No Policy In Love-Part 26-It in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | No Policy In Love-Part 26-It

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No Policy In Love-Part 26-It





Chapter Highlights...


“Congrats, Naomi!”, said a commanding male voice, from behind. I turned back to meet a new face. He was tall and of a golden complexion. 


“Hi! I’m Shashank”, said he, smiling as we shook hands with each other. His handshake was good enough to expose his physical strength. Vyomi was spellbound in checking him out while Tina and Diya were busy noticing their friend blushing at the senior guy.




Naomi’s POV

“Hello…mike testing…hello!”, said a loud and cracked voice. The elderly spectacled pune tapped the microphone element. He gestured a thumbs-up sign accompanied by a wide smile at a young guy in a khaki uniform. He nodded and returned to meddling with the speaker’s wires.

We, the famous five, sat in the middle of the theater-like auditorium. Yellow chandeliers dominated the wooden stage while the audience sat in the dark with a ray of white light hither and thither so that we don’t stumble upon the steps in the passage. The three musketeers sat exactly behind us. As I shook my legs and pressed my palms hard on Vyomi, Karan was busy turning back and questioning Ruhi’s overconfidence.

“Whatever you say, I’m sure I will win the bet. In fact, Naomi’s blue face is a great sign of my confidence. Hahaha!”, Ruhi compared.

Sana nodded, adding, “So true dude! Your party wouldn’t be tense if she had performed well in her exams. That's why one should know the level of their opponent before spreading the chess board open.”

“LOL! Hahaha!”, roared Tina, braying like a donkey. 

I rolled my eyes hither and thither looking for the only one whose very presence can be the only solution to my anxiety. I ignored my friends defending me to the three musketeers who picked every tiny clue to criticize me. It was my first experience with a bet as such.

“Where are you, Akshat sir? I want to talk to you”, thought I, observing every student or faculty entering the auditorium. My eyes were on all four entrances. But, where is he? I saw Shreyas sir taking a seat in the front row. Urgh! Kiku, I want to see you. Just looking at you will cure all my pain in no time. But, where are you?

“Naomi, what’s wrong with you? Why are you missing him so much today when you have all your friends around to calm you down? Why do you feel incomplete without Akshat sir? It is during tough times that we remember someone special in our life rather than during good times. Wait, was I searching for him because he meant more than what he was supposed to be….”, the clouds of thoughts clashed to blast my brain.

I was interrupted by a notification. I opened my smartphone and blushed at Akshat’s new message that had popped in bold on top of my WhatsApp screen.

“Kiku, don’t bother. You joined the college to learn things and pursue your goal of becoming a criminal lawyer. Why bother about a silly bet? Losing the bet doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve your goal. At the same time, winning won’t conclude that you have accomplished your dreams. Come on! Grow up. Blush at me. I missed noticing your timidness for a long time and when I returned, I found you like the this-an anxious woman waiting outside the medical room eager for her pregnancy test results. Hmmm…”

OMG! Aww, that was his text. I blushed and chuckled along as I shook my head hither and thither to finally spot him waving at me. 

“Kiku, I have completed your assignment. My answer is that I can’t stop me from stopping you”, thought I, as my cheeks turned rosier seeing him blushing and winking at me. He stood outside the auditorium and beside the first gate. 

“Aww! You are so cute and considerate, Akshat sir. I feel like calling your name out aloud, running and hugging you tight”, thought I. I was never been this close to a guy ever before. Indeed, it was the first time I had longed to see someone to such an extreme. It was the first time I had missed someone so much. It's not like I didn’t miss my friends during the vacation. But, I missed him more.

“Let's welcome our honorable Chairman to announce the medalists of the semester”, announced a pretty voice.


Rishabh sir ascended the stairs to get on the stage. As he raced to grab the mike, drops of sweat raced to soak my forehead. I spotted Akshat sitting beside a professor from the Mathematics department. He mingled with every colleague from every department of Janki University. I hid my face between the seats. I was engrossed in smiling at him to relieve myself. The side view of his giggle was more handsome.


I wondered what was the pile of topics he had to converse with a Mathematics lecturer; Science vs Arts is a long battle to discuss on another day! It was peaceful sighting him. I leaned my right chin on the seat and blushed. Aww! He was hardly stare-conscious. As the two exchanged formal giggles and nods, with the Math lecturer seeming to brag about the topper from his department, my eyes were all on Akshat sir.

“Next is us, the law department”, I heard Ruhi whisper from behind. 

“Dude! What happened? Which world have you been lost in?”, whispered Vyomi, pulling me back. I shook my head but couldn’t control my pink cheeks.

“Oh! I know, I saw you staring at Akshat sir”, teased Diya, giving in a hifi with Tanvi. As the two giggled, I blushed and nodded at Vyomi.

“Oh great! If this is the beginning then the next semester seems to be full of lovely moments. Someone is in love! Oooh!”, began Karan. He was about to let out whooping cough when I signaled to him, reminding him that we were at the auditorium.

“Why can’t I cough when you love in the auditorium?”, whispered Karan.

“ Naomi Dixit”, announced the pretty anchor girl. She was a junior. Karan’s cough transformed into a whistle of high pitch. I stood up and exchanged happy faces with my gang. 

“Congrats, Naomi! We request you to come upon the stage and receive your gold medal from Mr.Rishabh”, announced the smiling anchor.


Love is so blind that it just happens unexpectedly.
You may fall for anyone!
Would you let go of your policy if you fell for someone you shouldn't? What would you choose-your policy or your beloved?


As I got down through the steps of the passage, I could hear the three musketeers whispering among themselves; they were perhaps cursing me out of immense jealousy. I pushed my hair behind the ear as I smiled at Akshat who nodded and threw a soft round of applause in the midst of the great rounds of applause from all corners of the auditorium. 

I had received general proficiency or literary awards in a similar set-up in school and my ex-college as well. But, I felt happier with my achievement this time. It was the first time I had friends who felt happy for me. One’s accomplishments go unrecognized when there are none to participate in their happiness. To date, my peers didn’t feel anything excluding jealousy. Above all, the presence of Akshat sir was the highlight of the event.

Rishabh faked a smile as he handed an attractive yellow medal from the tray. I nodded and thanked him while he was busy posing for the camera. I blushed at Akshat as I remembered how much he must have gone through to admit me to such a prestigious university. He opposed Rishabh who sounded to be a significant figure that day. The anchor offered me the mike as she did to the other medalists. I smiled and agreed to exchange a few words.

“I would like to thank our honorable chairman, my amiable peers…”, I began to thank, at which Karan, this time, accompanied by my other friends, whistled aloud to cheer me. 

I continued, “All the lecturers who supported me throughout the semester for the useful notes, doubt clarifications, and many more…especially you, Akshat sir. I love…”

“Urgh! Naomi, what were you going to tell?”, I asked myself. My eyes rolled hither and thither; Akshat looked away and tried hard to control blushing whereas all eyes were on the two of us. My gang chuckled as Karan bulged his eyes and encouraged me to go on.

“What’s wrong with me? Why was I going to propose to him?”, thought I. I sighed, concluding, “I love Akshat sir’s approachable and kind nature. Thanks for the opportunity and all your support, sir.”

While Akshat shrank his eyes and nodded naughtily, I was about to leave and Rishabh whispered, “Naomi, being the topper, don’t you know that it's me who gave you the opportunity to continue your studies here?” While he shrugged, I returned a serious look.


“But, sir, wasn’t it only after Akshat’s transfer struggle for me? Otherwise, I wouldn’t be standing in front of you like this”, I whispered back.


As I meddled with my medal and headed toward the end of the stage, Rishabh secretly took a step or two backward. I ignored mistaking him for being a little mad. While I was engrossed in smiling at my friends, I suddenly stumbled. I couldn’t balance and stand back. Oh shit! What an embarrassment!  Apparently, Rishabh placed his leg to embarrass me by making me fall down. 

“Naomi!”, I heard Kiku calling me aloud. I was about to fall down when he caught my hand and stopped me. I followed his hands and looked up to see Akshat frowning at Rishabh. I stood up.

“Sir please let’s not utter a word. The entire university is here. Silence is the best reply right now”, I consoled him, as I caught his hand firmly.


His eyes grew timid at my eyes full of concern as I shook my head along. We exited the stage while Rishabh faked a smile and chuckled. His left palm caught my right palm; I felt secure when he stayed around me and that very moment, I decided that I wanted to stay so forever.


“Medal goes to someone who can’t even handle it. What a world!”, Ruhi commented and walked away, as I stood with my gang outside the auditorium. Karan paused, sipping the packaged frooti.

“Ruhi, shut up! It's you who can’t get it not our friend”,  highlighted Karan, as Tina sighed like an automobile exhaling carbon exhausts. The three musketeers followed Ruhi.

While Tina and Diya admired my medal, Vyomi went on and on, giving me great wishes for my endeavors. Karan too nodded along as he sipped his cold morning beverage. It was a big day in my life. I wanted to do something very important-thank Akshat sir for both saving my career and saving me from falling down!

“Congrats, Naomi!”, said a commanding male voice, from behind. I turned back to meet a new face. He was tall and of a golden complexion. 


“Hi! I’m Shashank”, said he, smiling as we shook hands with each other. His handshake was good enough to expose his physical strength. Vyomi was spellbound in checking him out while Tina and Diya were busy noticing their friend blushing at the senior guy.

“Glad to meet you! I’m from third year-your senior”, he added as we giggled along. I observed the gold medal peeping out from his bag.

“Congrats to you too, Shashank! I left the auditorium after mine. Sorry!”

“No, you don’t have to be sorry. The word just doesn’t suit your beautiful lips.”

“Excuse me!”

“Hahaha! Did I say something inaccurate to a cute girl?”

I faked a smile but felt creeped out by the flirt. I have heard of such characters who seem to be nice at first but aren’t actually sweet. But, I don’t feel uncomfortable when Akshat talks to me like that. I pushed my leather bag’s strap back as he smiled and checked me out.

“Hmm…excuse me!”, said I, diverting him. He chuckled. But, why did I not feel uncomfortable with Akshat’s closeness ranging from his words or touch or even kisses from the very first?

“Naomi! Are you here?”, Shashank called, waving in front of me. I nodded.

“I need a treat. If you don’t mind, shall we treat each other?”, he asked me. I shrugged at Vyomi. Tina and Diya nodded while Karan had gone to dispose of his juice pack in a dustbin beside him.

“Dude, it's better you agree otherwise he may be targeting you until the end of the college”, whispered Vyomi, advising me.

“Come on topper, isn’t it time for us to celebrate our successes? You can eat with me. I won’t eat you. Haha!”, said he.

“Sure, let's do it”, I agreed politely.


“It...There is a lot of time to do it, dear”, said he, flirting, as he leaned forward and attempted to let his fingers through my hair.

“Shashank!”, I called to stop him, as I moved away as if we practiced social distancing. “Behave yourself. What do you mean?”

He chuckled. He raised his eyebrows and nodded with an i-got-caught smile to calm me down. 

“I meant that we have a lot of time for an it-the treat”, he managed to cover up, yet I frowned.

“Cakewaala at three this afternoon. It should do”, I informed, walking away, as my friends followed me.

“Done, Naomi! Anything for a beauty! Haha!”, said he, chuckling along. I didn’t bother to turn back and glance at him.


Oops! Will Shashank interfere in Akshat and Naomi's story?


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