Wake me up when forever ends! in English Magazine by Arjun Hariharan books and stories PDF | Wake me up when forever ends!

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Wake me up when forever ends!

Wake me up when forever ends!

Ever since I have left home and started living a hostel life, there have been a lot of responsibilities that I have to deal with everyday. Something as simple as waking up in the morning and deciding whether to attend classes seems like a very crucial life decision. I don’t have my mom around me to wake me up everyday, so it all comes down to my willingness to leave the bed (which is zero by the way).

Every night I sleep with the expectation of me waking up early and then going for a jog, having a nice shower, eating healthy breakfast, revising my lessons and then heading to college to attend classes. But there is a small glitch.

Because you see, when the alarm rings everything changes. My sense of reasoning goes down the drain during that brief period of time. Sleep is regarded as the best thing in the world and everything else becomes secondary. Subconsciously my mind has already allotted slots to all the activities that were supposed to be done after waking up during different times of the day. I begin counting the number of bunks that I have left so that I can skip the 8am class and buy me some more time to sleep. And in case I have a free slot after that, then it’s an incentive to miss the 8am class as well because now I can sleep till 10! During this “wakening period”, there is just one slogan in my mind. SLEEP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!

So, inspite of all the planning and plotting it all comes down to waking up 15 minutes before class, brushing teeth in a haste, changing clothes in a haste, picking up my bag and rushing to class in my bike. In due course I didn’t take bath, didn’t go for a jog, skipped breakfast and did I earlier mention study?

This pretty much sums up the life of almost all the students in my college! We all belong to the “Five minutes more” category. Alarm rings, snooze, rings, snooze, rings, snooze and this goes on forever. We all think “I’ll sleep for 5 more minutes and then I’ll conquer the world”. Trust me, this is not gonna happen. Snoozing alarms just shows that you are not interested to do any of the work that you are supposed to do during the day and you prefer sleeping.

And it makes me wonder why waking up in the morning and following a routine is the most difficult thing in this world. We all know that our lives won’t be so messed up if we follow a routine and yet we don’t. We know skipping breakfast is not good for health and yet we do. It’s like a smoker knows he’s gonna die if he continues smoking yet he dosen’t quit.

One obvious reason to this problem can be that I stay up too late. Not sleeping till 4 in the morning and expecting myself to be up at 6 to go jogging is just not practical.

That was just one small reason. So I say what if I hit the sack a little early, say 11pm, will I still get up in the morning to this routine? The answer is an obvious NO which can be explained through my second theory i.e. lack of motivation.

If someone tells me that “Slash” is coming to my college at morning 4am, I will get up no matter what! Being able to see “Slash” here is a motivation to get up early. That’s what lacks in our daily lives. Who wants to attend the monotonous lectures in college or who wants to go through the pain of going jogging early in the morning to stay fit? Most of us do work because we feel obligated to do so. The day we find love for the work we’re doing or have a solid aim or goal will be the day we’ll find the necessary motivation. It all comes down to our willingness to do something.

If I really want to stay healthy and fit. I will do exercises, go jogging, take bath and not skip breakfast before leaving for college. If I really want to get a 10 GPA (which is impossible for me by the way), I will attend classes without sleeping through them, take notes and work hard to achieve my goal.

Because there’s one thing for sure, if you really, really want to do something, you will do it. There won’t be any excuses!

So here I am waiting for the day I will find that necessary motivation which will pull me out of my bed every morning. Because if I think of it, we have never cherished the moment when we bunked a class and slept comfortably well. Nobody remembers such moments.

So, “GET UP!” (In Mom’s voice) :P