The Modern Love Science in English Love Stories by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | The Modern Love Science

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The Modern Love Science

Hi Everyone, We already heard about the word of love in our lives. The perosn who doesn't know about the love doesn't exist in this universe.

So, All the words that I'm gonna write about love here is purely on my opinion and i am not hurting anyone's feelings.

In our present timeline everyone think that love is an emotion but it isn't.

Love is a thing that controls every emotions of the person. Love can make you happy from sad, love can make you anger out of nothing, Love can make you jealous and it can make you addictive and obsessive. If you love someone more than yourself they can control your emotions.

For example if you are in a very happy mood but suddenly your partner is angry on you and avoiding you without any reason which can makes you upset just because of love on her.

How to define love ?

At present generation love can be defined in many ways based on the opinions and feelings of different persons. Some people say Love is can't be defined, some people say love is a beautiful feeling that makes you happy. Some say love is pain, love can be trust, loyalty, physical desire. love can be anything in this world now. But,

In my opinion I define love as, If you do everything beyond your power to make someone happy and made their life beautiful and successful without expecting anything not even love from them. Then you are truly loving that person. If you love someone you'll do anything for them, you'll even try to sacrifice yourself for that person but if you expect something from that person for doing that, that will be a business not love. And you'll do even the perosn is not beautiful, poor or a cripple. That's why older people said "Love is blind."

How Love works in Modern age ?

In modern generation the biggest ever joke is "Love at first sight."

Let's say for example, If you see a girl with fat, black skin, pimples faced why no one's getting love when they see her at the moment. And when girls see a bald, fat, short guy with a black skin they won't get love at first sight too.

When a person sees a beautiful, cute and handsome persons they'll get love at first sight how many times they want. You can't love a begging girl whom looks are bad, but you love a model whom looks are beautiful and sexy. How this is fair?

If you want to be loved by someone, you should atleast be handsome / beautiful or rich.

If you show respect, loyalty gave her trust and efforts she'll see you as a just good person if you aren't good looking or rich.

If you are just good looking and handsome, even you don't make efforts for her she loves you with everything she got.

Boys are same also. This will apply for every human in this world.

What are the property of Modern Love ?

As I said "Love at first sight" is fake.

Love can't be created or destroyed but it can transform from one emotion/relationship to love and can transform love to any emotion/relationship.

What the property saying is love cannot be born at the simultaneous moment or just in 1 day. The love is just a transformation of another feeling or relationship.

It means if you are having any emotion like angry, jealous, attraction, affection, need on a person or relationship like friendship, enmity, relatives from family with a person it will transform into love within a period of time on that person.

Most of the loves in modern age are transformation of attraction or need. First, one person finds the other person attractive and wanted to make love with that person, It should be for physical desire or for to mentally depend on that person. Some people have needs like financial and emotional supports which make them wanted to love someone that fulfill their needs that leads to marriages.

So many have said love has no end. But it has, The only thing that can kill love is betrayal. If you make love with another person by having already a loving partner that's the end of the love between the partners. If you really loves someone you don't think about having a 2nd partner for any reason.

For example foxes, penguins, swans, bald eagles, black vultures, coyotes they only have a one life partner in their entire life. If their mate dies they'll stay single forever in that life. That's what true love is. Humans have to be shamed, they can't even learn from animals. The saddest part is I'm human too.

How men loves in Modern age ?

This is simple, there's only two of them.

One who wants only to fulfill their physical desires. They don't bother about your happiness or any other emotions. They don't bother about your situations or about you. They only want one thing from girl and when they achieved it and used her again and again and when they finally popped out everything from her. The girl won't be useful for them, they'll leave her and search for another one.

The fact is most of the girls/women are loving these type of men because they are beautiful and they're doing everything for them. They're doing it because they wanted something from her. But girls should not caring about their v card.

Second one is who truly loves, stay loyal, can be trusted and who wanted to marry and make a beautiful girl with that loved girl. But most of the girls rejecting them because they're not good looking or not rich. This is also good but some girls using these type of men for some day for their physical and financial needs and when they're done. They're leaving these men by saying unnecessary reasons.

How Women loves in Modern age ?

This is more complicated in modern age. This was good in the age when there is no smartphones, at that time either a girl having a lover or a brother that's it no one can enter their life. But now Classmate, Friend, best friend, boy bestie, boy friend, lover, husband, neighbor, colleague, Boss even i don't know where it ends. I am not symbolizes this for every women. Some women are good.

Women's should have social relations with men but with boundaries. Women should know where to put the persons and whom to prioritize in their life. If they give priority to both bestie and lover then what's the difference between them.

Women should have boundaries with men even he is a best friend. If only she gave her trust, loyalty and everything in love it should be only one person. She can't distribute same love everyone. Now women only see if men are handsome like is he six feet, good looking or is he rich. That's what modern women wanted to make love with men. There's no bother about trust, loyalty and love. If they fail they don't have to be sad because girls have so much demand in these days.

For example if a girl just had a breakup she can hook up with another man in just one day. But a man can't do it even if he wanted to. That's how these days are.


Love is not a simple topic that can be completed in a short story. It can be written in books of books and can be written forever. Finally in my opinion, if we have a loving person with us we don't value of that person until he became a memory. So please know the value of a truly loving person because it's hard to find someone like that in these days. If he's not your type change them into the way you like. Love demands change if you can't get it you'll only leave with sacrifice or breakup. I'm sorry if it hurts anyone feelings. I didn't asked any reviews for my previous books but try to give me a review on my opinion.