ADVERSE FAVORABLE in English Fiction Stories by Risahbh Bhatt (itself_kalamkar) books and stories PDF | ADVERSE FAVORABLE

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"After coming into this cycle of time, the nights of doom in life peep into the sky with a hope that one day the miracle of nature will shine like the sun in this desolate colony."
The shackles of such questions, which were attached to every step to the heartbeat, were scattering the future in the mirror of the past. Holding a coin between my fingers, I was tossing it again and again so that my shadows could find their way to reality away from these mirrors. The coin would bounce up at high speed and then after falling would give rise to a new question with its aspects.
This was such an evening of reflections where these eyes could never see the depth of reality. Eyes have always seen only imaginations, even our faith can never accept the reality hidden behind these imaginations. Perhaps this is the reason why an ordinary man counts the pages of his life and the great men travel till eternity.

I was sitting on the balcony of the roof, looking at a tree with great attention, the thoughts of my mind were somehow in harmony with that tree and the laws of nature.
A pen in my hands which was taking my imagination to the beginning from where our index finger can touch the thumb after thousands of years of evolution from generation to generation. Despite being descendants of chimpanzees, we are different from them, we can see the future in the present and can take the present to the future. The union of our index finger and thumb gives us the power to hold a pen and a brush. It is this power that works to connect life to humanity and humanity to its duties.
But today the limits of duties are becoming unfavorable to life and are becoming an adaptation to the needs.
By the time I reached the limits of my words, one of my friends came in front of me and asked me, "What are you thinking?"
My abilities were beyond his understanding, so I thought it appropriate to explain to him by giving him an example -
"Looking at that tree."
She, "Why yes?"
I have been watching that tree for the last ten years, every year the old leaves fall from it and new leaves emerge. Watching the flowers and flowers develop into fruits over time. As the fruit gradually grows, its shape, color and taste keep changing. After a certain time it breaks from the tree and falls down.
Do you know that if it is plucked prematurely or if it remains attached to the tree for too long, its existence will itself be destroyed, which is against the laws of nature.
My doubts are related to this, once a fruit fell on the ground from this tree as per the laws of nature. This scene seemed to me moving away from my guest, so I attached the fruit back to the stem from where it had fallen. A few days passed and I went and saw the fruit and do you know what happened? The existence of that fruit had been destroyed. Over the years, I have made many attempts to go back to my past, but as soon as I step out of the house, I see this tree in front and I turn my steps back.