I am Sorry because I am not Pretty in English Magazine by Jitendra Patel books and stories PDF | I am Sorry because I am not Pretty

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I am Sorry because I am not Pretty


-because I am not pretty

Talk with jitendra Patel:

Hello, I am jitendra Patel, just a writer. I know generally writer doesn’t get attention but it’s ok because a book is not a video or not an entertaining movie.

I like to writing to make people powerful to think what they can do, I have done many speeches for that at college and in groups. I am happy because I have seen some people of them who thank me for only what I speak. Well, this is all about to know me and read the “I AM SORRY” and keep updating me what you want to know from me.


“I am sorry “Hamm, it might be said because you must have made any mistake or you must have do something wrong.

But actually not,

Oh then why he is saying that he is sorry??

According to my knowledge mahatma Gandhi –father of nation had successfully removed the controversy of black and white people.

But I am wrong here, why??

The people who are ugly in looking by the born, or not so attractive look he has to always regret from every situation .like this,

A girl who daily goes to college and she might have some friends and also some boys. In this fast generation all boys may not be same, some may look the girl in negative manner and sometimes it converts to a terrible situation. But girls do not mind if some pretty boy looks at her and he tells her that she is looking so pretty even if he does not know him!!!!! And girl also smiles at him!!

And if the same thing happened by a common looking or ugly looking guy like “panipuriwala”- and tell the same words to the girl then what will happened?

Will she smile?

I think no..

Even the feeling are same as that smart looking boy and the panipuriwala she does not like the words told by the wander but she likes the words told by the smart boy. That is so strange!

This is not a one thing that the dull faces have to face but they have to struggle more and more just due to their look. Again I am not saying that all people are good but what the fault of them? Why they always called as “poor people –even if they are not”?

When an electrical engineering student sits in interview and if he has a better personality then he is taken as more intelligent than others why? As an engineering student I know that engineering is a branch where knowledge matters.

If we are travelling from a bus and let say some people in bus who were sitting in back , shouted and said some abusive words then the first sitter will look back and his eyes randomly captures the man who is looking like the “ pani-puriwala “..That’s the reality.

People does not know each other by their honesty or the values but they measures you by your look, if you are topper, if you are good at knowledge, if you are best in running, if you are good tennis player, if you are having great skill of teaching or any how you are best but if you are not attractive in look then you will be put 2 nd number by the default system of our great world.

Looking good was not necessary in past but now a days looking good has become a fashion and if you are not pretty then world knows you as outdated even if you are born in 1995!!!!

I am not against the fascinating world which is running blindly to western culture but there should be some space for ethics, there should be some oxygen to the talented but not pretty people and black people should also have the rights for being an actor in movies if he knows how to act! They are also capable to stand near the handsome person and have a selfie!

Are you agree that you also have said that kids are the second god?

Yes! Most time we said that, but do you remembered that how much times you kissed a ugly looking child ( if the child is not yours!!)?, how much time you gave a chocolate to non- pretty child?


Aren’t they looking like your second god?

Why we say “so lovely” if a cute boy says “your name “and where the feeling of goes “so lovely “when an ugly looking boy says “your name”?

Means this poison of racial classification also works efficiently with the child.

And the very often and best example of this is at marriage time,

When a boy goes to select the girl for his marriage then however the intelligent and best in cooking food , best in caring of parents she might have 90% chances to be rejected if she is not pretty! Wow, this is so ridiculous!!

And at the same time if a pretty and sexy girl having any good point of above she is having 98% chances to be selected!! This is even more ridiculous!

I have seen some real life examples that husband does not like to walk with her wife in public because she is not pretty as others.

If in family two brothers having difference in looks they automatically get the difference in toys, in chocolates, in cloths, in gifts, and even also in love.

We can stop it by making acts and law. But it is a social poison so its antinode can only be made by the society. We have to change our approach to the ugly looking people.

They are not pretty but it is an act of god, please don’t punish them for that ,it might possible that god could have given him some another best effect, if we will not change our thinking point of view then surly there will be increase in distance between these both kind of people and it will be called as the “murder of humanity” and for our kind information that mahatma Gandhi – father of nation has fight against this poison. Even still your heart did not getting respect for ugly people here I am giving list of people, just google about them you will get respect about them.

  • Nelson Mandela
  • Mohammed ali ( boxer)
  • Barack Obama
  • Usain bolt
  • Carl lewis
  • Olaudah equiano
  • Mahatma Gandhi …
  • And after reading about them you didn’t want to change your point of view against the ugly looking people contact me. I definitely want to listen your approach. Please take this positively.