PATH OF THE WARRIOR - PART 8 (Last Part) in English Fiction Stories by Kumar Venkat books and stories PDF | PATH OF THE WARRIOR - PART 8 (Last Part)

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General Skar returned to Sumeria with Amelia and Nina.

He told everything what happened there in Eldoria to Emperor Kratos. Kratos is in shock, his disbelief swept across his face as the realization hit him like a sudden storm. Kratos ordered his army to get ready for the upcoming battle because Kratos understood that Leon already destroyed his sworn enemy Draco and his kingdom, Now it's his turn.

General Skar put Amelia in prison for the crime of giving Shelter to enemies and helping them to reach Eldoria kingdom, and for betraying princess Nina. And Skar, house arrested princess Nina. He couldn't do anything about her because she is Emperor Kratos daughter. Princess Nina still in her grief knowing that everything that she trusted turned out to be a lie. Her face went pale, eyes are crying. The person she thought loved her revealed as the enemy who had harmed her family, leaving her torn between sorrow and anger. Tears streamed down her face, each drop carrying the weight of shattered trust and the pain of discovering the betrayal. While she was sobbing in her room alone. Someone knocked her door. She slowly opened her door with fear and the one who interrupted her sorrow is the one Guardian who escaped near death from the battle at Eldoria kingdom. A wave of relief swept across her face, replacing the anguish with a genuine smile as she saw her loyal bodyguard. Gratitude and comfort emanated from her eyes.

Nina :- "I am so happy to see you alive, i shouldn't leaved you in his hands. I am really sorry".

Gaurdian :- "Princess, please don't say sorry. No one would've thought that Alex is enemie's assassin. Even though he helped our enemies he tried to protect you. My brother died in hand's of General Skar to protect you, not because of Alex".

Nina :- "He's gonna pay for what he's done to me".

Gaurdian :- "Princess Nina, Amelia is held in prison. Here are the keys, took them and leave this country with her as soon as possible. This kingdom is going to face a fierceful battle".

Nina :- "Please come with me, we can escape together".

Gaurdian :- "No, Princess Nina. I'll avenge for my brother's death. I am going to kill General Skar. I don't bother about this kingdom or king Kratos. The only thing i want you to be safe my princess".

Nina :- "I never forget your loyalty. I always treated you like a father. Be careful, Goodbye".

Alex, Oliver and Elena reached at Leon's place with Leon's army.

Alex :- "We've killed Eldoria king Draco and freed Eldoria kingdom".

Everyone cheered as they heard the news of the victory.

Leon :- "This battle isn't finished yet. Now we have to face the real battle with Kratos. We are gonna get our Kingdom back".

Everyone cheered encouraging the battle with high energy.

Alex :- "I am going to sumeria to see the situation. Get ready for the battle, As soon as i gave signal, everyone has to attack on Sumeria castle. Remember our strategy".

Elena :- "Alex, i know why are you going to sumeria alone, She don't love you anyomore after what you did. I killed her brother, she saw you helping me. You won't be welcomed as you think".

Alex :- "I am going to sumeria for only to see the enemy movements. I'm sorry you misunderstood that".

What Alex said to elena was not completely on his mind. He's thinking about Nina ever since he leaved her at Eldoria. He Headed towards Sumeria alone to see whether she is safe or not.

Elena reached out at prison where Amelia was held. After Amelia saw her princess a mix of gratitude and hope lit up in her face. She doesn't expect her best friend will come to rescue her.

Amelia :- "Princess Nina, why did you come here, It's not safe if General Skar see you here".

Nina :- "We should escape from here, come with me".

They both got out from sumeria kingdom but suddenly they stopped because General Skar is standing in front of them. He got so mad and attacked them. Amelia tried to protect Nina and tried to fought with Skar. He held Amelia's hair and throwed her on the ground.

Skar :- "You are the reason for my brother's death. I'll kill you and after that i am gonna kill alex with my own hands".

Skar drawn his sword even though Nina tried to stopped the skar, he kicked Nina and knocked her down and with his sword he cut off Amelia's head in fornt of Nina's eyes. After watching that Nina's eyes that once held sorrow now blazed with a furious intensity, as the weight of grief turned into burning anger. She furiously punched on Skar's face and ran away. He starts bleeding, Skar ignored her. Now he is thinking about the upcoming trouble in Leon's from. He got an idea to provoke the enemy's army.

When Alex reached at Sumeria kingdom. He saw Sumerian flag was replaced and hanging with Amelia's head. After watching that his eyes burned with rage, he was furiously blazed with anger, He completely turned insane. Alex infiltrated Sumeria castle alone by killing all the soldiers and furiously asked "who did this to Amelia" and killing everyone he saw.

When Nina's on the run she saw Oliver coming towards Sumeria kingdom.

Oliver :- "Princess Nina, what happened to you, what's with the wounds, who did this?".

Nina :- "Tell Alex, to kill everyone in Sumeria. pleasee, i need your help. I need to see him".

Oliver :- "He came to see you, didn't alex send you here?".

Nina :- "Oh my god, Alex is in trouble, call everyone of your people to sumeria. The battle already began".

Alex killing every soldier that comes in his way. General skar came and attacked Alex. They fought so furiously. They both got so damaged, but Alex can't resist his attacks. Skar held Alex throat with his hands tightly and lifted him. Alex can't able to breathe, he is suffocating. Suddenly a knife was pierced in skar's back. It was the gaurdian. Alex got the chance and cut off Skar's head. The Gaurdian felt relief that he finally avenged for his brother.

King kratos entered the main hall with his army and surrounded Alex and Gaurdian.

Gaurdian :- "We are outnumbered by them. I'm happy, i've saved Nina, i am going to meet my brother soon. I don't have any regrets in my life".

Suddenly they heard a horn sound which is used for battles. Alex smiled by looking at Kratos face. Leon entered with his army along with Nina into Sumeria castle and attacked Sumerian army.

Leon :- "How was the suprise my friend".

Leon fought with Kratos. The clash of steel echoed through the air as Leon and kratos engaged in fierce sword duel. Leon defeated kratos and finally killed him. The battle ended. Everyone got cheered with triumphant shouts as the battle concluded with Victory

Finally Skar got his kingdom back and he made Elena queen to his Kingdom. People's eyes in Sumeria kingdom rejoice with joy, happiness and gratefulness. Everyone eyes filled with happiness except Nina. She lost everyone and everything. She silently tried to left Sumeria with grief without telling anyone. While she was leaving, Someone grabbed her hand and stopped her. When she turned back it's Alex

Alex :- "I know how much you hate me for what i've done. I'll accept any punishment that you'll give me, even it's death i'll accept with happily by your hands".

Nina :- "Killing you won't bring back my family. I don't want to ruin your life. Now i am an orphan. I can't do anything even if i wanted to".

Alex :- "No, you have me, I never lied to you, i just hid the truth from you. I always loved you, and i will. Please, The only person i ever want to spend my whole life is you. If you leave, all the things i've done, there is no meaning".

After hearing that Nina hugged Alex. Someone came and told to alex "Queen Elena Summoned both of you". They went to Sumeria main castle. Everyone clapping and applausing for Alex.

Elena :- "One of the main reason if i am sitting on this throne is because of him. And i had a suprise gift for you my friend".

Alex :- "No more suprises now my Queen, of course i'll serve you as a General to our army".

Leon :- "Why become a soldier when you become a king Alex?".

Elena :- "Yes, i'll govern Sumeria kingdom, but who's going to take care of Eldoria Kingdom. Now i declare you as the King of Eldoria in front of this Assembled Sumerian people and soldiers".

Alex became king of Eldoria and became the backbone of Sumeria Kingdom. Alex got married to Nina. The friendship between Eldoria and Sumeria kingdoms became strong. And Everyone got happy in both Kingdoms.