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Healing Touch Of Meditation

Healing Touch Of Meditation

Author : C.P.Hariharan

Email id.: cphari_04@yahoo.co.in

There is a divine power in each of us which we address as soul. Supreme, bliss, a bit of heaven, God , Consciousness are the synonyms of this divine power. Only if our mind and body are sound, we can give a comfortable abode for our soul. We can trace this source of bliss, divine power in us only if we resort to meditation. Soul is a glistening light which is infinite, omnipotent, everlasting and compassionate. Soul is God, We can address it by any name and His ways are mysterious and miraculous. He is inherent in us behind the curtain of our worldly attitudes like jealous, ego, craving for materialism and anger.

As we meditate, stress is released and we get better vision of life. We can focus in better ways and work in a calm and composed manner. We will not get stuck up. Our pace of work gets doubled and we will not be running short of time. We will be able to perceive things in better ways .Meditation propitiates our soul, rejuvenates our nerves and precipitates our power of communication and our get going becomes still easier. Meditation enables us to think and act flexibly.

Meditation is imperative to cope up with fast changing lifestyles, declining human values and collapse of joint families which have a bearing on the behavior of children. Joint family was a source of solace and inspiration for students. The concept of family tree was in vogue.

We can heal others by loving unconditionally i.e. without expecting any rewards in return, tolerating fellow mortals and by creating an atmosphere to bring some respite for others enabling them to heave a sigh of relief, reprieve and liberate them from the stress and strains of ever changing life styles of today and making them as comfortable as possible by guiding them for earmarking some space and time necessary to resonate regularly with our own supreme that abodes in us. We are expected to follow this practice in meditation. Meditation culminates when we alienate ourselves from everything and begins to experience harmony, balance and inner tranquility, qualities of our own bliss and find ourselves in total transformation.

We come across people who are sycophants, curious and craving for a paradigm shift in their roles. They need spiritual, social and mental health. They are a sort of hopeless people and considering themselves as hapless.

Resonance with the supreme does not come to us on it’s own. We need to practice meditation. Even if, meditation suits many people, still there are others who feel uncomfortable with self nurturing. We witness very few people who are able to meditate. They find solace in meditation. They resort to breathing exercises like pranayama .They sit in a secluded open space preferably under a tree in the morning hours as the sun rises and take deep breath focusing on the same.

Some people resort to ayurvedic home remedial bliss bath in order to make their mind and body serene to provide a comfortable zone for dwelling for soul.

Skin care and cleanliness paves the way for a sound mind in sound body. Skin is our gate way to resonate with our divinity. Our routine of meditation enables fusion of mind, body and soul, our divine nature and consciousness, conscience. Profound care for the self brings the serenity for infusing the mind and body as more comfortable zone for the soul to reside in. Mind is the gate way of our life. We become what we think.

Ayurvedic self oil massage makes us ready for remedial meditation for our union with consciousness and helps us absorbing the essence of bliss through the bath. Oil bath precedes spiritual bathing.

Rituals for devotional practices were in vogue when joint family systems prevailed in India which cannot be seen in western countries.

We need to rejuvenate and regenerate ourselves through spiritual path in order to sync ourselves with our lives and we should accept the fact that all that we need to do is to pick up the relay run from where the history has halted to make still more historical chapters. We should realize that we heal and grow when we realize that we are evolving the universe.

The essence of self is ubiquitous. It is free, bliss and consciousness. The absorption in this essence is the spiritual bath.

We can contribute to society in our own ways. Even our minute humble act matters much.

Meditation is one of the means for healing the soul. This can be attained through unconditional philanthropic indulgence, mitigating others miseries through positive counseling and consolation and extricating them from the strenuous stress and strains of lifestyle changes. Stress is a problem and meditation is the remedy.

As our body responds regularly to the practice of meditation, we will find harmony at all levels, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, and social.

Even if, it is difficult to reach the culmination of spiritual echelons of salvation, a sort of self actualization, we envisage and practice spirituality in our daily life. For practicing spirituality, it is not necessary that we should go to top hills of Himalayas and all that and resort to penance. We should just have the tendency to live a serene, hail and healthy and peaceful life.

We can attain peaceful life in following ways.

We should always be conscious that a supreme power is observing our each and every action and every breath we take and we cannot befool Him.

Our rapports are created by Him. Our compassions towards fellow mortals are manifestations of His kindness.

We have to learn lessons from people who make our life miserable. Then only, we can maintain our equanimity. We feel the pinch when somebody hoodwinks us. Retorting spontaneously begets only bigotry.

We should realize that we have come from supreme and we have to return to Him.

Take a deep breath and chant the mantra ”Om” where you find yourselves focusing on each and every breath.

Exercise regularly to feel remain fit and active to receive His grace. A diseased body and mental depression go in tandem. Meditation goes a long way in healing our wounds.

Have serenity and tolerance to accept things which we cannot change. What cannot be cured has to be endured. Have the courage to change what you can and have the sage to realize the difference between what we can change and what we cannot. If we practice this, we can attain tremendous tranquility.

Express your gratitude to God for each day that passes peacefully. Be grateful to God for enabling you to think cognitively and to be able to do simple things like running around and perceive things.

A sound sleep is a good meditation and provides enormous rejuvenation. Meditation brings forth all pervasive positivity. Just as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, meditation keeps the medication at bay.

Just as time, meditation is a major healer. Meditation helps us to realize and feel the presence of divine power in us. Meditation helps us to lead a peaceful and totally independent life which is the need of the hour.

Author : C.P.Hariharan

e mail id.:cphari_04@yahoo.co.in