My Blind Date Was My Boss - 8 in English Love Stories by jiaqing yang books and stories PDF | My Blind Date Was My Boss - 8

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My Blind Date Was My Boss - 8

Chapter 124
Su Zichen gave him a sideways look, "It's nothing, you go back to rest."
"Oh, General Su, remove the donkey, see me now no use so soon to drive me away?" Xu Chujing said with a smile.
Su Zichen looked at him faintly, "Want to work overtime?"
Xu Chujing immediately sat up straight, "Don't worry, I will disappear in front of you now."
Just about to leave, he turned back, "By the way, is the computer still in use?" I'll take it back if you don't need it."
Su pushed the computer directly in front of him, then got up and left.
Xu Chujing, while cleaning, said: "Pity me this worker ah..."
* * * * * *
Mushage went back to his room and lay flat on the bed, exhausted.
She was very grateful for Su Zichen's timely appearance, otherwise it would have been a long discussion.
His head was in a state of emptiness, and from time to time he flashed Su Zichen's face. It seemed that he was tired and stupid, how could he always think of him?
Today still and Li Ziyan "intimate", really when she does not exist in general, think about it feel angry.
She sat up straight, huffed and puffed, took her nightgown out of her suitcase and prepared to take a shower.
There was a knock at the door.
Muschucky stopped. Who would come looking for him so late?
She walked quickly to the door and approached the cat's eye, but saw Su Zichen standing upright in front of the door, her handsome face magnified by the cat's eyes, her heart beating wildly.
What's this guy doing in her room when he's not in his suite?
The phone on the desktop "buzzing" rang, today's meeting, she set the ringtone to vibrate and forgot to turn it back.
"Hello." She answered the phone.
"Open the door. I know you're in there."
"......" Mu Xia Qi helpless open the room, Su Zichen holding a mobile phone, looking at her softly.
Mushaqi thought that there are other colleagues and her on the same floor, if they see the follow-up trouble will be big, after all, now she does not want to public.
He took a wary look at the corridor, saw that no one was pulling Su Zichen in quickly, and then closed the door.
"Are you crazy?" Muschucky's spirit tightened.
Su Zichen's black and white eyes narrowed slightly, more and more like a pot of wine, leisurely to draw people's hearts.
"What if someone found out?" She whispered.
But he chuckled, "Afraid of what? We're not stealing -- we're licensed to work!"
Mushaqi gave him a white look, "Of course you're not afraid, I'm afraid in the company will be besieged, oh, not only in the company, outside will be besieged."
"Are you so unsure of yourself?" His voice was smoky, husky and magnetic.
"It's not a matter of lack of confidence, it's the peace of life that will be broken." Mushaqi's skin was fine and white, like porcelain.
"It's okay, I've got you." He whispered, like a lover's whisper.
This sentence lit the fire in her heart, and the emotions that had been pressed in the bottom of my heart could no longer be pressed, all came out, and the body was like an avalanche, she stood straight.
He looked at him by the light and his voice trembled. "Let's talk about it."
He stood quietly by the TV and waited for her to go on.
"You said I had you, where were you when my stomach hurt?" Good public and private, in the company called you Sue, but Li Ziyan is a person before and after a Zi Chen brother, how did you not correct her?"
His eyes locked on her face, obviously has been very aggrieved to cry, but still trying to bear, forcing himself to calm, but red eyes or betrayed her.
After a long time, he asked, "Do you care about Li Ziyan?"
"What do I care about, but as your nominal legal wife, I have the obligation to remind you that no matter how good your feelings are with your family friend sister, please do not make eyes at work!"
If we can't do it now, let alone later, let's do it sooner..."
He frowned. "What before?"
She was still angry and made up her mind to "leave..."
The word "marriage" had not yet been said, and she had been gagged by Su Zichen.
Soft - lips meet, his strong breath hit, ravines like hard to fill in her mouth wanton.
He never wanted to stop in her body, always raiding the city, kneading her - into his own blood.
Mushage was so anxious that he pushed his legs to free himself but was no match for his strong hand.
She bent her heart and snapped at the wound in his mouth.
The old and new wounds came together, and his lips bled again, and the smell of blood swept straight across her tongue.
This time he did not want to let go of her, and the hand he placed on her waist grasped her thin waist tightly.
Mu Shaqi kept backing away, her calf caught on the edge of the bed, and she suddenly fell backward, and Su Zichen fell on her.
I don't know when, his hand has been protecting the back of her head.
The weight of the two men makes the spring on the bed swing up and down.
She raised her hand to push him, but still did not move, his burning body, pressed against his body.
So her tears fell down uncontrollably and grievously.
The hot tears fell on the two people's tight lips, there are sour, there are grievances, he finally stopped.
Her body was shaking slightly, turning her head, as if she wanted to dodge, didn't want him to see his embarrassed appearance at this moment, and hated his weak emotions at this moment.
Looking at her shoulders shaking up and down, he reached out to touch her face, but she repelled him, touched him again and again.
Her dark eyes looked deeply into her tear-stained face and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes, but she obstinately turned her head away from him.
His eyes grew darker, and he gently squeezed her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at herself.
Seeing her struggle under him, he opened his mouth: "Do you think Xu Chujing will leave the meeting room at will to hang out in an important meeting, and then just meet you with a stomach ache, and then let the driver take you to the hotel?"
Mushaqi still wanted to escape his control, but he was pulled back.
"Or what?" She had vaguely suspected that Xu Chujing was not sent by Su Zichen, and her emotions were at a critical point, and then suddenly this point broke out.
"As for Li Ziyan, she is the daughter of a family friend. Due to my grandfather's kindness, I only put her in the secretariat for the time being."
At last she stopped, feeling her throat blocked and unable to utter a single word, and listened to him again.
"Now grandpa's condition is not stable, I can not stimulate him, but her uncle's hand is too long, the company wants to touch everything, public accounts for private use, I am just waiting for an opportunity."
She pressed her lips, her eyes were still red, but he only raised his hand to wipe the remaining tears from her cheek.
As if to understand the meaning of her eyes, "Li Ziyan is my family friend sister is correct, but it is only an insignificant little sister, I want to really have anything with her need not wait until now."
"I have warned her to change her name before, and you can rest assured that I will deal with it."

Chapter 125: The Real Couple
Su Zichen looked directly at her eyes, "I understand the meaning of marriage, as a husband I will be responsible for you and your family!"
Muschucky only felt his cool fingertips slide against her tearful skin and wake her up for a few moments.
She thought about it carefully, what she saw was indeed Li Ziyan more active, and Su Zichen has been cold response.
Her eyes twinkle, so it's all a mistake?
Seeing that she was still looking at herself in a daze, he pushed the broken hair on her face behind his ear and softly said, "Did you get angry?"
Deep ink-like eyes as clear as a stream, with a trace of deadly temptation, he only soothed her emotions, but forgot that the blood on his lips is still little by little to stop coming out.
Mushaqi could not help feeling ashamed, as if he had been seduced, and lifted his hand gently, his lips were warm, but the red, but it was wet.
The touch of the two intertwined, through the fingertips, spread into the skin, and soaked into the body.
The constant heat made her heart jump out of control.
Her fingertips shrink, this strange feeling, let her a little retreat.
Su Zichen's mouth moved slightly, taking her hand, each finger through her fingers, until they were intertwined.
His big hand wrapped tightly around her palm, until her palm had his own temperature.
He breathed softly, his breath on her face. "Muschach, I don't want to wait any longer!!"
Muchach stared at him, never understanding the meaning of his words, "Wait for what?"
"I want to wait for you to be willing to be with me, but you are always aloof, I can't wait, I want you to belong to me completely, so I can feel at ease."
Mushaqi only felt that he was getting closer and closer to himself, and his unique wooden breath was getting stronger and stronger, and she was a little nervous.
But still uncontrollably continued to ask, in a voice as soft as a fly, "What are you going to do??"
The tip of his nose almost touched hers, and Muschucky felt his breath in it.
She looked into his black eyes close at hand, the pupils full of her shadow.
"What do you suggest I do?"
Hot breath fell on her forehead as he moved, and before she knew it, her lips were tightly sealed.
Her heart momentarily missed a few beats, her breathing became messy, and she reached out to push him, but she did not budge.
I heard his gentle whisper in my ear. They looked at each other, his eyes like water.
"I haven't had a drink today. I'm very sober."
His voice was like gravel, like waves eating away at her mind.
She looked at his side of the face, as if confused, her eyes, which had been crying, were now full of water, and the hand on his chest was slowly falling.
Mushaqi lowered his eyes and whispered, "But I haven't taken a bath yet."
His eyes darkened and he took her in his arms. "Then wash together..."
Through the glass door vaguely covered with traces of water, the girl hung feebly on the man's body, swaying like a boat being carried from the middle of the fast-flowing lake water, shaking and drifting.
Mushach was in a daze, her long hair wet with water, only feeling that she was covered in water, and could not tell whether it was sweat on her body or whether he had rubbed the water on her body.
In her ear was his heavy breath - breath, brushing her neck.
I don't know how long later, he was wrapped in her towel, like a baby he carried out of the bathroom, her whole person has been sour and weak.
"Tired?" He asked, hoarse with satiation.
Muchachi was not yet accustomed to his tenderness, and she and he were to be a famous and real couple.
She felt that she must have a soft ear, he coax, their own surrender, is indeed a beautiful mistake!
Menses - personnel, sure enough, it is very painful, several times he wanted to come in, she wanted to shout stop, but he whispered softly several times, his attention was distracted, and then he succeeded!
Tonight I said goodbye to my girlhood, always a little more sad.
She suddenly remembered what, clearly felt the pain of tearing - cracking, why did not see the fall - red?
Did the water just wash away in the shower?
Her leg had just moved, and the pain made her take a deep breath and say, "Whoosh..."
'What's the matter? He clenched his hand on her waist and spoke softly.
"I want to brush my teeth." Only in the act of getting up, the towel slipped off and she was again bare - naked in the air.
Mushaqi's face suddenly turned red, like a peach that has been fully ripe.
Su Zichen's eyes twinkle slightly, and her firm and powerful hands stretch out lazily with silk, resting on her delicate shoulder socket.
Muschucky stooped and ducked before he could climb again.
Quickly walked to the sofa, casually scooped up a nightdress and put it on, enduring discomfort to the bathroom.
The white floor tiles did not have a trace of red, she stood in front of the washing table, blushing to recall the madness just now, her impression is not to see the red water - marks.
"Didn't you say brush your teeth?" Su Zichen did not hear the movement of brushing his teeth and washing, casually took a public bathrobe from the hotel closet and wrapped it around him, and walked to the bathroom in three steps.
I saw his wife standing in the bathroom, staring at the wet glass bathroom.
Looking at her concentration, he did not notice that he was coming, so he leaned in behind her.
Muchachi closed her eyes in frustration, thinking how she was different from what the book said, how she had experienced more than half of the detailed scenes described in romance novels, but how could she not have the last step?
When I turned around, I saw Su Zichen already standing behind me and was startled.
"When did you come here?"
"Let's see if you've brushed your teeth." He pulled her away from the wet area.
"I, I haven't started brushing my teeth yet." Her eyes twinkle.
The nightgown covered her loosely, but her exquisite figure could be glimpsed.
A pair of slender legs, half covered, a kind of indescribable style.
"I know." He had no intention of leaving.
"Do you brush your teeth, too?" Mushaqi looked at the disposable toiletries provided by the hotel, picked up a set and handed it to him. "I don't mind, I can make do with it."
Then she saw that he was not red-shirtless, and Muschucky blushed and looked away, which she was not used to.
See he did not move, just want to remind him to take it, but he was pulled by a big hand, and fell into her arms.
Deep eyes on her face, "Let's change the pose - try."
Muschucky pushed him. "Why did you do that?"
The strength of her chicken was no match for Su Zichen.
He picked him up with ease and walked outside.

Chapter 126: Eat Breakfast
"I haven't brushed my teeth yet! Mushage struggled against it.
"I'll do it later."
"No buts."
She was noisy, and his lips were sealed for an instant, and he could not say a word.
Just watching the ceiling swaying, the dim light in the room more dizzy, mixed with heavy breathing and warm ambiguity.
Su Zichen only changed one thing, it was like folding her all over, and the sofa not far away was also full of traces of them.
The man tried to lean against the window again, and Muschucky shuddered and begged in a low voice for mercy.
She just doesn't know that the more she asks for mercy, the more he gets excited.
She looked out of the window of the shaking scenery, fortunately the glass with a one-way film, or she has no face to be a man!
The heart heaved a sigh, her great sacrifice, his health is very good, orientation is not a problem!
Han's inference is completely - nonsense!
Who said that Su Zichen was the "Su God" who had no desire? !
I don't know how long it took, Su Zichen finally let her go, she was locked in his arms, and he was close to her shoulder socket.
Mushach rested on his long arm, her right hand clenched in his palm, and she felt sticky and uncomfortable.
Turned around and bit him in the chest in retaliation.
He snorted, not yet dry hair is drooping on his face, but it looks very handsome face is unusually sexy.
"You want to do it again?"
Muschucky flinched and backed away.
He was so satisfied that he looked at her with a smile.
Mushaqi looked away from him, only his breath was still strong, his hand was still across her waist, and the two of them lay quietly with their eyes closed.
She seemed to think of something and asked: "Did you just do something?"
Su Zichen's eyes were closed and he seemed to have fallen asleep.
She poked him in the waist. "Hey..."
He quickly grasped her restless fingertips. "I don't say hello!"
"Sue... Son..." Before she had finished, his dark eyes looked deeply at her.
"One more chance..."
"Zi... Chen, uh..."
Su Zichen just bowed his head and took his lips back, where millions -- spoils -- until her lips began to turn bright red again.
'Mrs Sue, have you forgotten what I said last time? His sight swept over again, his hand was still walking around her waist, making her itchy and afraid, had to beg for mercy: "Husband..."
He nodded with satisfaction, his eyes full of stars, "This is a good boy, reward you with a kiss!"
Not until Muchachi was out of breath did he let go of her, and she gave him a look, a reward for himself?
Looking into her watery eyes, which were about to speak, he cleared his throat, "Yes, I am responsible for you."
Muschucky's face turned red and his neck turned pink when he heard what he said.
Su Zichen's eyes became dangerous again.
Muchachi, who now had some idea of his eyes, quickly backed away, keeping some distance from him. x|
She was too tired to move any more, turned her back to him, seemed to sleep as if awake, and heard his voice vaguely, "Don't mention divorce at will in the future, I am not allowed!"
She could not tell whether it was a dream or a reality, just gently "um" a sound, and then completely fell into a deep and deep sleep.
The next day, Mu Shaqi woke up in the wake of the shock, but found that the empty side, she trance thought that everything that happened last night, only to have a dream.
She was about to get up, her thighs turned out, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath.
Mushachi felt as if his whole body had been run over by a cart, and involuntarily lay back down.
In bed and half will get up, but when walking, still feel the pain.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, she saw that her body was covered with deep and shallow kiss marks, and the memory of the fire and heat of the night made her face blush slightly.
Just her walking posture is still a little strange, a little Lin Xiaoyu will certainly ask.
She sighed helplessly, wondering how she would cope.
Before she could think of an excuse, the phone outside the bathroom rang.
Look at the screen display, it is Lin Xiaoyu!
"Hello, Cookie? Today, Sue and the head of the department or the department representative went to inspect, we these shrimp soldiers will not have to follow behind, ha ha ha..."
Muschach paused for a moment and then said, "So we're free this morning?"
"Yes! Was it a surprise?" Through the phone can feel Lin Xiaoyu's excitement, "Qi Qi, do you want to go shopping together?"
Mu Xia Qi still thought that this morning can rest, do not want to go shopping, politely refused: "Xiao Yu, I did not sleep well last night, just got up and still a little sleepy, I just want to catch up on sleep, you and Xiaoling go."
Lin Xiaoyu regrets, thinking that she may not sleep well because of stomach pain, and there is no reluctance, "Then you have a good rest, Xiaoling and I will go out and take some photos for you to see."
"Yeah, well, have fun!"
Mushaqi hung up the phone and stood by the bed hesitating to eat breakfast and then catch up on sleep.
Outside the door but remembered the knock: "Hello, I am the hotel room service, please open the door."
Muschucky wondered why she had brought her food before she had ordered it.
Looking through the cat's eye, it is indeed the service staff pushing the restaurant stop in front of the door.
She opened a crack in the door. "Well, I didn't order anything."
The attendant looked at the note, "Here is written your room number, do you not believe it?"
Muschucky, in spite of his surprise, opened the door and let him bring in the food.
Close the door, open the lid of the food, the smell of food immediately came, millet porridge with corn, there are many exquisite and lovely cakes.
The mobile phone on the desktop is slightly vibrating, Mu Xia Qi think is Lin Xiaoyu they find her, but it is "attention, can not answer" SMS.
I ordered breakfast for you, remember to eat.
I will later let someone send you some spring sand kernel honey stomach, you remember to drink.
Muxia Qi looked at the text message inside the mobile phone, the heart surged a sweet.
No wonder he arranged today's high-level meeting.
After all, business trips, affairs have not been dealt with, to give them leave, think about it is impossible.
Sitting in front of the dining car, leisurely eating breakfast, the sun through the window, the air particles, floating in the light.
She turned on the television and turned to the local television station to see what was on the morning news.
See the screen appeared Su Zichen that face, Qingjun Junyi, Jianmei star eye sitting in the leaders, but the aura was not pressed down.

Chapter 127: Family Marriage
Mu Shaqi's heart could not stop beating, Su Zichen's camera stayed for five or six seconds, and then turned to other people.
I don't know if it is because of his appearance level, in normal meetings, the director often cuts the camera to his picture, even if others speak, the camera is also directed at Su Zichen.
Muchach had to admit that some men were born to be God's favorites, and that others could not get them in exchange for a hundred times their efforts.
By the end of the news, she had finished her breakfast. Her stomach was full, but there was still a lot of food left on the table.
Mushach rubbed his stomach. Is he raising a pig? That's enough for several people.
Well, they could not eat any more, so they had to cover them again with a lid, and some cakes could be saved for lunch.
Looking at the mess of the room, or can not help but tidy up, only in the bathroom, unexpectedly found his inner - pants!!
So, how did he leave the room this morning?
Mushaqi's face suddenly changed from red cheeks to ears, and the chaos in the bathroom showed the absurdity of the two of them last night.
She cleaned up at will to make the bathroom look not so dim, otherwise the hotel cleaning aunt came to clean.
When people see such a scene, they don't have to think much to know what has happened, she has a thin skin, but can't afford to lose this face.
When she made the bed, the towel she had shoved into the corner had a trace of red.
Muchachi, with a faint heart, suspected that his eyes had misread, took it, spread it out, and clearly saw a red stain near the bottom of the towel.
This is the towel she was wearing when she left the bathroom last night, so, uh, she was a little. - Red?
She stared at the position of the towel, which was a testament to her girlhood.
The phone on the nightstand buzzed again, and Muschach came to himself and hurried over to pick it up.
"Sister, where are you?" Mu Haoxuan anxious voice from the microphone passed over.
"I'm on a business trip to g City, what's wrong?"
"Sister, you have to be ready, my family group was not going to cooperate with Su group new project, I don't know how to go on, my parents actually prefer to cooperate with Ling Yunche their home."
"This is normal ah, and who cooperation is the same, can win on the line." Muschucky doesn't care.
"The problem is that the Ling family proposed contact to bring the two families closer together." Mu Haoxuan tone anxious.
"Didn't the Ling family live next door to ours a long time ago? Then they moved away, and it seems that they have not been in touch for a long time, and there is a girl in their family who can marry you?" Muschach wondered.
"Elder sister, why didn't you turn the corner, Ling home has a female doll, now still in primary school, and I am too bad, you forget Ling Yunche and your age?"
Muchachi was hit on the head, his head buzzing in disbelief, and he asked, "What did you say?"
Mu Haoxuan on the phone took a deep breath and said one word at a time: "Ling home means that Ling Yunche and you are married, when you two were not also played the game of marriage?"
"No, no, children's games can't be taken seriously." Mushaqi was on the verge of stuttering, "Didn't you play the marriage game with Xuanxuan in the opposite house?"
"The problem is that my parents saw you as a child sticking to Ling Yunche play, think you have a good impression on him, but also really moved the idea of marriage, I heard last night after my father's study."
Mu Shaqi, one of the first two big, "Now the Ling family and our family cooperation to what stage?"
"I heard that the cooperation agreement will be signed at the end of next month, and now it seems that the site of the new energy vehicle project is being discussed."
"I'm still running away from home, and they decide to marry me?"
Mushage grew angry as he thought about it, his chest and mouth heaving.
"No, after what happened last time, where will Mom and Dad take the liberty to help you decide, mom should still go and talk to you, just..."
Mu Haoxuan paused for a moment, did not say more.
Muschucky knew what he meant, and would eventually find a way to get her to agree.
After a long silence, she said, "But I'm married!"
"What?? !!" Mu Haoxuan roared like decibel he, almost shattered her eardrum.
"Sister, say that again?"
"I, say, I, married, married..." Muschucky repeated the phrase.
"Sister, today is not April Fool's Day, don't joke with me, OK?" Mu Haoxuan still refused to believe that his sister even quietly married.
"No kidding, do you remember when I asked you to help me get my hukou book out?" Muschucky heard his trembling voice, both sad and funny.
"Aaaah!! What son of a bitch tricked my sister away..."
She quickly moved the phone away from her ear, and there was a clanging sound from the receiver.
"Sister, who is it?" Muhaoxuan tone collapse, feel unbelievable.
"That's someone you should know."
"Su Zichen."
"That's a familiar name, but I don't know it. He's just a son of a bitch in my eyes."
"Su's Group." Muschach reminded again.
"You mean the Su Group where you work?" Mu Haoxuan's voice became sharp.
"My God, this is crazy. If Mom and Dad cooperate with the Ling family, then our two families will be rivals." Muhaoxuan held his head and exclaimed.
He paused and then asked, "Sister, when were you with him?" Why didn't I notice?"
"Aren't you worried about dating your sister Han Susui? Why do you care about your sister?"
"Where, where..." Mu Haoxuan suddenly feel guilty, "I am not a heavy color light friend of the people."
"Well, you're not..." Muschucky stopped on purpose.
Mu Haoxuan quickly said: "Right?"
"Then who is it?
Mu Haoxuan suddenly discouraged, "Where is... Sister, I liked Susui very early on."
"Oh? Now they are all Shouting Sui Sui." Muschach teased and deflected the subject.
Mu Haoxuan was suddenly around her into, forgot to ask her how and Su Zichen together.
"Sister, Sui Sui and I haven't been together long, but we really like each other."
"What about your old college girlfriend?"
"It's all gone, sister, I will be devoted to Sui Sui and will never change my heart." Mu Haoxuan tone solemn.
"Well, Susui grew up with us and is my best friend. I hope you two are well."
"Thank you, sister, but I don't know how to tell my parents, and I don't know if Uncle Han will support them..."
Mu Haoxuan's tone weakened again, with a hint of hesitation.
"Afraid of what, you really love each other, as a man, you have to shoulder the responsibility, even if you leave the shelter of the home, but also for the wind and rain."
"Well, I'll try!" Mu Haoxuan sounded firm.

Chapter 128: Getting Ready
"I believe you. By the way, don't tell Mom and Dad that I'm married just yet." Muschach said lightly.
"I can't imagine what it would be like if Mom and Dad knew you were getting married without telling them..."
Mu Haoxuan body shook, dare not think much, "sister, you think about how to say better with mom and dad, I worry that the sky will fall apart."
"Yeah, I know. Let me know if you hear anything new."
"No problem, leave it to me."
Hang up the phone, Mushaqi sat on the bed - empty, feeling tired.
Now I like in a hutong, in need of an exit.
I don't know if I was too tired last night, or I ate too much breakfast, I just sat there for a while, and I felt sleepy.
Drifting off to sleep in a confusion of thoughts.
When she woke up again, the sky outside the window had become orange, she squinted her eyes, I do not know today.
When she touched the phone to see what time it was, she found that the phone had run out of power! No wonder the phone didn't ring.
When it was plugged in and turned on, it was four o 'clock in the afternoon!
Time is really a gentle hand hidden in the dark, in your mind a trance between the stars.
Fortunately, there is no urgent work to find her today, Lin Xiaoyu has sent a lot of photos of her and Chen Xiaoling shopping to her.
Two people have a lot of fun, eat a lot of food.
Looking at the attractive food above the photo, she was tempted to hook out.
The stomach is responding, making a rumbling sound.
Originally random from the hotel order to solve even if, and looked at the eye Lin Xiaoyu sent photos.
Could not help but swallow the saliva, the heart a horizontal, forget it, or go out to eat, anyway, in the hotel also stuffy day.
She took out a casual sports suit from her suitcase and changed it into one, so that she had her sports suit ready, otherwise she would have to wear a formal suit to forage.
She sent a text message to ask Lin Xiaoyu just sent a special snack is where.
Lin Xiaoyu quickly replied and sent her the location, "Cookie, do you want to meet us? But we are on our way back."
Mushaqi slept, feel more spirit, see they want to come back, and replied: "You have been wandering all day, but also tired, I will wander around to find something to eat."
Lin Xiaoyu: "OK, you pay attention to safety, the public security here is quite good, don't go too far in the alley on the line."
Mushaqi: [OK.]
Such as came to Lin Xiaoyu sent her commercial street positioning, around the lively, people come and go.
The shops along the street are full of beautiful things, selling a wide variety of things.
The point is that there are many food stalls, and her parents did not allow her to eat these before, saying that it was not clean, so she could only watch and not eat.
Later, she was independent from home, and every time she saw these food stalls, she would always eat a little to make up for her childhood regrets.
A stall for stinky tofu was filled with people and there was a long line.
At the back of the line stood a cute girl in a pink girl's costume. She asked, "Hello, is this stinky tofu one of the most famous around here?"
The girl looked away from her phone and took off her headset with her left hand, embarrassed to ask, "Were you just talking to me?"
Moushaqi smiled and nodded, "Yes, sorry to bother you, I want to ask this stinky tofu is delicious?"
Cute sister eyes curved, nod heavily, "Very delicious, I am a local, often come here to eat stinky tofu, you are out of town to travel?"
Mushaqi nodded, "Yes, come here on business."
"Welcome to g City, we have a lot of delicious, like the store in front, chopped pepper fish head is the most famous, small fried meat is also very good, and..."
The cute sister enthusiastically introduced her to a lot of local food, until the line reached the two of them were still interested.
The little sister ordered two stinky tofu directly when she ordered food, and turned to give one to Mu Xia Qi, "I invite you to eat, and often come to g market."
Muxia Qi was flattered to take over her stinky tofu, in a strange environment, a little warm kindness will feel unusually satisfied.
"I am from s City, if you have a chance to come to s City, you can contact me." Mu Xia Qi sent her mobile phone number to her cute sister, two people added chat software to each other, just know that she is called Bai Mengmeng, the name and her temperament is very consistent.
What she did not expect was that the two people really met in other places later, these are later words.
Mushaqi's stomach improved a little, dare not eat too mixed things, so stinky tofu is also a few bites, do not dare to eat more.
Wandering, vaguely heard someone call her name, looked around, but did not see familiar people.
She suspected that she was hearing voices from time to time, until someone patted her on the back and she was startled.
Looking back but see Liang Yufei smiling Ying Ying standing behind her, "Xia Qi, your body better?" Last time you bought milk tea, you went back to rest."
"Much better, thanks for asking, what are you?" Mu Xia Qi saw him carrying bags and bags, Mu Xia Qi feel he is coming.
Liang Yufei angry shyly smiled, "My friends heard that I came to g city on business, I must bring them some specialties, this, while there is no task today, hurry out to purchase."
"So I see."
"Where are you going? Or together?" Liang Yufei invited way.
Mushaqi looked at him carrying a pile of things, both hands have been carrying full things, such a walk with her, not tired is strange.
She shook her head, "You came from the west side, are you going back?"
Liang Yufei embarrassed nodded, "but still can accompany you to visit, not in the way."
Muchachi smiled, "You are carrying so many things, I am also embarrassed to let you accompany me, and I am only walking casually, and will be back soon."
Liang Yufei still insisted on following behind her, said what a girl in a strange city is not safe.
Muxia Qi, he is smiling behind, said to make up for the milk tea owed before.
Mushaqi helpless, had to let him follow, said to help him share a little something, he was determined to refuse.
She was also embarrassed to let him carry a bunch of things with her, and did not stay long to go back together.
Back at the hotel, about 6:30.
Hotel door stood a large group of people, Mu Xia Qi just get off, Liang Yufei lift things walking beside her.
She paused, Su Zichen stood in the center of the crowd, standing out from the crowd, and the people around him were reduced to background boards.
He saw his side head and Xu Chujing discussing, behind the department leaders followed behind him.
He seemed to feel something, turned his eyes around, and finally landed on her.

Chapter 129: Soft Eyes
Mouchucky saw his eyes fall softly upon her, and with a warm heart looked at him with a smile.
Liang Yufei see Su Zichen looked at him, some excitement, "Su is always not looking at our side?"
Mu Shaqi was interrupted, his eyes away from Su Zichen, "Really?"
"Isn't it? Liang Yufei was her question tone made a little doubt that they are not wrong.
By the time they looked back, Su Zichen and they were already far away.
* * * * * *
In the next few days, Mushaqi and her departments all entered a busy work state, collecting data from each department and then reporting it to the group headquarters for review.
Encountered audit but was hit back overnight modification, Lin Xiaoyu will grab Mu Xia Qi wailing, "When I have the opportunity, I want to go to the headquarters, let them taste the taste of modified information."
Su Zichen would sneak into her room in the middle of the night and leave quietly in the morning.
May be distressed that her body has not fully recovered, these days it is unusual to follow the rules, just as her throw pillow, no other actions.
Mushaqi felt that he was a big stove, obviously open 18 degrees of air conditioning, covered with a thin quilt as long as he was held, sleep to half always warm up.
Every time he fell asleep and broke away from his arms, he woke up only to find himself still in her arms.
Later, she simply stopped struggling, simply kicked off the quilt, and the temperature was just right.
g City business trip last day, today at noon can go back to s City, everyone is very happy.
Early in the morning, before dawn, Mu Shaqi felt his face wet and itchy. He opened his eyes sleepily and saw Su Zichen's handsome face.
"Awake?" His voice was smoky, husky and sultry.
"Well..." She is still very sleepy, always feel the day is not bright, but the curtains are drawn tightly, can not see the light.
He entered - attack also slowly swim from the face - from the neck and shoulder, wet touch - feel, let Mu Shaqi some do not adapt.
The body involuntarily shrank and woke up, "What time is it now?" You're not going back?"
Su Zichen was buried at her neck and shoulder, and his voice was vague. "It's only after five o 'clock. It's still very early."
The person under the body half awake state, a different from the usual silly, his breath is more intense.
"Sleepy, I want to go back to sleep." Mushage shoved his head and wriggled, trying to pull away from his grasp.
But she does not know, the man in the morning can not stand any lift - dial! I just felt the pressure - on my own body - get heavier.
"Well, you sleep - yours, I'll do - mine, you don't have to - force..." He has a deep voice.
How can he fall asleep when he's moving so much? !
In the end, he succeeded, and Mushaqi was tossed to the sky by him, and he did not want to let go of her.
Mushaqi looked at the phone time, it was nearly 7:40, and hurriedly urged him to go back to his presidential suite, in case other colleagues found out, it would be over.
Su Zichen reluctantly wore his clothes on the edge of the sofa. "It feels like we're having an affair."
"Yes, you are one of my secret lovers!" Muschucky was lying in bed, laughing and joking.
"Well, there are other lovers?" Su Zichen's eyes narrowed, and by the way, he pressed her again, "You tell me, what other love - husband?"
And he closed her lips again, till they were both gasping, gasping, gasping.
Muschucky hurried away from him, wrapped in the quilt, so that he would not have to go out at noon this day.
Quickly said: "What else, just you one I can not bear."
Su Zichen heard her saying this, the corners of his mouth knitted, "You mean I am very strong?"
No matter how much he tried to tease Muschucky, she wouldn't take up his topic again, or it would never end.
She was relieved when the door closed.
Looking down at the marks on his body, he could not help but sigh, and after a few days of rest and recuperation, he had a good body, and now he has become green and purple.
Be Su Zichen break - Teng a morning, Mu Xia Qi on the plane, began to make up sleep, know to the airport she, or Lin Xiaoyu shook her awake.
"Cookie, what were you doing last night? Why are you so sleepy?" Chen Xiaoling asked with a smile.
Lin Xiaoyu: "I suspect that Cookie went to 857 bar last night without telling us!" Ha ha..."
Mushaqi's eyelids were still fighting, and he ignored their banter.
"Come on, the three of me have become the last people to get off the plane, Manager Liu, they have already gone down."
Lin Xiaoyu pushed Mu Xia Qi forward.
Waiting for the baggage, Mu Xia Qi still rely on Lin Xiaoyu body squinting to rest, but she did not pay attention to the back of the neck out of a "strawberry print."
Lin Xiaoyu looked down at Mu Xia Qi, peripheral accidentally glimpsed her back neck actually has a red trace, much like the small interest between lovers, deliberately left a kiss - mark.
She wondered, she did not hear Mu Shaqi said has been dating ah, and now on a business trip, how could her boyfriend come thousands of miles to give her a "strawberry print"?
Lin Xiaoyu shook her head, indicating that she should not think about it, but she could not help reminding herself, "Cookie, were there mosquitoes in your room last night?"
Muschach wondered why she asked, leaning over her shoulder with one eye still closed. "I don't think so?"
"That's strange, why is there a red mark on the back of your neck? Does it itch?"
"Red marks?" Mu Xia Qi instantly woke up, she remembered Su Zichen's behavior this morning, it must be he left, don't think about it.
She blushed and quickly covered the back of her neck, "You, you don't say I haven't noticed, I feel itchy."
In order to prove the itch, she also took the opportunity to scratch a few times, "should be last night mosquito bite while I sleep, really hateful."
Lin Xiaoyu muddled, "There are mosquitoes on the near 20th floor, ah, this mosquito to stutter, it is not easy."
"Aha, yes..." Muschucky said with a guilty smile.
Chen Xiaoling walked up to them with her luggage, "I have helped you lift your luggage off the conveyor belt, you can just push it."
"Xiaoling, you are so nice, I love you so much..." Lin Xiaoyu attention was finally transferred, Mu Xia Qi relieved.
Fortunately, she is wearing a shirt today, as long as the collar is up, not from the high look down, should not see the trace.
She bit Bei's lips, and when she went back, she must make an agreement with Su Zichen and not leave traces in obvious places, or she would not have to see anyone the next day.
"Qi Qi, it's already past three o 'clock in the afternoon. Manager Liu told us not to go back to work until after the weekend." Chen Xiaoling said excitedly.

Chapter 130: Faith
When Mushaqi heard that he did not have to go back to the company, he smiled and said, "This is still humanized, and it is not worth our hard work for so many days."
"Then we disband here. Tomorrow is the weekend. I'll see you on Monday."
Several people disbanded and went home.
Muxia Qi dragging luggage, also did not take the bus, while it was still early, hit the soil to visit the old man Sue, and then back to their own nest.
Only as soon as she opened the door, she was startled by the person sitting inside.
Mu Haoxuan mourned, sitting straight, like a child who had done something wrong.
Han Susui also sat beside him with a heavy face, and neither of them spoke.
Muschucky felt a clump in his heart. Is nothing serious going to happen?
Tentatively, "What's wrong with you two? Sit here in a daze? Haoxuan, don't you have to write your graduation thesis?"
Mu Haoxuan guilty and guilty look at her, "sister, I made trouble."
Han Susui sighed, too, but did not speak.
Muschucky's smile faded. "What have you done?"
"Sister, I let it slip, your parents already know about your marriage." Mu Haoxuan guiltily looked at her, and lowered his head.
He thumped his mouth several times, annoyed at his foolishness.
Han Sui Sui also followed him a few times, "a boy, how so broken mouth!"
"It's my fault, but the Ling family came to our home again, and brought a friend in the business field, the friend boasted that Ling Yun Zhe heaven has nothing on the ground, said that my sister can marry him is a blessing for several generations, and then I was angry but said that the mouth leaked."
Fortunately, at that time, my parents were round in the past, but my parents began to question me in private!"
Muschucky's tight strings loosened. "So that's it."
"Sister, aren't you worried?"
"Mom and dad have to know sooner or later, the big deal is being criticized, the big deal is being kicked out of the house, and I am also running away from home now."
Muchachi shrugged his shoulders uncaring, and the jar broke and fell, originally it was a knife hanging over her head, and she did not know when it would explode and fall.
Now that mom and Dad know, she doesn't have to worry about what to say.
"Do my parents know who I'm marrying?"
Mu Haoxuan shook his head, "This I did not say, I guess they thought you and He Shuheng compound." Mom was sad, but Dad's veins popped out."
Muchachi frowned, "You don't take this on yourself, mom and dad will know sooner or later, you write your paper well and graduate successfully."
Mu Haoxuan wanted to speak but stopped: "Sister, you say so I feel more uncomfortable."
"Don't worry, you'll make it up to me sometime." Muxia Qi understand the psychology of people who do wrong, if not let him make compensation, his heart always feel indebted and uneasy.
* * * * * *
Mu Xia Qi sent Mu Haoxuan and Han Suisui, simply took a bath, don't want anything, fell in bed and slept in the dark.
It's been a tough few days, both physically and mentally.
It was not until she was awakened by the insistent knock at the door that she sat up sleepily and rubbed her forehead.
I checked my phone. It was 11:30 at night.
Who's gonna be looking for her this late?
She staggered to the door, the knock becoming clearer, and looked cautiously through the peephole.
This familiar and elegant face is not Su Zichen who else?
Mushaqi quickly opened the door, when many people were already noisy to open the door to see what was going on.
She said "sorry" to the person at the other door, and then quickly pulled Su Zichen into the room.
"Why are you here so late?" She looked doubtfully at Su Zichen, whose face was anxious.
"You didn't answer my calls or text messages, thinking something was wrong with you."
Su Zichen took him in his arms, his lower jaw resting on her forehead, the hot breath spraying on her face.
"Sorry, I put my phone on silent and didn't hear it." Muschucky was in his arms, muffled in his voice.
"Well, let me know when you get there." He paused. "Remember you're married."
"I know."
Su Zichen sighed. "What you know and what you do are two different things."
He returned to the Tourmaline apartment with great anticipation, opened the door, the room was dark, there was no smell of human fireworks, he seemed to have returned to the state of single.
"If you like living here, why don't I move here too?"
Mouchach looked up hesitantly at this, not knowing whether it was true or not.
Su Zichen saw her silently looking at him without saying anything, her dark eyes watching her face expressionlessly.
The atmosphere was frozen for a moment.
Mushaqi tilted his head, "Didn't you say before that I live with you from Monday to Friday and can go back to my own den on Saturday and Sunday?"
Su Zichen sighed helplessly, that was his delaying strategy, and at that time neither of them had the reality of husband and wife, how could the situation be the same now?
"Well, just the way you like it." His hands brushed her soft hair, and his fingertips felt the fine silk.
Mu Xia Qi flashed in his mind today Mu Haoxuan words, there were three points of sleep, now also become very awake.
"Well, I'm going to tell you something, and you have to prepare yourself."
Su Zichen pulled her to the sofa and easily hugged her in his arms. "OK, tell me."
Only his hand was still sliding over her head, and Mushachi rolled her eyes out of his sight.
After a little gathering of thoughts, he said, "I didn't tell my family when I married you."
The hand, moving back and forth over her head, paused, then continued to slide and move.
"But in the past two days, my parents have found out about it." She continued, "I haven't told you about my family.
There are four people in my family, my parents, and I have a younger brother. My parents are in business, and my younger brother is graduating from college."
"Well, I see, I'll get ready and go visit my in-laws? That's what I was going to do."
Su Zichen's eyes were restrained and calm, and he arranged the next thing methodically.
Mushaqi thought for a moment, "Well, you might be hard on my father, are you prepared for that?"
She finished, the line of sight on his face, but did not see his eyebrows, he bowed his head towards her smile, such as the snow on the snow on the mountain rime, suddenly smoothed her inner anxiety.
"If you want to marry someone else's daughter, you must pass the test of their parents, but my test came a little late."
Mu Xia Qi looked at Su Zichen with a gentle face, and the strong inner wall has gradually collapsed without realizing it.
"Aren't you afraid my parents won't approve?"
"You don't have faith in me?" He raised his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

Chapter 131: The Man in the Shower
"Not that I don't have confidence, but..." Muschucky added to himself, only you don't know who my parents are.
She was hesitant to talk to him about her parents' occupation, but looking at his confidence, she decided to give him a "surprise."
Su Zichen came here without a change of clothes, and Mu Xia Qi took out a set of men's soil pajamas from the closet to him.
He saw Mushaqi handed over the men's soil pajamas, the smile on his face gradually faded, "There are other boys living in you?"
Muchachi knew he had misunderstood. He tilted his head and smiled. "That's right."
His fingertips were white as he squeezed his pajamas, and she felt inexplicably amused, "It's my brother's, it's his pajamas, you'll do with it."
Su Zichen's ears turned red, but he pretended to be nonchalant. "Yeah, okay." Turned and walked into the bathroom.
Muchach went back to his room, took out a spare pillow, put a pillow towel on it and set it aside.
When Su Zichen came out of the bathroom from wiping his wet hair, beads of water ran down his carved jaw and into his open chest muscles.
He was unbuttoned, slender and straight, his bare skin faintly glowing in the light, his chest thick, his abdomen narrow, and every line was just right.
Muxia Qi looked at this pair of "beautiful men out of the bath picture" in front of him, his eyes wide open.
Su Zichen's mouth curled and he continued to wipe his hair. ✘ ļ
It took her a few seconds to react, and she quickly got up, pulled a hairdryer from the dresser and handed it to him.
Su Zichen smiled at the hair dryer in her hand, and did not immediately take it, "Why don't my wife help me blow it?"
Muxia Qi looked up at him, his eyes full of anger and shame, and then put the hair dryer into his arms, and then lie back in bed.
Su Zichen knew not to rush, as long as she opened up slowly.
Muschucky had been asleep, but now he woke him up, and he was no longer sleepy.
Quietly listening to the sound of the bathroom hairdryer, my thoughts drift away.
If a few months ago, how would not have thought that they would get married so soon, and the marriage object is the boss of their own company.
The sound of the hair dryer stopped, the footsteps came closer and closer, and Mushaqi's drifting thoughts were gradually pulled back.
The bed on the other side of the door sank slightly, and his sandalwood breath lingered around the tip of her nose.
Mushaqi tightened the quilt in front of him, turned his back to him, breathing lighter, but listening carefully to what was happening behind him.
It seems that after he lay down, there was no other movement, and his breathing became more regular.
She counted the sheep, trying to get herself to sleep as soon as possible, but she had just had enough sleep, which was not so easy to sleep.
Gently turned over, only to bump into a pair of black and white handsome eyes, startled her, "How do you sleep with your eyes open?"
Su Zichen's eyes moved, and his tone was a little innocent: "I haven't slept yet..."
Muschucky got up and tried to get past him and turn off the night light on his side.
Her hand had just reached the head of the bed, and her body was hanging over him, reaching out hard to hook the night-light switch, and almost touching it.
His waist was being hugged, and his voice became hoarse. "What are you doing?"
Muschucky looked down at him. "Turn off the night light! You untie me first."
She twisted her body, trying to free the hand around her waist, but the hand tightened.
"Don't turn off the lights yet."
Muxia Qi do not know why, look down to ask the reason, but see his eyes fall on their own chest.
She then found that the buttons on her chest did not know when they had been loosened, and the spring - light - leak inside!!
She quickly lay back on her own position, wrapped herself in the quilt, her face burst red.
'What are you looking at, rogue!
Su Zichen turned his mouth, his eyes shining like the stars, "I didn't move ah, where the rogue?"
"You're trying to seduce me, so if that's the case, I'd better obey respectfully..."
Su Zichen said, the whole person supported her - face, black and white eyes tightly locked to her body.
When it was all over, Mushage felt that he could not even lift his hand, and kept breathing fresh air.
His hand still brushed her back, affectionately and lazily.
Mushaqi felt sticky on his body and wanted to settle for sleep, but found himself tossing and turning and still couldn't sleep.
He had to sit up with difficulty, and just as he was about to stand up, his feet went weak and he fell to the ground.
Su Zichen rushed over and picked her up, his voice cracking. "What do you want to do?"
Mushage was in his arms, her cheeks red enough to bleed, and she lowered her eyelids and whispered, "I want to rinse."
Su Zichen carried her to the bathroom, but did not let go, the space was not big, and now there were two people standing here, it was even more crowded.
Mushaqi saw that he had not gone out for a long time, and pushed him with his hand, "You go out first, how can I wash you here?"
"Can you?" He hesitated for a moment to speak.
She really looked like a ripe tomato now, with no place left behind inside or out.
"Just get out..."
Su Zichen finally released his hand around her waist, "Then be careful and call me if you need anything."
Her eyes flickered toward the corner of the bathroom.
Muchach was relieved to see the bathroom door finally closed.
Just take a step, tear - crack pain, let her not ban a breath, it is not the first time, how still so painful? !
The hot water ran down her body and down her curves, and the bathroom mirror soon formed a mist that enveloped her.
* * * * * *
On weekends, unless Muchachi is on a mission, she sleeps until she wakes up.
The sun has risen high, the neighbors have started a new day, the question outside the living room, woke up still in the dream of Mushaqi.
She threw back the covers and walked quickly to the living room.
I saw my parents sitting on the side of the sofa with a calm face, and my younger brother was helpless to look at my sister.
At the same time, Su Zichen, who was standing in front of the sofa, was calm and respectful.
Seeing the situation of this cultivation field, Mushaqi secretly said: "It is over."
Or try to pretend to be calm and walk to a few people, "Mom and Dad, why are you here?"
"Oh, if I don't come, will I not be told until I have a grandchild?" Muchohua's eyes almost popped out of his head.
His fingers wobbled to Su Zichen and he asked, "Tell me, who is he?"
Su Zichen was standing beside Mu Shaqi with a smile on his face. "Hello, uncle and aunt. My name is Su Zichen."

Chapter 132: Who is He?
Mushaqi took a deep breath and whispered, "Mom and Dad, I'm married to her. He's my husband."
"You..." Mushowah was so angry with her that he said only one word.
Mu Xiaohua see Su Zichen action, which still can not guess who he is? Just guessing it and hearing it, it's not the same.
Huang Zihui quickly gave Mu Xia Qi made a look, indicating her not to talk more.
She interrupted hurriedly, "Don't be angry, we still need to find out the reason."
Mu Haoxuan see the atmosphere of tension, the atmosphere are afraid to come out, for fear of making the atmosphere more rigid.
Mu Xiaohua gasping for breath, Huang Zihui kept giving him along the gas, just slow down.
He put down his clenched fist and snapped, "You really have hardened your wings now, thinking that I am too old to control you?" How can you not tell your family about such a big thing as marriage?"
He looked at Muschach with a stern, mournful look in his eyes. "Or do you want to cut ties with your family and never talk to them again?"
Huang Zihui heard this, still giving him the hand immediately stopped, break off relations such heavy words how also said out?
She quickly said, "Xiao Hua, what are you talking about? She's just having some problems with the family, and she'll talk to us when she thinks things through, Cookie, won't you?"
Mushaqi kept his eyes on Mushawa and pressed his lips together.
Huang Zihui anxious as ants on the hot pot, the last two father and daughter quarrel, she failed to stop, just along with the child's father's meaning, the result made the child run away from home, the cold war for nearly a year more than two years.
Now the situation was much more serious than the reason for the last quarrel, and she was afraid that Mu Shohua would get angry and break off relations with Mu Shaqi, and that the relationship between father and daughter would be difficult to repair.
Mu Haoxuan see such a situation, quickly went to the position of the refrigerator, took out a few bottles of mineral water, one to the people present.
He smiled stiffly and said, "Everyone drink something cool to cool down."
Mu Xiao Hua really felt thirsty, hard to unscrew the mineral water cap, chugging a big bottle of water.
His eyes silently looked at the boys standing next to Mu Xia Qi, Lanzhi Yushu tall, the appearance is clear and handsome, the shape above pass.
He has been in the business for many years, and many people of his age always look timid and unsure under his gaze, but he is fearless and calm, and his aura is also passable.
His daughter this time to find the boy is good, Mu Xiaohua quietly to Su Zichen score.
Huang Zihui hurriedly let Mu Xia Qi two people find a stool to sit, dont stand, Mu Haoxuan hurriedly moved two stools from the table to his sister and brother-in-law to sit.
Muchohua glared angrily at their mother and son.
Huang Zihui directly ignored his eyes, looked at Su Zichen in a gentle tone and asked, "Is your name Su Zichen?"
Su Zichen straightened his back and nodded gently, "Yes."
Huang Zihui thought for a moment, "This name is good, but also a little familiar, by the way, what does your home do?"
Su Zichen thought for a moment and then said, "Our family is in business."
Mu Haoxuan want to plug - mouth tell their parents, this person is you have been wanting to cooperate with the object.
Huang Zihui heard that their family is also doing business, but came to interest, "your family is doing what kind of business?"
Su Zichen: "It involves a wide range of industries, including real estate, domestic and foreign trade, high-tech, electronic biology and so on."
Huang Zihui froze, then smiled: "I did not expect your family involved in the industry is quite a lot."
The more Mu Xiaohua think about it, the more he feels that the child is like, surnamed Su, and the industry is so much, s City can not find my second home, "Is your home Tiankun Group?"
Su Zichen nodded, "Yes."
Mu Xiaohua this is also dont speak, turned and Huang Zihui looked at each other, two people instantly understand each other's meaning, their daughter found a good husband.
Mu Xiaohua coughed, still calm face: "You and our family Qi Qi married, why don't you know to meet her parents?"
Mu Xia Qi was about to speak when Su Zichen held his hand.
He stood up, his body toward the completion of 90 degrees, bowed his head and said sincerely, "Uncle and aunt, this is something I did wrong, I should first ask your consent and then get the license with Cookie."
I promise you, I will always be good to Cookie, do my best to protect her love her, will never let her down, please uncle trust Cookie to marry me!"
Mu Xia Qi sat aside, staring at Su Zichen's actions, surprised for a time, she did not think he would take all the responsibility on the body.
Mu Xiaohua saw his sincere attitude, anger has disappeared half, and his face has eased a lot.
Huang Zihui see his expression, which also can not guess his mind, mostly open face.
She quickly asked Su Zichen to sit back down and said with a smile, "No wonder I feel familiar when I hear your name. You are Grandpa Su's grandson, so there is a resemblance between your eyes."
"Have you seen my grandfather?" Su Zichen asked.
"Well, we met one evening, and had the pleasure of seeing Old Sue, but your grandfather rarely attended these parties anymore."
"Well, Grandpa's getting older, so he doesn't attend these events as much."
Huang Zihui nodded, also understand that the years do not forgive people, "Your grandfather is still in good health?"
Su Zichen hesitated for a moment, then said, "Grandpa's physical condition is not optimistic."
Hearing this, Huang Zihui's smile congeals on his face, Mu Xiaohua also sits up straight, they also hear a lot of news of the sick old man Sue, but it has not been confirmed.
Now Su Zichen himself said, can think of Su's body has been exhausted oil lamp dry state.
Mu Xiaohua was silent for a while, and finally said, "Does your grandfather know that you two are married?"
Su Zichen nodded: "I know."
"Well, arrange for me to meet your grandfather."
Huang Zihui also nodded approvingly, "Yes, Zichen, you arrange for our two parents to meet as soon as possible, I wonder if it is convenient for Old Man Su's situation?"
Su Zichen nodded, "I went to see grandpa yesterday, he does not spend much time awake every day, but he always has one or two hours, if uncle and aunt don't mind meeting in the hospital..."
"Special circumstances, we can all understand, why bother so much." Huang Zihui stood up and patted his hand. "You can arrange it."
Su Zichen looked at Mu Xiaohua, see he did not make a sound, must be agreed with Huang Zihui words.
"Ok, I will confirm the time with grandpa and inform uncle and aunt."
"Good boy, it's not easy for you either." Huang Zihui looked at him compassionately, mother-in-law to see son-in-law, of course, is more and more like to see.

Chapter 133: Parents Meet
It's almost winter, the leaves on the trees are falling, and the cars are flying along the road.
Huang Zihui looked at the silent MuXiaohua since getting on the car, understand that he still can't twist his heart now.
My daughter, who has raised herself for so many years, married into someone else's family like this, and I can't accept it for a while.
Mu Haoxuan, sitting in the front row, was silent, looked down at the transfer amount in the mobile phone, seriously counted the zeros behind, and gasped.
Originally, he did not want to admit that Su Zichen was his brother-in-law in his heart, but the first time he met, the red envelope was given so much, it was difficult for people to maintain the principle.
Huang Zihui in the car is not good with Mu Xiaohua discuss Su Zichen, after all, there are drivers in.
Until she got home, she finally said, "Haoxuan, you wait, my parents have something to ask you."
Mu Haoxuan heart click a bit, finished.
"Tell your mother, have you seen Su Zichen before?" Talk to mom about that new car you like and Mom will buy it for you!" Huang Zihui smiled kindly.
Mu Haoxuan hair has stood up, weasel to pay New Year's greetings - not a good heart!
Although I know that it is inappropriate to describe my mother in this way, my mother's expression now gives him this feeling.
He pulled his hand from Huang Zihui's hand slowly, laughing with guilt, "Mom, I really don't know, and you didn't let me contact my sister before, how do I know?"
Huang Zihui directly reached out and grabbed his ear, "Tell me the truth!"
"Mom!!" Mu Haoxuan stooped and covered his ears, "I'm telling the truth, I'm still at school, and I don't have time to track my sister every day." Besides, am I not a fool if I have a reward?"
"Sure you're not lying to me?" Huang Zihui looked at him with sharp eyes.
"Sure and sure!" Muhaoxuan eyes firm, straight on Huang Zihui, no dodge! The heart is very glad, but also before and Su Zichen have not met.
"So you don't know how they met?" Mu Xiaohua suddenly interjected.
'No, I don't! Mu Haoxuan actually probably know the process of their two acquaintances, Han Sui Sui and he mentioned.
Just these things can not say out, by his parents know, sister must have a hard time, resolutely can not say, can not kill!
He still stooped, pleading, "Mom, can you loosen my ears?"
Huang Zihui saw that he could not get effective information from his mouth, and he loosened the hand that twisted his ear.
Mu Xiaohua sat in the living room, Huang Zihui also sat aside and opened his mouth, "I have heard people mention Su Zichen before, saying that he is a talented person, what I see today, he is indeed a dragon and phoenix!"
Mushowah was silent for half a moment, and there was a silence around him.
Mrs Li brought a pot of Longjing tea that had been brewed, made a cup for everyone and left.
Mu Xiaohua picked up the teacup and drank a mouthful to moisten his throat before he opened his mouth, "Su Zichen, this child, has a good reputation, heard several of my friends mention, outstanding ability and extraordinary means."
Didn't our group want to cooperate with them in the new energy automobile industry before? Later, because the Ling family intervened, it was temporarily interrupted."
Huang Zihui listened, can not help but frown, she is not involved in group business matters, but also know this project once and Ling family cooperation.
There was bound to be competition between her family and Sue's. She looked at her husband. "So what now? How was your talk with the Ling family?"
"The issue of the venue has not yet been resolved. Our two groups still have differences in this area and have not reached an agreement for the time being."
"Are there any chances of signing?"
Muxiao Hua frowned and hesitated for a moment, "For the time being, I am not sure, and ultimately I have to see whether the differences can be negotiated."
Next Huang Zihui wanted to know more news, but Mu Xiaohua also refused to say more.
* * * * * *
Jingyuan community.
Sending off his parents, Mushaqi lay on his side on the sofa, not wanting to move, more tiring than running 800 meters.
Su Zichen put away the water bottle on the table, put it in the trash can, and then sat quietly beside her.
The wind blew through the curtains into the living room, swaying the plants on the table.
"Well, let me tell you something about my family." Muschach's voice is as good as a cello.
Su Zichen's black and white eyes stared deeply at her, "In fact, I know your identity."
Muchachi's smile settled on his lips for a moment, and then he asked, "When did you know?"
"After getting the license." His muffled voice struck at her heart.
"You investigated me?" Her voice grew cold.
"Not really, the last time I got the license accidentally saw your household register, found your parents' names, probably guessed." "He explained with a smile.
Seeing her silence, Su Zichen looked at the top of her hair with a faint smile and could not help but rub her forehead. "Don't worry, I will never plot against you."
When Muschucky heard him say that, he looked up and into his starry eyes.
She heard a gaping hole in her heart and a gentle stream of warmth poured in.
She is relieved, the taste of life, whether it is spring snow, or green onion tofu, have to taste it yourself.
"Remember that, then."
* * * * * *
Su Zichen moved quickly, and on the second day, he arranged for the parents of both sides to meet.
Mu Xiaohua and Huang Zihui stood in the vlP ward on the top floor of Ren 'ai Hospital, saw the body thin and weak, but still the spirit of the old man Su, the heart was filled with emotion.
Mu Xiaohua stepped forward to hold the hands of the old man, respectfully say hello, after all, the influence of the old man in the mall, is recognized by everyone.
Mr. Su is a patriotic entrepreneur of the older generation. When the country needed funds for construction and development, he was the first to take the lead in responding to the motherland's investment call.
The old man looked back at him with a smile, "Are you Xia Qi's father?"
Mu Xiaohua nodded: "Yes, little girl naughty, bring you inconvenience!"
"No, your family has raised such an excellent child. Zichen's marriage to Qiqi is his greatest blessing."
The two families exchanged pleasantries for a moment, officially began to discuss the two people's wedding and other matters, Mu Xiaohua thought Sue Pops will take their home as important, ignore the requirements of the woman's home.
Did not expect him to everything to the woman, comprehensive and polite.
Looking at the heated discussion of the elders, Mushaqi's brow quickly twisted into a twist.
He pulled Su Zichen's sleeve and said, "Shall we come out for a moment?"
Su Zichen's eyes fell on her and he walked out behind her.
"Didn't we agree before that it was a tourist wedding? If I follow my parents' advice, our relationship will not be exposed in the company?"

Chapter 134: Thinking of Me
Su Zichen stretched out his hand to smooth her tight frown, "Aren't you afraid to regret not having a grand wedding later?"
Muxia Qi looked up, "you asked me this question before, I said I don't care about the form of things, as long as the marriage is happy."
Su Zichen looked at her with a smile, "Well, don't worry, give it to me."
"Can you convince both parents to allow us to get married as a destination?" Mushaqi obviously does not believe, after all, the traditional thinking of the domestic generation, think that no wine, is not married.
"Don't worry, I'm here." Su Zichen's firm tone gave a sense of peace.
Before long, Mu Xiaohua and Huang Zihui also came out, Chen Bo sent them downstairs for Sue Grandpa.
Mu Xiaohua hurriedly dissuaded, "Chen Bo, you can send it here."
He saw Mu Shaqi and Su Zichen standing by the window of the living room and walked to them. "Zichen, your grandfather is not well and needs more rest, so I won't disturb him too much."
"Uncle Mu, it's hard for you to come here, I have something to say to you." Su Zichen winked at Mu Shaqi.
Mu Xia Qi had to go to Huang Zihui, two people go far, leave the space for a man who needs to talk.
Do not know how long has passed, Mu Xia Qi and Huang Zihui said he recently saw interesting things, Mu Xiaohua calmly walked out, the smile on his face deepened.
Huang Zihui and Mu Xia Qi look at each other, are curious Su Zichen what they talked about, actually let always serious Mu Xiaohua happy.
Mu Xiaohua walked quickly to Huang Zihui and said, "Let's go back first, there are some things that need to be handled urgently."
Huang Zihui although confused, but also did not open to ask what is specific, look at his relaxed and happy expression, want to think is not a bad thing.
"Zichen, Qiqi, let's go back first." Huang Zihui waved at them both and left behind her Mu Xiaohua.
Su Zichen's slender hands took her folded hands in front of the window, "Your parents agree that we travel to get married."
"Really? Mushaqi raised her eyes in surprise, bumping into his eyes of stars.
"HMM." Su Zichen looked at him with a smile.
* * * * * *
On Monday, the office just finished the department meeting, the group's review down, the hot spring Town project has a 90% chance of winning.
Everyone is very excited, thinking that this year's year-end bonus will certainly not be less.
Lin Xiaoyu returned to her seat and said with a smile, "It's not worth the hard work that Qiqi and I put in those days to drive around the town on a tricycle."
Moushaqi smiled and nodded, "I believe that the kind driver uncle will be more prosperous in the future business."
"That's not true, I don't know how the senior management of this project in g City will make decisions!" Chen Xiaoling long Wang Shu, think the project is best to win, so that her bonus is more.
Muxia Qi thought for a moment, "I look at the project of g City, after all, the company's investment amount is limited, and the project of g City has no relatively big selling point."
Chen Xiaoling thought about it and agreed with her idea, "It also makes sense, we first give the information to do a good job, and then wait for the decision of the senior group."
At this time Lin Xiaoyu holding a mobile phone laughing thief came over, "look, there is gossip information, there is news that Li Ziyan transferred from the secretary department."
"Really?" Chen Xiaoling's attention was immediately sucked in the past, took Lin Xiaoyu's mobile phone to see with relish.
Mu Xia Qi heard the name, the heart of a little strange, together with Chen Xiaoling to see the content of the post.
"It seems that this Li Ziyan is usually not less bullying, you see how many steps on her reply." Chen Xiaoling lamented.
Lin Xiaoyu: "Look at her publicity style of conduct, it is difficult to avoid sinners, and rely on their own family relations, always feel superior to others."
Mu Shaqi saw the last post, could not help but sound out, "You see, the last person said Li Ziyan may come to the investment department!"
"?? !!"
"Really?" Lin Xiaoyu quickly pulled back the phone, looked at the eye, and then was born without love expression, "Some content of this post is definitely not allowed."
Chen Xiaoling: "Who transferred her to the investment department?"
Eric MusCHACH: "At this time, the company's systems have not been activated, and this information is not necessarily true."
At the end of the day, Lin Xiaoyu suddenly exclaimed, "My God, Li Ziyan really transferred to our department, but, Qi Qi, you have been seconded to the Secretary Department !!!!"
Mushage: "?? !!"
"What kind of operation is this?" Chen Xiaoling looked shocked.
Lin Xiaoyu was so angry that he was about to swear, "The right-hand man of our department will be drawn away, and then change a vase to come over?" "
Muchach stared at the post on the computer screen, suspecting that she was dazzled.
She got up and went straight to the manager's office. She knocked twice and opened the door when she heard a call from inside.
Liu Wei saw her coming, the heart understood, smiled and asked: "Xia Qi, what's the matter?"
Muschucky stood in front of him. "Manager, do you know about my secondment to the secretarial department?"
He nodded gently, "Well, the personnel department asked me for my opinion, because recently a lot of work in the secretary Department is about new projects, so Xu special help wants to transfer you to the past, I have to agree."
"......" Muschucky was lost for a moment.
"Xia Qi, you rest assured, wait for two months, I will definitely apply to the personnel department to transfer you back, these two months have been hard for you to stay in the secretary Department first."
What else can Muschucky say? He has to admit it.
At 5:30, Su Zichen sent a message, "Going back to Tourmaline Apartment tonight?"
Muchach looked around and quickly replied: "I'll walk back."
Putting down her phone, she quickly packed her things and prepared to leave work.
Squeezed in the elevator, she felt herself almost into a Patty, generally not in a hurry, she generally will be more than ten minutes late from work.
Su Zichen had entered all her information into the security system of the Tourmaline apartment, and she could enter by simply scanning her face, which was extremely convenient.
She went home and waited for half an hour, but he did not come back, could not resist sending him a message, but also received no reply.
Open the social circle of boredom, but see Xu Chujing sent a dynamic overtime meeting, picture is a table.
Although he put a Mosaic on everyone, but Mu Shaqi still recognized Su Zichen sitting in the middle position, the black Buddha beads on his wrist, unusually attractive attention.
At this time, the phone vibrated slightly, she pressed the answer button, Han Suisui's voice was passed over: "Qiqi, we haven't seen each other for a long time, do you want to eat hot pot together?"
Moushaqi smiled and said, "Miss Han finally remembered me?"

Chapter 135: Hot Pot
Han Sui Sui quickly explained: "Forget who also dare not forget our Miss Mu Da ah, just recently a little busy."
Muschach quipped, "Busy with love?"
"No, my personal account already has 600,000 followers, let's go celebrate!"
"Amazing, my Sui Sui, so fast to 600,000 fans, you are great!"
"What would you like to eat tonight? My treat!" Han Sui Sui said proudly.
"Boss Han, I want to eat hot pot!"
"No problem!
Mu Xia Qi sent a message to Su Zichen, went straight to and Han Sui Sui agreed hot pot restaurant.
Han Sui Sui briefly talked about his recent experience, and then the main point of attention is still in Mu Xia Qi husband and wife gossip.
In Han Sui Sui under questioning, Mu Xia Qi can not resist her fierce firepower, or all.
In the middle Han Sui Sui heard excited, holding a small crisp meat accidentally fell into the red soup pot, Muxia Qi was close, the red soup spilled all over her body, her white shirt was ruined.
"Holy shit, holy shit, I'm so excited that you're actually with him... Ha ha ha, very good! I now know that he is called "Su God" by netizens!
Congratulations on your mention of 'Su God', I think my godson must have an outstanding look." Han Sui Sui crazy tissue to Mu Xia Qi, himself also stood up to help her clean up.
Mushaqi quickly pressed her back to the seat and took the paper towel himself to quickly wipe the red oil on the surface.
I had known she was wearing an apron, apron on the side of the basket, she hated dirty, also did not wear, really regret the original.
Han Sui Sui after she wiped clean, and cheeky together, "Come, I'm interviewing, how do you feel about married life?" Is sex a blessing?"
Mouchach caught the implication of her words and blackened his face. "Get out..."
"How was Su Shen's first technique?"
"No big problem."
Mushaqi recalled his first time, only feel pain, where there is any enjoyment, just want to end quickly, where there is time to think about technology is not good.
"Expand on that? Han Suisui looks happy.
Muschucky gave her a slight glare.
Han Suisui smiled and shrugged. "There seems to be nothing to say."
"You don't regret that you let me take your place and miss the quality man?"
Han Suisui rolled her eyes, "He is not my favorite type, besides, I like small milk dogs now!"
When Muchachi choked, her brother was a little Suckling dog.
"So how are things between you and my brother?"
Han Suisui drank a mouthful of plum soup, bent the corners of her mouth, a small woman's blushing state, "It's OK."
"Uh-huh, I feel like you've lost all your honey now." Muschach teased.
"No, it is a little happier than the average couple!" By the way, when will you and Su Zichen invite you to the wedding wine?"
Mushaqi took two pieces of shrimp slime, "His grandfather is not well, I think it is not extravagant, ready to travel wedding."
Heard two people ready to travel to get married, Han Sui Sui again came with interest, "Then you are ready to travel where?"
"We're not sure yet. We're in a situation like this. It's hard to take a vacation if we want to travel abroad."
"Then you have to dress sexy, after all, you are newlyweds, you have to use the opportunity to travel to tie your husband down."
Han Sui Sui said more excited, "if you go to the seaside, the swimsuit must be sexy; If you're going hiking, you want to wear something sexy."
She paused. "Oh, and pajamas, and lace, too."
Mu Xia Qi did not pay attention to her, who is Su Zichen, surrounded by so many beautiful women are indifferent, will be addicted to her beauty.
"When the two of you go out to travel, every night of the fire, wow, it is easy to cause 'life'."
Han Suisui rubbed his palms, "First of all, I can book to be your child's godmother, ha ha, godmother to send what gifts, I want to think about it."
Mushaqi saw her pull further and further away, directly ignore her, concentrate on the dishes at the bottom of the pot.
"Cookie, give me something back." Han Sui Sui see Mu Xia Qi only eat, reach out to stop her.
Mu Shaqi stopped his chopsticks, "I didn't think of it for the time being, after all, I am still in the rising stage of my career and want to learn more things, if I have a child now, then I have to stop my career?"
Han Suisui Fu forehead, "What is your head melon seed thinking?" Isn't the company you work for Su Zichen's family? What position do you want to do, is not a matter of his words?"
Mu Xia Qi's face became solemn, "The company stipulates that husband and wife cannot be in the same unit, Su Zichen, as the executor of the group, should set an example, if the relationship between me and him is revealed, it must also be a small fluctuation."
And I didn't want to rely on him for a promotion, so I might as well go back to my parents' company."
Han Sui Sui listened to also put away the attitude of jokes, "said is also, so you in the company is not to pretend not to know?"
"Speaking of this, originally I and his different departments, usually have fewer opportunities to meet, but now the personnel department has transferred me to the secretary Department, and I will see every day."
"Wow, an underground office romance. It's exciting to think about." Han Susui covered her face with her hands.
Muschucky gave her a look. "What were you thinking? I was seconded by a secretary who was not familiar with the business because there was too much work in the secretarial department."
"So you can get along with each other day and night. It's so romantic. It seems that Su Zichen will give bonuses to people in the personnel department of your company."
"You think too much." Muschucky put a piece of fat cow into her bowl. "Eat more!"
Mu Xia Qi feel hot pot more to eat back more salty, she kept filling plum soup, still feel dry mouth.
Suddenly the mobile phone on the desktop rang, she saw that it was a strange phone number, directly press cut.
Only she broke the press twice, the stranger still unrelentingly hit over.
Mu Xia Qi finally picked up the mobile phone, across the answer button, Su Zichen's clear voice passed over, "Where?"
She was stunned, it was his phone number, she remembered that she had saved his phone number.
"Didn't I tell you? I am eating hot pot with friends, the name of the restaurant also told you!" Mushaqi wondered, did he have to check the post after work?
"I know you're having dinner with friends, I mean what table are you at?"
Muchach looked back at the door and saw his tall, clear figure looking around as if looking for her.
Han Suisui reacted very quickly, stood up and waved at him, "This way..."
When Su Zichen saw her, he hung up his phone and walked them quickly.

Chapter 136: My Heart Rests upon Him
Han Sui Sui suddenly remembered her and Mu Xia Qi still pretending not to know the state, she winked at Mu Xia Qi, mouthed: "How do we say the relationship between the two?"
Mu Shaqi's heart clattered and his eyes looked at Su Zichen as he approached. "I have no choice but to go ahead. Anyway, he has to know sooner or later.
While they were whispering, Su Zichen had come to them.
When he saw Han Suisui, he was not surprised at all and nodded to her in greeting.
Mu Xia Qi hard scalp introduction, Han Sui Sui is her bestie.
Su Zichen nodded, "Yeah, I know."
Muschucky froze. "And when did you know that?"
Su Zichen gave her a doting look. "I went to your community before and inadvertently saw her walking out of your house. I probably guessed it."
Hear Han Sui Sui has been Su Zichen met before, Mu Xia Qi secretly glared Han Sui Sui a glance.
Han Sui Sui touched his nose embarrassedly and raised his cup: "That brother-in-law, there are a lot of adults, the previous thing was written off, you are now my brother-in-law!"
Su Zichen drew the corners of his mouth, poured a cup of tea, and clinked glasses with her: "Thank you for holding the red line."
"Yes, yes! Han Suisui smiled and looked up to drink the drink in the cup.
Mushage: "..."
"Han Susui, why do you call him your brother-in-law?"
"Aren't you Mu Haoxuan's sister? I just shouted after him, but you are five months older than me, and it is normal to call you brother-in-law."
Mushage was struck dumb by her argument.
Han Sui Sui is not a bit before the restraint, greet the waiter and add a pair of bowls and chopsticks.
Su Zichen had already picked up Mu Shaqi's chopsticks and put a few pieces of fat cow in her bowl into his mouth.
Han Suisui smiled and sighed: "I thought 'Su God' is not man-eating fireworks, just smell the fireworks on the mountain."
"You are talking about the gods in the sky, I am just a mortal, the world fireworks, the most touching people's hearts." Su Zichen looked hungry. He was already eating Mu Shaqi's dishes.
"Didn't Huitsuke order you dinner?" Mushaqi strange, if the group meeting, the personnel department will certainly order food for them.
"Well, the meeting was late and there was nowhere to eat." Su Zichen did not say that the personnel department had actually ordered a meal, but he wanted to eat with her.
Han Suisui then angry eyes Mu Xia Qi, "Qi Qi is also, brother in law has no place to eat, we wait for a while also no so-called." х ʟ
"I..." Mushaqi felt very wronged, and she knew it herself.
The boy's meal is really not comparable to that of the girls, and the two of them had ordered a three-person set meal, leaving a lot.
When Su Zichen arrived, he was not polite to them. He swept everything away at once and ordered an extra tender beef and a plate of melled-tripe.
Muxia Qi saw him eat sweet, was already full belly, actually looked a little hungry, this person has the talent to eat sowing.
Also not very picky food ah, the company inside the gossip post also said that he does not eat Michelin restaurants, it seems that the news is wrong.
This meal is naturally Su Zichen's treat, Han Suisui also pretended to be embarrassed, "Oh, brother, this meal should have been me to invite Qi Qi, how become you pay the bill."
"You call me brother-in-law, how dare you take this name." Su Zichen smiled, his bangs slipping as he lowered his head.
Han Sui Sui smile, and then called a few brother-in-law.
A few people stood up, Su Zichen's sight fell in front of Mu Xia Qi spots.
Han Suisui noticed his sight, busy explained: "This is my pot, just clamping things when there is no clamping..."
Su Zichen took off his jacket and put it over her, blocking the spots in front of her.
Han Sui Sui in Su Zichen invisible position toward Mu Xia Qi winking, a pair of expressions to eat dog food.
Mushaqi ignored her teasing and walked ahead with her, while Su Zichen followed gently.
Han Suisui leaned over to Mu Shaqi's ear, "Cookie, you're going back to his house tonight, right?"
Muschucky blushed and nodded.
"They are going to leave me." Han Suisui sighed.
Mu Shaqi turned around, "Zi Chen, are you driving here?"
Su Zichen shook his head, "It's more difficult to park here. I asked the driver to take me here. He's coming to pick us up now."
"Shall we send Sui Sui home first?"
Su Zichen's warm eyes brightened. He understood her. She was going back to the Palace tonight.
"Well, of course."
Han Suisui looked at Su Zichen with a smile, "Thank you brother-in-law."
Mu Shaqi has been tired of her brother-in-law often talking about, "Han Suisui, your role is also too fast to enter?"
"Yes, you must. Keep your thighs tight." Han Suisui smiled brightly.
As she spoke, her eyes scanned the dessert shop next to her, "Cookie, didn't you just want a mango pancake? Go inside and see?"
Mu Shaqi looked excited and just wanted to say yes, but his eyes ran into Su Zichen's eyes and he was embarrassed to ask, "Can you wait for us for a while?"
Su Zichen eyes light and Xi land fell on her, "Yes."
Han Sui Sui and Mu Xia Qi into the dessert shop, Han Sui Sui is not in a hurry to point something, look back at the eyes tall and straight Qingjun Su Zichen, "Qi Qi, I feel you have been Su Zichen locked."
Muschucky was bewildered, as if he could not understand her. "What?"
Han Suisui raised his chin to Su Zichen, who was standing outside the door. "Your heart fell on him."
Mushage stiffened, and the rest was absent-minded.
Even the clerk said that today's mango Banji has been sold out, she did not pay attention to, Han Suiho with her turned out of the store, she also wondered how not to take dessert out.
Han Sui Sui helpless point her forehead, "you want to eat the mango Banji has finished, can only eat again next time."
When Su Zichen saw them walk out empty-handed, he couldn't help but wonder, "Didn't you get any?"
Muschucky looked at him a little unnaturally, a little shy, like he was hiding from something.
Han Sui Sui helpless spread his hands, "has sold out."
After sending Han Sui Sui home, the car became quiet, no Han Sui Sui mobilize the atmosphere, and Mu Xia Qi also became unusually silent.
Su Zichen could not help turning his head and glancing at her gently, "Did not buy mango Banji and feel depressed?"
Mu Xia Qi is still immersed in Han Sui Sui just that sentence, her own heart, she unconsciously put her hand over the chest.
Su Zichen had been paying attention to her movements, "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"
He turned to the driver and said, "Go to the nearest hospital."
"All right."
Mushaqi vaguely heard him say hospital, hurriedly stopped, "I'm fine."

Companies Ordinance, Chapter 137
Su Zichen black eyes carefully look at Mu Xia Qi a few eyes, but see her delicate face with silk confused, pure and lovable.
He sighed and asked the driver to take them straight back to the apartment.
Mu Shaqi sat on the sofa, looking at Su Zichen who brought her water. He had unscrewed the two buttons in front of his shirt, making him a little more lazy.
"Here, drink more water." He put the cup into her hand.
Mushaqi looked at his handsome face close, her heart can not stop beating faster, she is wondering whether she is irregular heartbeat.
Take a sip. The water is just right.
He looked at her eyes warm and hee, "Are you really okay?"
Muschucky shook his head. "It's okay."
Su Zichen saw that her face had returned to a little rosy, "You have a rest first."
She nodded sweetly.
His heart softened, and he reached out and squeezed her into his arms.
Muxia Qi did not know why, just obediently lay on his body, smelling the wooden fragrance on his body, silently listening to the two people's foreheart beat gradually with the same frequency.
The wind whipped up by the evening stars crept through them, and the tiny pieces of foam rolled in this way.
* * * * * *
Mushaqi secondment to the secretary's department, the real estate company people are talking.
Wondering who the hell was behind her, who had the power to get her into the secretarial department by the back door.
The secretariat of the company, the personnel department in the recruitment is extremely strict, non-international top 100 graduates are not recruited, and the ability is outstanding.
Li Ziyan these are tough background, education is not far away, in order to enter.
But there has never been a case of a secondment from another department.
Mu Xia Qi standing in the secretariat on the top floor, Li Ziyan looked at her angrily, eyes like a knife.
She thought, if the eyes can kill people, she has been Li Ziyan several times.
The secretariat has a total of six people, to see her arrival, only the girl called Li Xiaowei said hello to her in a friendly way, the others love to ignore.
She took over the work of Li Ziyan, according to the normal process, Li Ziyan should disclose the work content and the matters to be completed.
Muchachi had not yet opened her mouth, but Li Ziyan had already turned her head and left.
Several other people immediately bowed their heads busy with their own work, pretending not to see, bright life is a magic weapon for workplace survival.
And they will not offend Li Ziyan for a small staff member of Mu Shaqi, after all, her backstage is known to everyone.
Mushaqi sat in the vacant office card slot, an unusually free morning, with no work to do.
The other five people in the office have been busy with the top, in stark contrast to her.
At first, she got up and asked the girl sitting next to her desk if she needed any help. The girl glanced at her gently and coldly said, "It's okay, don't disturb my work."
Mushaki looked at the name tag above her booth: Kim Yuexi.
At noon all people go to the canteen to eat, Mu Xia Qi just want to go downstairs, see her and Lin Xiaoyu and Chen Xiaoling three people in the small group constantly flashing.
She points in, see Lin Xiaoyu in crazy ridicule.
Lovely Xiaoyu: "My grass, what is this Li Ziyan pulling? He even organized our department to hold a meeting all morning."
Midnight wind chimes: "Yes, manager Liu is not in the office, Feng brother also does not make a sound, there is more work, but also she wasted a morning."
Lovely Xiaoyu: "Yes, that lofty face, as if she came to the investment department is condescension, experience the human world, words are not looked at."
Lovely Xiaoyu: [Does she know that the recruitment threshold of the investment department is also very high? Just say that I am this year, is 50:1 ratio to recruit!!]
Midnight wind chimes: "Anyway, this afternoon I do not care about her, first finish the work in her hands, let her go crazy."
Sweet Rain: "Cookie, how are you feeling in the secretarial department?"
Mumumu: [People here are cold and indifferent to me.]
Lovely Xiaoyu: "What are the people in the Secretary Department noble?"
Midnight wind chimes: "At the foot of Tianzi, look down on us these wild - war army!"
Lovely rain: "Also do not want to think without our departments, where the company's benefits, their noble fart!"
Mumumu: "You still do your own thing, the company's performance appraisal is inevitable, and the completion of your year-end bonus will have an impact."
Lovely rain: Grass, Li Ziyan is a stirring stick, after all, if you are seconded, you do not need to assess the task.
Mumumu: Yes, at the critical moment, you still have to distinguish the priority, her family background no matter how cattle, as long as you do not make mistakes, she can not do you for the time being.
Midnight wind Chime: "Cookie, would you like to go to the canteen together?"
Standing in the elevator bay, Mushaqi looked at the slow lift and sighed slightly.
Thin fingers quickly fly across the screen: "No, I'll order a takeaway."
After Xu Chujing's office, the door was not closed, but there was no one inside.
She remembered that she had not seen Xu Chujing and Su Zichen all morning, so she must have gone out.
I ordered a braised beef rice and a stew, and enjoyed a moment of relaxation by myself in the canteen, scrolling through a video.
I thought the whole floor had gone to the dining hall to eat, but suddenly there were footsteps in the corridor.
She wondered, had someone finished lunch so soon?
She put another piece of beef in her mouth, the restaurant tastes good, it looks like you can order another time.
As the footsteps came closer and closer, she looked up and saw Su Zichen standing outside the tea room.
Two people four eyes want to right, Su Zichen's deep eyes fell on her.
At this time, Mushaqi is sitting at the table with his legs crossed, eating a meal, and he has no image.
"Why are you eating takeout again?"
"What happened to the takeout?"
Saw his chest heaving, a slight sigh, "didn't I tell you to eat less takeout?"
"Oh, only occasionally, did you eat?"
In fact, she had eaten almost enough, and there was still a little soup left, and she was ready to tidy up the table.
"Not yet, the pony will bring the food."
Muxia Qi abdominal scandal, you have a special delivery, of course, you can not order takeout!
It was as if he could hear her voice. "You and I will have lunch together."
Mu Xia Qi is still picking up the hand to stop, Su Zichen came over, took the disposable plastic bag in her hand, threw into the trash can.
"Having dinner with you doesn't mean we know each other."
"What does it matter?"
"Company regulations state that husband and wife cannot be in the same company." Mushaqi supported his forehead.
"Then change, I thought about it later, this rule is too harsh."

Chapter 138: The Office
Muschach didn't care if he'd actually changed the rules. It was nearly 1:00.
The other colleagues should be back soon.
She pushed Su Zichen back to his office, just met the pony with a lunch box.
Seeing Su Zichen's intimate behavior, he immediately lowered his eyes, quickly put something on the table, and then bowed away.
Muschucky doesn't think any of the agents are as clean as him.
Su Zichen took her by the wrist, "have some soup and go back."
She was anxious, but she knew he would not let her go until she had finished the soup in front of her.
Mushachi took a small stew pot and drank all the liquid in one gulp.
"You eat slowly, I'll go out first."
Muschach, without waiting for his approval, turned and walked back to his office.
Su Zichen quietly watched her back as she hurried away, full of soft light.
She returned to her seat, and the others were already trickling back.
Others are indifferent to her, walking in the last Li Xiaowei saw her still in the office, could not help but walk over to her, quietly asked: "You did not go to the canteen to eat?"
Muschucky shook his head. "Had a takeout."
Li Xiaowei see others have taken out a rollaway bed ready to rest, pursing the mouth seems to be struggling, everyone has put on the blindfold.
She winked at Muschucky and walked out of the office first.
Mushaqi did not know why, thought for a while, guess she meant to let himself go out with her.
When the two met in the corridor, Li Xiaowei grabbed her hand, motioned for her to be quiet, and then led her to the empty stairwell.
The two stood face to face, Li Xiaowei carefully looked up and down to confirm that no one opened his mouth, "You don't mind everyone's indifference, in fact, Li Ziyan said hello."
Mushage knew what was going on.
Li Xiaowei stopped for a moment and then said, "Li Ziyan asked us not to tell you the work content, nor did she let us associate with you too closely."
Muschucky bent his eyes. "Then why are you still touching me?"
Li Xiaowei saw her smile Ying Ying, like the flowers in full bloom in June, such as bathing the breeze.
Her heart also relaxed, "Say it, you may not believe, I have seen you before."
Mu Xia Qi froze, how did she have no impression to see Li Xiaowei?
"The time was during the summer vacation, I saw you in the scenic spot of Huangshan, the red rainstorm warning, a large group of us were surrounded at the top of the mountain, you then carried a big bag of snacks, distributed to many people, including me with low blood sugar."
Li Xiaowei looked grateful, "Thank you belated, thank you for saving me that day."
Mushaqi also remembered the thriller, "Everyone help each other, is supposed to."
"To make a long story short, your current task is to collect the project report submitted by the investment Department, as well as the weekly reports submitted by other departments, and submit them to General Manager Su after finishing them.
In fact, I suggest you go directly to Assistant Hutt, who takes a lot of our work out of his hands."
Mu Xia Qi one by one write down Li Xiaowei said matters, in fact, she is also ready to find Xu Chujing this afternoon to ask clear work content.
Li Xiaowei quickly pointed her in the direction of work, and then quickly slipped back to the office.
Muschucky waited for her to return about five minutes before she returned.
The light in the office turned off became extremely dim, and during the lunch break, everyone put down the blackout curtains.
She didn't have a rollaway bed, so she slept on her desk.
Near three o 'clock in the afternoon, Jin Yuexi suddenly stood up, smiled and said, "We have a habit here, generally new people will invite office people to have afternoon tea."
Then looked at Mu Shaqi, "Xia Qi, you just came to our department, how do you want to mean?"
Muschucky raised his eyebrows. Is that a move?
"No problem. What would you like to drink?"
Jin Yuexi see she has entered the pit, eyes show excitement, "since Xia Qi open, we of course drink the boutique coffee downstairs ah."
"I heard that a cup is very expensive, Xia Qi purse can not stand it?" The girl sitting behind Jin Yuexi opened her mouth with a bit of sarcasm.
Mu Xia Qi to see her features, but her chin is pointed, sharp eyes, a little more mean, the sight fell on her booth, He Xiu-na.
Mushaqi smiled. "It's okay. I can invite you all for afternoon tea."
"By the way, there's always Sue's help to be had." "Ms. Kim added.
"All right."
Mu Xia Qi one by one to write down their choice of taste, extra to Su Zichen and Xu Chujing ordered two cups of espresso.
She finished everything, turned to see Li Xiaowei want to speak and looked at her, but around too many eyes staring, two people still pretend not familiar.
Noon is too rushed, did not add friends, or you can send messages to contact.
Such as takeout small brother sent over the afternoon tea, they took their own one by one, Jin Yuexi asked: "Xia Qi, you give Sue and Xu special help to buy what taste?"
"Espresso." Muschucky did not look up as he distributed the coffee.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Sue only drinks her own coffee." Jin Yuexi tone pity, but expression is schadenfreude.
Mu Xia Qi holding coffee stopped in the air, Su Zichen does not drink?
Su Zichen Xu Chujing just passed the secretary department, heard them chat mentioned themselves.
His steps paused, he turned, and he walked into the secretarial room.
The people in the office were stunned for a time, Su Zichen hardly came to the secretary Department, and had things to call them directly to let them go into the office to arrange work.
See everyone looking at each other looking at themselves, the line of sight fell in the middle holding coffee Mushaqi body.
"You guys... Having afternoon tea?" Xu Chujing asked with a smile.
"That's right." Muchachi raised the coffee in his hand. "Do you want some?"
She walked toward them with two cups of coffee, and Su Zichen naturally took over and handed her coffee.
Jin Yuexi quickly reminded, "Su, this is espresso, you didn't drink these before?"
Su Zichen took off the lid and took a sip. "It tastes good."
They had not yet reacted from the shock, Su Zichen and Xu Chujing had left the secretary Department.
Muchachi, clutching her lukewarm coffee in her hands, returned to her seat, wondering if she should be glad he hadn't embarrassed her in front of her colleagues.
In the evening, Su Zichen sent her a message, tonight to work overtime, go back relatively late, let her go back to the apartment to eat, Mrs Li has already done the meal.
Mu Xia Qi looked at the above information of the mobile phone, the heart moved, he let her eat less takeout, not just say.
It was nearly seven o 'clock, and the department was empty, and Muschucky looked around to make sure no one was there before sneaking into his office.
Su Zichen looked up and saw her standing in the office, slightly surprised.

Chapter 139 is not appropriate
Before Su Zichen could react, Mushaqi put two chocolates on his desk, "to give you energy."
His long eyes rested on the gold foil wrapped chocolate on the table, with a faint smile in his eyes.
Muschucky did not want to linger, but turned and walked out the door.
Su Zichen quickly ran after her, holding her wrist and exerting a slight force, and Mu Shaqi easily fell into his arms.
Muchach quickly looked toward the office door, afraid someone would come at this time, "You let me go."
She pushed Su Zichen hard several times, almost motionless.
Muchachi was picked up by his waist and turned to face him.
Before she could speak, his hot kiss fell, eager and passionate, like a fire that would burn her up.
Muschucky felt that his mind was blank, that the air had been robbed from his mouth, that all he breathed in was his hot breath, and that he held his whole being in his arms.
Feeling suffocated by lack of oxygen, she punched him on the shoulder several times, and Su Zichen reluctantly left her soft lip and finally bit the corner of her mouth.
Muxia Qi red face, quickly breathing fresh air, eyes twinkling, slightly glared at the initiator.
But she does not know how attractive she is at this time, like a ripe peach, waiting for someone to pick.
Su Zichen's eyes were dark again, and Mu Xia Qi's intuition told her that if she stayed, she could not get off work for a while.
Before Su Zichen could move, he ran to the door of the office, pulled it open, and left as if he were fleeing.
Su Zichen, standing in the yellow light, was stunned by her quick action, and could not help but bend the corners of his mouth.
And it really is: quiet like a virgin.
Mushaqi returned to the apartment, already smelling the delicious food.
The food in her stomach was already rumbling.
The lid of the incubator was lifted and there were dishes of sweet and sour pork, honey sauce three treasures, boiling fish and mouthed chicken.
This was obviously for two people, and she could not finish it without Su Zichen coming back to eat it.
She took a picture and sent it to Su Zichen. "Want to eat?"
After more than ten minutes, he replied: "Not as delicious as you..."
Mushaqi: [??]
Is this man free now?
* * * * * *
Mu Xia Qi feel themselves now become "actor", and Su Zichen at home is husband and wife, in the company is to play no feelings of the superiors and subordinates.
Between the two people also formed a tacit understanding, back home, never talk about work above things.
She began to get familiar with the working process of the secretariat, and she was seconded here mainly to be responsible for matters related to the investment department.
Mu Xia Qi just came back from a meeting with the administrative department, see Jin Yuexi several people around Li Ziyan in talking and laughing.
I saw Muschucky walk in, his eyes disdainful.
"Some people think they will stay here forever on secondment. It's just wishful thinking." Ms. Kim meant something.
He Xiona echoed: "Yes, but also pretend to be very busy every day, in front of Sue always swinging to show themselves, but they are jumping clown."
Li Ziyan chuckled: "Those who are beyond their means, still think that the sparrow will become a phoenix, but they do not know that the sparrow is a sparrow, and she will never become a phoenix."

Jin Yuexi took over the skin care products from Li Ziyan, love it.
"Wow, thank you Ziyan, this skin care product is still limited, I wanted to grab before can not grab, Ziyan is different."
He Xiuna is also a face of surprise, carefully touched the gift in the hand, "Ziyan is really generous, have you such a colleague, is our luck."
Li Ziyan enjoys the compliments of everyone, seems to inadvertently find Mu Xia Qi general, "Oh, forgot to give Xia Qi you also buy a gift, you are just seconded to come, the next time I go to travel to give you, just don't know when you are still in the secretary Department."
Jin Yuexi raised her chin, "Ziyan, what do you care about her, she may not have used such a good skin care products, you buy her, is not a waste of money?"
Mushage: "..."
Li Xiaowei stood in the corner, pursed his mouth, and did not dare to speak easily to help, with indignant eyes.
He Xiuna snorted softly, "Ziyan, you are too kind, what people want to bring her gifts, others' hearts can be wild."
Muchach was too lazy to pay attention to these people, and the most irritating way was to ignore her and let her have no power to use the knife.
She casually returned to the card slot, put on the headset, and reorganized the data that had just been collected.
Li Ziyan saw her this kind of comfortable attitude, angry nostrils are about to smoke.
At this time, Xu Chujing walked in and clapped his hands, "Tomorrow Sue will go abroad on a business trip to inspect the project, the destination is on the other side of the ocean, Xia Qi, this time you will follow Sue on a business trip."
Mu Xia Qi did not hear, she raised her head, but saw everyone looking at themselves, Li Ziyan their eyes like to eat her.
She did not know why, see Xu Chujing also looked at her direction, not by taking off the headset and asking: "Xu special help, is there anything?"
Xu Chujing smiled and repeated what he had just said, reminding him by the way: "Go home from work early tonight to pack up, and leave early tomorrow morning."
Muschucky froze in disbelief.
Two days ago, Su Zichen asked himself where he wanted to travel, and she casually said that she wanted to go to his university Alma mater, and did not think that it would be realized.
After all, it is difficult for the two people to take vacation now, not to mention the long time to go abroad and back, she also thought he was just casually asking, did not expect to be so quickly determined.
Li Ziyan could not help but open her mouth: "Xu Te help, Mu Xia Qi is only seconded to the secretary Department, she is not familiar with the work rhythm and habits of Sue, how can she follow Sue on a business trip?"
He Xiuna also added: "Yes, and this is a business trip abroad, can she cope?"
Xu Chujing smiled faintly, but his voice was a little cold: "Are you doubting the decision made by Su?"
He Xiuna they are silent, after all, they are just a worker, the decision of the boss, they only obey.
Li Ziyan, relying on her own family, had always been insolent: "I don't care, Brother Zichen must have said the wrong name, I will go and talk to him."
Then he turned and went to Su Zichen's office.
Xu Chujing stepped forward to stop her, "Ziyan, I remember that you seem to have been transferred to the investment department, how are you still in the secretary Department?"
Li Ziyan was so angry that she stamped her feet, "Xu special help, you know I'm only on secondment, I'm still a member of the secretary Department."
Xu Chujing said calmly, "But if you are seconded to the investment department, then you will work in the investment department and wait until you return." Besides, Mr. Su is in a meeting with other executives, so it's not appropriate for you to go now, is it?"

Chapter 140: The Bread Crab
"Xu Taisuke, do you know my relationship with brother Zichen?" Li Ziyan was so angry that she jumped.
Xu Chujing eyes and nose, nose and heart: "At work, we do not talk about personal relations, everything in accordance with the company rules."
"You..." Li Ziyan stormed out of the secretariat and ran to the stairwell.
Jin Yuexi want to speak, but also dare not come forward to speak.
"Finish what you're doing and don't touch the fish." Xu Chujing looked at the people standing around him.
A few people who were still stuck in place quickly returned to their stations, looked down and got busy, and all around them were crackling keyboards.
Although Mushaqi was surprised by the news, but in the office also behaved as usual, busy with the work in hand.
After work, Muxia Qi did not go directly back to the apartment, but went to the charity hospital to visit the old man Sue.
Su Zichen was so busy at work that sometimes he didn't come to the hospital once a week.
Chen Bo and Mu Xia Qi mentioned that Sue would look at the direction of the ward door every day, and only when they came over, his eyes would light up.
Muxia Qi for a moment of sadness, then as long as she does not work overtime or free, will come to accompany the old man Sue.
Sue old man abnormal good mood, will smile to greet Mu Xia Qi come and sit down, talk about the past.
"Qi Qi, I know I don't have much time left, Zi Chen is a reserved child, he has a lot of words to keep in his heart, I know the pain and pressure in his heart.
So he's met you, and now I'm at ease, too. Don't hate me for being verbose."
Muchaatch listened to Old Sue with red eyes. "Grandpa, what are you talking about? You're in good health."
"I know my own body, I want to go back to the old house after a while, you also move back to accompany me for a while?"
Mushaqi's tears ran across his eyes and cheeks, and he kept nodding, "I have long wanted to go to the old house and see the place where Zichen grew up."
Old Man Su smiled from ear to ear, "Zichen this guy is too busy, I know he wants me to see his promised business empire in my lifetime, but it's a pity..."
"Grandpa, then you must be healthy and live for a long time."
"Young Master, you have come," cried Bo Chen in surprise.
"Well, Uncle Chen, how is Grandpa today?" Su Zichen's cool voice came over.
"The master is in good spirits today, and the young grandmother is also here."
"HMM." Su Zichen nodded and walked to the room with his slender figure.
The old man saw him come in, the smile on his face deepened, "The boy finally remembered me?"
Su Zichen sat on the stool beside the hospital bed. "Would you like an apple?" Soft eyes looked at the old man lying on the hospital bed.
"You peel it, I'll eat it." And neither did Pops Sue.
Mushaqi smelled his crisp, woody scent, the black Buddha beads on his wrist swaying slightly as he peeled the apple.
The room only heard the "brush" pulp and metal friction sound.
After a while, Su Zichen divided the cut apple into small pieces and handed it to Old Man Su in a bowl.
"Grandpa, I will go to America tomorrow with Xia Qi on business for about a week." Su Zichen said gently.
"Ok, you go out for a walk more, don't worry about me, there is Uncle Chen." Old Sue chewed the apple and smiled all the time.
On the way back.
Su Zichen opened the computer, still dealing with the work of things.
Mushage sat quietly by, eyes closed.
The mobile phone on the desktop rang, then Su Zichen's voice with silk indifference, "If their group does not give in, there is no need to talk about this project."
"At most give up a point, you watch the mediation."
Then came the faint tapping of the keyboard, and Mushage listened without opening his eyes.
She thought just sleep, did not think that they really follow, perhaps his regular tapping sound is particularly easy to hypnotize.
When she woke up, the car had stopped, the driver had left, and it was completely dark.
The dark street light of the deep path was dim, and she saw the surrounding scenery too clearly, which she only felt familiar with, but not quite sure.
Su Zichen closed his eyes beside her, wondering whether he had fallen asleep.
Muschucky sat up gently. He had opened his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse. "Awake?"
She was so scared that her heart stopped for a beat, looking back to see him gently looking at himself, like a spring, which makes people consciously addicted to it.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Muschucky hesitated.
She quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag and looked at the time, it was almost eight o 'clock, and her stomach rang untimely at this time.
Su Zichen drew the corners of his mouth, "Hungry?"
Muchaqi blushed and nodded, not nonsense, all have not eaten at eight o 'clock, can not hungry?
He bent down on her forehead and kissed her. "What do you want? My husband will cook for you."
Mushage heard her heart beat out of balance.
For a long time before he opened his mouth, "want to eat spicy fried bread crab."
At this time of year, it is difficult to get a good quality bread crab.
She paused, and said: "or sweet and sour spare ribs."
Su Zichen opened the gate of the car, then went around to her place and opened the door for her. "No problem, just eat fried crab with chili."
Muschucky had no idea how he could find a box full of bread crabs in such a short time, and by then he had made a plate of sweet and sour ribs to satisfy her craving.
Su Zichen was stuffing the bread crabs with his head down, then cutting the crabs into small pieces and crushing them with tongs to make them more palatable when stir-frying.
The orange-yellow spotlights shone on his body, and the taste of home was stronger.
"Have you cooked this dish before?" Muschucky put a spare rib in front of him.
Su Zichen shook his head, "No, I just read the tutorial, there should be no problem."
Mushaqi looked surprised, "Your cooking talent is so high?"
He smiled. "I'm not a bad learner."
'he said, opening the storage cupboard and rummaging.
"What are you looking for?" Muschach wondered.
"Bean paste."
"I know where it is. I saw it the other day when I was looking for dish soap."
Muschach burrowed over to him, tiptoed up, and pulled out a bottle from the bottom of the cabinet.
Excitedly turned to pass the bean paste to him, and found that the tips of the two noses had been folded together.
His cool, woody breath lingered around her. Mushaqi's eyes were open and he clenched the bean paste in his hand.
She felt the man's breathing in front of her get more and more hot, and he bowed his head slightly, grabbing hard at her r softness.
His lips circled around the corners of her mouth, and the mere taste was no longer enough for him, and he easily pried her tight lips apart, and then length-driven straight-in.

Chapter 141: Departure
The bean paste in Mu Xia Qi's hand could not be held and fell. Before it was about to break, Su Zichen quickly grasped it and put it on the table at will.
Then he held her around the waist, and the invading breath became stronger.
Mushaqi could not bear his weight and kept falling backward, and Su Zichen pulled her toward him at the moment when she was about to meet the counter.
Snatching the sweet Joan jelly from her mouth, as if to rub her whole person into his own body.
As the boiling water rolled behind her, she struggled to punch him on the back.
Dense water vapor, hazy around, orange and yellow spotlights appear more beautiful.
After I don't know how long, he finally let her go.
But the water in the pot has been less than half, Mu Xia Qi eyes shining, soft feet a deep and shallow to the sofa.
Su Zichen followed the steps in the video, quickly fried the bread crab and brought it to her.
But Mushaqi no longer had the strength to shell the crab, and he had just been dismembered from top to bottom by someone.
* * * * * *
The next day, Mu Shaqi followed Su Zichen and was sent to the airport by the driver.
As she handed her passport to the clerk, she suddenly said, "How can you be sure I have a visa for the United States?" What if I don't?"
Su Zichen smiled, "Your previous social circle sent you through the United States visa information, the United States visa is valid for ten years."
Surprised, he looked through her previous social circle.
"What is our mission to America this time?"
"Play with Su Zichen took her backpack and put it on his shoulder, moving smoothly and naturally.
Su Zichen led her to the first class of the plane and let her sit in the window seat inside.
"The flight time is more than ten hours, you can sleep first, today is relatively early." Su Zichen took an eye patch and handed it to him.
Mushaqi also did not welcome him, put on the blindfold to adjust the seat, ready to squint for a while, she felt that she was falling apart.
Early in the morning, the day has not yet light, they are shaking, wake up in a daze.
Heard the ear is his sexual - anxious - rapid gasp, she can not resist, can only passively accept, the process, it is also cool - to, but the ticket is delayed to the next plane time.
Her ears went red as she thought.
There was a small sound of clothes rubbing around her, and his breath splashed on her face, "Your ears are so red?" Are you uncomfortable?"
Su Zichen then reached out and touched her forehead and touched himself, feeling that there was not much difference in temperature.
Mushage's heart beat faster, as if a scurrying rabbit were about to jump out of her heart.
"Yeah, I just feel a little stuffy here." She forced herself to speak calmly.
Su Zichen raised the vent above her head and touched her forehead gently. "If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell your husband."
Mushaqi can't see, but his own hearing is more sensitive.
She nodded slightly, wearing an eye mask, and did not have to manage the expression, and herself fell asleep in a daydream.
The thin movement around the light sleep of Mushaqi woke up, she took off the blindfold.
Su Zichen had put all the plane food on the table in front of her.
"You were just sleeping, and I ordered you some pasta to cushion your stomach?" He stroked the strands of her hair at the temples.
Hand her the fork. "If you don't like it, get another one."
Moushach shook his head, took the fork in his hand and ate slowly.
His right hand supported the seat handle, eyes deeply looking at her, his beautiful peach eyes, eyes with silk.
Mushage looked down to eat the pasta in his bowl, oblivious to what was going on around him.
After delivering food, the two stewardesses returned to the food preparation area, and both of them whispered at the same time, "So handsome!"
Stewardess A: "When the man got on the plane, his eyes were glued to the girl's body all the time. He was really spoilt."
Flight attendant b: "Yes, at first I thought he was a star, then check the Internet, he turned out to be the successor of the Tiankun Group, the real rich three generations, handsome gold also hurt people, this is what dream man."
Stewardess A: "Yes, I really envy the girls around him!"
And as the object of envy Mu Xia Qi, silently eat the hands of the pasta, can not help but play a hiccup.
Su Zichen handed her a cup of orange juice, "Are you still sleepy? Get some sleep."
Mushaqi took the orange juice from his hand, shaking his head slightly, "Just woke up, not sleepy now."
She turned her head and looked out of the window at the vast sky, the stars shining bright and endless.
She felt herself sink, and when she turned around, she saw him throw the blanket over her.
Their eyes tangled in the air, and Su Zichen's eyes drifted down slightly, falling on red lips and darkening.
Muschucky looked at him quietly for a moment, and was about to look away when he moved in and kissed her.
Like a dragonfly, before she had time to react, his lips had left.
Muschucky blushed and looked around guiltily, relieved that no one around him was paying attention.
"You like to look at the stars?" Su Zichen lowered his voice.
"Well, yes, when I was a child, I always felt that the stars in the sky flashed, and it was very beautiful."
"Good," said Hermione. He smiled and nodded.
Muschach found the long journey too boring, and casually found an art-house romance to watch.
Su Zichen still worked tirelessly on a pile of papers she could not understand.
Some are not yet in English, they look like they are in Spanish, and he does not use translation software to process them, just write his opinions next to them.
Literary love films, for her is a hypnotic play, and after a while, Mushaqi hazy and fainted.
When she woke up again, Su Zichen was already sorting things out. "Are you awake? It's almost here, you get ready too."
Muchachi was not yet fully awake, and the whole person was in a state of ignorance.
When she sat in the car to pick up the airport and looked out the window at the scenery, she confirmed that she had arrived in the United States.
I feel that with him around, I don't have to worry about anything, I just need to follow his steps.
The car slowly entered a high-rise building, the top part of the building was shrouded in clouds.
The man in suit and tie sitting on the co-driver of the car is respectfully and seriously reporting to Su Zichen the status of his American company.
The two spoke quickly in English, with a lot of high-tech vocabulary that Mr. Muschach didn't quite understand.
Presumably knowing the subject of their discussion, she didn't listen any further.
The car stopped in the parking lot below, Su Zichen held her hand, "I will have a meeting with my partner later, can you go to the office and wait for me?"
Mushaqi nodded, "You go busy, don't worry about me."