Lifestyle in English Magazine by Meetali books and stories PDF | Lifestyle

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Meethali Raol


Generally, when you meet an individual or visit any country or place, you get uniqueness of their culture and traditions. Lifestyle is reflected in person’s behaviour, in activities, interests and opinions especially those related to self-image to reflect social status. At present, modern lifestyle goes with luxury. It won’t be wrong to say that today; lifestyle has turned out to be more money-oriented. Its existence is because of the increasing demands of constant up gradation in almost everything we do with time such as technology, fashion and many more.

In this world we find every individual ahead to earn more money so that they can buy more things and satisfy their needs. Unnecessary buying things without need, it is a deeper disease called instant gratification which means it gives pleasure of buying, provides satisfaction.

General belief prevailing amongst people is that if they don’t have newest fashion clothes, latest gadgets they don’t have an identity in society. Here, material assets are tied to self-worth. A kind of show-off seems to be dominant around. People rush out on buying branded things and at the end they are messed with the monthly budgets traps thinking branded items will earn a higher status in society. A good quality of watch and branded watch do same i.e. to show time.

This craving may lead to illegal things like corruption, kidnapping and so on to earn more money for fulfilling needs. Today, youngsters have the craze of owning smartphones as well as latest fashion outfits and end up in argument with elders. They are much accepted towards lifestyle compared to elder people. Our way of living is so much affected by technology that emotional values, family presence seems to be fading in this constant rush to earn more and spend more. Mobile and social networking has increased to such an extent that, we express our emotions via messages. I mean to wish birthday or anniversary; a call will have greater impact than a message on social sites but our busy schedule hardly spare with time to give best wishes. Every single individual is used to live such lifestyle, they prefer to migrate in develop countries where standard of living is higher and those who are not able to do so, they may lead dissatisfied lives. Somehow we come across individuals saying that their relatives are staying abroad; they have high connections in abroad and so on to create their own personality.

This modern lifestyle is affecting our health and habits. Increase in alcohol consumption and additive habits such as drinking caffeine, smoking, etc.

Also, growth in the consumption of fast food with fast paced lifestyle. It has devastating effect on the health of society as obesity rates go high.

An increase in the use of diet pills and other fat diets that is detrimental to health. The modern lifestyle has also brought about a focus on appearance. One must always look his best. Diet pills and fat diets are popular among women to relief shed unwanted weight and fit the picture of “perfect” that is portrayed by show stars. Unfortunately, fat diets starve the body and diet pills lead to thyroid functioning problems.

Additional common problems are:

* Loss of sleep:
Those who have chosen to live the modern lifestyle will complain that they get too little sleep. Maximum adults are now getting 5 hours of sleep which is less compared to a recommended 8 hours sleep in a day. The body is never fully rejuvenated and this can cause loss of functioning along with other health problems. Sleep is essential for good health.

* No time to exercise:
The fast paced, modern lifestyle leaves both adults and kids with little time for physical activity. This, in turn, leads to a whole slew of health problems like diabetes to heart disease, little or no exercise throughout the course of a lifetime.

* Excess of junk food: Approach towards lifestyle some way or the other affects individual to consume junk food. People either they go for shopping or some parties most of them will eat junk food and this creates unnecessary health problems and weight gain.

Lifestyle is necessary only to express our culture and traditions but making it a part of habit and craze will lead to disrespect of individual and will create unnecessary problems. After all individual is acknowledged by means of personal nature, positive attitude and family values. Stay in fashion, be foodie but be healthy and happy

Meethali Raol