Storeys of Stories

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Preface: Everything around the human race is an untold story in one or the other way. God created human and human acquired characters according to their needs and needs created differences in the human characteristics. Like fingerprints, human characteristics vary from human to humans. ‘Storeys of stories’ is a bouquet of anecdotage translating the different human characters. If the readers feel Indian flavour in these anecdotage, the author will take it as a compliments. And that is it. It is up to the beloved readers to evaluate the attempt of the author. Chhatra Pal Verma **** 1- Death too favours:

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Storeys of Stories - 1

Preface: Everything around the human race is an untold story in one or the other way. God created human human acquired characters according to their needs and needs created differences in the human characteristics. Like fingerprints, human characteristics vary from human to humans. ‘Storeys of stories’ is a bouquet of anecdotage translating the different human characters. If the readers feel Indian flavour in these anecdotage, the author will take it as a compliments. And that is it. It is up to the beloved readers to evaluate the attempt of the author. Chhatra Pal Verma **** 1- Death too favours: ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 2

5- Bribe: Everybody knows that the boss Mr. A is a great administrator to the core who dislikes late and dishonesty to the extent. Most of his subordinates in the office hate him because of his nature. The subordinates feel that because of his nature neither he takes bribe nor he allows us. ‘Good Morning sir, MR. B wished, while entering the chamber of Mr. A. Good Morning MR. B. How are you? It seems as if you are in a hurry? Where are you planning to go this winter as usual? Sir, I am planning to go on ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 3

8-His highness: A thirsty jackal in search of water entered the house of a washer man where jackal found big tub half filled with water. He tried to drink it but could not reach the water as it was beyond its reach. But the jackal continued its efforts and finally it succeeded but in the efforts it fell into the tub. The water in the tub was blue, as the washer man had just finished the colouring of clothes. White jackal turned into the blue jackal when it came out of the tub. The intelligent jackal announced himself as ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 4

15- Competitor: Today a new ghost joined the company of ghosts. The incumbent ghost was young and smart enough. his arrival, the other ghosts felt that this new incumbent was too shy and silent. He seldomly says anything to other ghosts too when asked twice or thrice. All the ghosts decided to ask this new incumbent about his death and his silence. While in a meeting one ghost asked him about his untimely death. The young ghost replied that he lost his life in saving the life of another person. A senior ghost made a counter question ‘were you ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 5

24-Tour to the heaven: Generally, the god of death or his staff does not commit mistakes in catching the who have completed their tenure on the earth, but in my case it has happened. Though my tenure on the earth was not completed on the earth but was picked by the staff of god of death wrongly. And it was because of computer failure in heaven on account of electricity failure, therefore the staff of god of death picked me instead of my name fellow. As soon as the electricity resumed in heaven computers became operative and the staff ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 6

33 - Overconfidence: This was the 13th interview of Robert. Prior to this he appeared in a dozen interviews cleared them with ease too, but did not join any of the companies due to one or the other reason. One of the reasons for it was that he was not only intelligent but over confident and as such overambitious too. He was of the opinion that no interviewer can doze him at any point of Time. And this time too he appeared in this interview with too much confidence. The interviewer was a lone man who was the boss ...Read More


Storeys of Stories - 7 - Last Part

46 - It’s too hot: Mrs. X was the lifeline of every club party. She was not only beautiful wealthy too. Above all she was aware of her beauty and wealth. She never uses the dresses, sandals, goggles and jewellery twice, once used. Other lady members were aware of Mrs. X’s luxurious life and were jealous too. Mrs. X was taking pride in showing her beauty and wealth all the time. Mrs. X used to continue to talk about the cost or the name of the shop from where she purchased the item etc. till the club members, be ...Read More