you all alone for few minutes.” Charitha said as if she did not hear him at all and her face was without any particular expression.

The sudden anxiousness in Tarang’s face was so conspicuous as if he was feeling fear that she might say something unpleasant. “I have no objection whatsoever. Shall we both go into my room then?”

She nodded her head in agreement and then they both proceeded into the room of Tarang in that house.

“Now tell, whatever you want to tell.” Once they both were settled in the chairs facing each other, Tarang said.

“I cannot give either the expression or the body language for that thing without any experience in it. It is just impossible to me.” Her voice was calm and steady.

“What that bloody hell that means? Should I compromise with whatever you put then? It is impossible to me to satisfy with anything until I get hundred percent perfection in it.” instantly Tarang got off from the chair and yelled.

“Just sit and listen to me. I said giving that is impossible to me without experience but not with experience.” Her voice was with the same steadiness.

“What does that mean, may I know?” Tarang slumped himself in the chair again with a confusing expression in his face.

“I don’t know anything about this movie field as I am absolutely new to it and you also know about it.” she paused for a second before saying again. “I just don’t know how the women in the movies do give satisfying expressions and body language pretending having it but I cannot do that. I never can produce them without having experience in it.”

“I still did not get you.” He said like that for clarity but he understood what she said.

“Ask that Sarath to do that to me and in the best he can. Then only it is possible to me to give you whatever you want.” There was no change in her voice then also.

“ really do mean it?” Tarang’s face was with full of shock and surprise.

“I hundred percent mean it.” her voice was firm.

(I hope that you enjoyed this novel till here. I update the next chapter as early as possible. Please don’t forget to rate it and write a review)