Wish List of 2017 in English Magazine by Pooja Bagul books and stories PDF | Wish List of 2017

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Wish List of 2017

Wish List

Half the part of our lives is filled with wishes and desires that we weave around on the harsh grounds of reality. Our wishes act as milestones and destination points that fuel us to move ahead even in the most detoriative condition of life. Being capable of holding onto a wish is a sign of life that is breathing in.

After all what is life? A bunch of fulfilled and unfulfilled wishes that are tied together. How many times have you prepared a wish list of your own and made it a point to fulfill it?

Numerous of us prepare a wish list at different stages of life. Like, when I was a kid my only wish was to find my favorite Poké mon card in the snacks pack and as a teenager I wished to bag the seat right next to my crush. In my early twenties I wished to have peace and some other dreams too. You can right? How at different points our wishes undergo rapid changes. At one point of my life I had a wish of owning the expensive dress while on the other hand I had a wish of owning an entire boutique. Wishes, no matter bigger or small play a vital role in shaping our lives and acquire chances.

Like every other growing heart, I too have a wish list carved exactly at the center wall of my heart. Every morning I do wake up with a new wish however there are several prominent wishes which made a point to enter my wish list. I suppose entire book wouldn’t be enough to make the list of the wishes that I have embossed but yes, there are several wishes that I cannot wait to come true. To me, my wish list is the goal of my life which I try to achieve taking small steps at a time.

As the year 2016 is gradually coming to an end, here is the handful of wishes that I expect myself to fulfill as soon as I could perhaps not this year but maybe in 5 years down the line. There was no particular moment or point when I thought that I need to own a wish list too. But, yes! One fine day I realized that if I want to channelize my energy towards something productive without distracting too much I need to keep calm and prepare a wish list for myself.

  • Bestseller writer of a novel - The very first wish that I have pinned to my heart is to become a writer. Like every other artist I find peace is showcasing my book and my write ups to gain appreciation. After all, what is that an artist is always hungry about other than appreciation? I wish to give this young generation a book that would recognize their fears and tell them that they are not alone in the battle of heart and mind. Being a person who is deeply inclined towards writing I believe completing this wish of mine shall be the greatest gift that I would present myself.
  • Own a Mercedes - This wish of mine is certainly materialistic but, it is going to be close to my heart. Owning a Mercedes would symbolize a possession that I own. It wouldn’t be just a car to me because apart from a status symbol it shall be my significant achievement. The witness of my wealth and well being. Owning a Mercedes shall be a moment of pride to me since it would belong to me symbolizing a major achievement.
  • Marry the love of my life – each one of us requires a courtship in the long run. My idea of love is when the two souls recognize each other. The day when I will find someone recognizing my soul I shall get married to the person. Unlike the popular belief that marriage ruins the charm I feel it solely depends upon the two souls and nobody else. So, yes! I wish to get married to the love of my life and this is an important wish of my wish list without a doubt.
  • Own a coffee shop: Being a romantic soul I have always found coffee shops pretty much alluring. The aroma of coffee lingering around the nostrils with people relaxed and merged in their books while some sitting alone letting their through flow on paper is something that I have always found exciting about the coffee shops. Since my college days I had a wish of owning a coffee shop that would be peaceful enough for strangers to meet and bond with each other. One fine day if not so soon, the coffee shop shall be a reality.
  • I strongly believe that these wishes keep us alive even in the atrocities that life throws at us. I believe these wishes make you feel alive and give a reason to wake up the next morning. Imagine a life with no wishes at all, how purposeless is it actually going to look like? I had prepared this wish list of mine long back while I was on a trip to Goa. I realized that in the clutter of my everyday wishes some of the most prominent ones shouldn’t be left out. Wish list in a way helped me in prioritizing my wishes and work towards it.

    Shooting stars don’t make your wish come true but your willingness to complete it does it for you. You need to bestow your beliefs in the wishes that you make and prepare a plan of action t it. You need to make sure that you also execute the plan. Perseverance that too consistent is significant. One cannot make their any wish come true unless and until they consistently toil to make it turn into reality. To me my courage and my hard work stand as a companion when it comes to fulfill my wishes. You need to keep the confidence in yourself and continuously remind yourself about the wishes that you wish to fulfill.

    Written by - Pooja Bagul ( be unique)