Lesson of Life in English Magazine by Ghanshyam Katriya books and stories PDF | Lesson of Life

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Lesson of Life

Lesson of Life

Writer :

Ghanshyam Katriya

Before some days, I was sleeping in my room and suddenly my roommate told me “Chal aela cha piva javu chhe. (Let’s go for tea)”. I was staring him because it was 11.30 PM. I, with my roommate and 2 friends of him decided to go for a tea. Then we went to “Gokul ni Kitli (a tea stall)” near the university area.

We were going towards it and enjoying the cold atmosphere of winter. We reached at the place and order one cup of tea each. At the place, one of us sat on the bench which was placed on the roadside and rest of three including me sat on the other nearby bench. We were enjoying “Chay ki Chuski (tea sips)” at Kitli (Tea stall). While we were drinking tea, at that time two cars came near us and parked on the road. We were watching towards them that who will come out.?

I was seeing towards the door of the car and a baby girl near 7-8 year old got out of the car. She sat on the bench beside my friend who was sitting alone on that bench. We were in our happy mood and enjoying. Suddenly that girl told my friend in her little sweet voice “Oye… Oye...”. All of us don’t know why she was saying that to him, but maybe she was saying that please sit aside because she wanted more space on the bench.

I was staring towards her because she was very happy that day, maybe it was her birthday. But after a few minutes, I asked one small question to my mind that “Why she is very happy?“. I thought that it can be because of her birthday. I put a counter question on my mind that “Then what about rest days of the year?”

Then I realized that she is happy because she has not to be worried about anything. She doesn’t know about her future. She doesn’t know what will be happen with her in next 10-20 years. She is enjoying each day happily. When she becomes younger, she will definitely know about her responsibilities and her duties towards what she wants to become.

May be when she start going to school at that time she might hate go to school as we all were hating school in our childhood. Becase we were addicted to being sleepy in morning time. We always spent our time in playing games or fun activities in our childhood. We were not worried about our future that what we are gonna do or where we will be in future. At that period of life, our parents or older won't tell us anything, they just say one thing to each other “S/he will understand all things in sometime's.” But we are not taking it seriously that what they are talking about? Had we ever tried to ask them that what we have to learn/understand? Whenever we had done any mistake in childhood, I had mostly listen this sentence from parents. Even I hadn't asked them. I am thinking regarding it right now that why we weren't supposed to those points at that time.

As we grown up, we had completed our primary study. We can consider our childhood period upto completion of primary school. We didn't taken anything serious reated to study in our primary school. As I have written that we always focus on enjoyment of life. After compeletion of primary education, we unerstand that we have to be serious regarding study because it will create our future bright. But we don't know what exactly will be. As soon we going to complete our secondary education. But still we weren't thinking that what exactly we want to do in out future, what we wanna become. Because as I know, no one had taken it more seriosly in that age.

I have read somewhere that 'Time will never come back'. Yeah, that's quite right about time. We can't take it back to our current time. Just assume that If time will be taken back or you can go into past than 'What you will do first?'. Everyone will have different openion for this same question. Let's back to our past, where we were taking about our life. As we are leaving in our present, we have to think about our future right now. But we have missed something in our past which we can never take it back but we can mesmerize that moments. Some of them might be create happiness or some of them might be hurt someone by remembering that. I never intensed to argue to think about you bad moments of childhood/past life. You can think about your happy moments only. I just want to tell you that where we are and what we have missed. Even I don't know that what are we are going to miss in our present which will be same for future.

As we reaching towards our goal ,we have decided to do something different in our life. Some of us might start their own business, or some could start worked with any organization. In short term, I just want to share my openion with all of you that we always going forward to meet our goal. But we weren't supposed to think about our present days that what we are gonna miss in our life.

Same thing happens with us in our routine life, we are habitual with our routine lifestyle. We are worried about our future although none of us don’t know what will happen the next day? Every person has their own dream or goal what he/she wants to achieve in a next few years. we all are busy in our life. Some of us may achieve the goal in time or others are still struggling to achieve it. I just want to ask one question to everyone that if completion of our goal is enough for us then what is the “Lesson of our life?” In the case of lesson, I want to ask that aren’t we really missing days which we have passed in our childhood? All of us have some unforgettable memories of our childhood, but we forgot it or we stopped living in that way. We are busy with our work like “Ghar se Office aur Office se Ghar (home to office and office to home).” That’s quite simple to follow but we have to think about our life that how we can enjoy it more day by day.

Thanks :)