Silent Love - 3 - Last Part in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Silent Love - 3 - Last Part

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Silent Love - 3 - Last Part


                                 Part -3      Silent Love


Note - You have read till now that both Manish and Soniya were now working , Manish in Mumbai and Soniya in Pune  .One day Soniya’s mother suggested to  Manish to get married , now read further ….

“ I think now it’s the right time for you to get married . That is good for both you and your daughter . By the way, what's her name?. “ 

“ She is Siya , her mother’s name was Vaidehi . Both have the same literal meaning . But I have not yet thought about my marriage . At least not so soon . First I will try to manage it myself . Let us see. ”  

“ Being a single father to a girl and bringing her up is not easy, it's a  a gigantic  task . “ 

“ Maybe you are right . Just wait and watch . “ 

Within two months we got our B.Tech degree . Manish was in Mumbai and I was in Pune . Manish has hired an Aaya for her daughter Siya . She used to take care of Siya while Manish used to be  in office . She also used to cook food for them and leave in the evening when he was back from office. I also went to Mumbai and met them. Manish was trying his best to manage his single parenthood. Siya was a charming girl. She played in my lap for a while. She has started talking also .When I asked Mnaish to visit Pune he said  “ What about this naughty girl ? “ 

“ She will also come with you .We will enjoy the weekend together . 

But a tragedy was waiting for me . My dad died of a massive heart attack. I had to go to Patna . After the rituals I brought my mummy to Pune to live with me  . Manish came to meet us with Siya and said “ I am too sorry to hear about your dad .  I could not come to Patna to be with you in the hour of need . I am sorry I could not leave Siya .”

“ I can understand and we know each other very well . You don’t owe any explanation for this .” 

I told Siya pointing to my mummy  “ This is your grandma ,  Dadi . Go there , she will love you. “ 

Mummy herself came forward and picked her up in her lap and loved her . Siya was comfortable with me and my mummy also. After some time mummy asked Manish “ It’s better for you to get married soon so that Siya will easily adjust  with her new mummy .” 

“ So far Siya is comfortable with us  . I am not sure if her stepmother can keep her equally comfortable.”  

“ All stepmothers are not bad . “ 

“ But I don’t need so far .” 

One year passed by . During this period I visited Manish with mummy only once .  I didn’t go to Mumbai as mummy had some mobility problems . Manish used to come to Pune with his daughter at least twice a month on weekends . Siya was growing happily in our company . 

But another tragedy was waiting for me . There was an urgent presentation to the Chief of a USA based company and I was in charge of the project.  I was returning  home late at night . On the way there was a lonely stretch of two kilometers. Some goons attacked my cab. They stopped my cab and beat the driver badly, robbed him with all cash and mobile phone etc. One of them attacked me . By that time I had sprayed pepper  in his eyes. The other two  guys got angry and came to attack me. I resisted to my best effort and tried to spray pepper in their eyes too but they snatched the pepper gun and started molesting me and wanted to sexually assault me . They beat me up mercilessly but somehow I had courage to save my modesty . They snatched all my belongings and left me bleeding .  I fell unconscious but by that time I noticed headlights of two vehicles speeding towards my cab . 

When I opened my eyes I was lying on a bed in the hospital . My mummy , Manish and Siya were also by my side. Tears rolled down my eyes . There was a fracture in my left hand besides bandage at half a dozen wounds at different parts of my body. I was in hospital for nearly six weeks and Manish visited me every weekend with his daughter . A couple of days before my discharge from the hospital Manish had come and he said “ Soniya , I have an attractive offer from a startup in Pune as the head of the company. I could not decide so far if I should accept it . Now I have only one week to answer them . Personally …. “ 

Before he could finish my mummy said “ It is very good for us  if you are here . We will have enhanced support for each other  . “ 

“ Yes , I too need the company of a friend like you. What’s your view Soniya ? “  Manish asked me 

“ Do my views matter so much  in your life ? “  I asked 

“ Are you shaming me  Soniya ? How could you ask this ? “ 

I held his hand and a few drops of tears rolled down on his hand while I said “ I will be very fortunate to have you close to me . And this little angel Siya is so charming , I will be so happy to see her growing  daily when you are in Pune .” 

“ Thanks dear , Then it's done . I will email my consent to the company today itself . “

I was discharged from hospital and within ten days Manish had moved to Pune in an apartment close to mine . My company has allowed me to work from home for two months . Manish’s startup company was also located within walking distance from our apartment . He preferred to walk down though he had a car . He used to leave Siya with us . Siya has started calling me aunty . 

Manish had hired a couple of engineers for his company . One of them was a beautiful girl . While returning from the office, usually that girl used to drop Manish at our apartment. I noticed this from my balcony and windows. I said to mummy “ I don’t know why Manish is getting lift off this girl , he could have walked down like in the morning  I don’t like this .” 

Mummy asked “ He must be feeling tired after the whole day’s work . But why are you bothered by that? Do you have any feelings for him ? “

I wasn’t expecting such a direct question from mom , I said “ What feeling ? “

“ That you know better , anything good , bad , envy or love ?  I am your mother and I know your A to Z from the day you were born .“

“ Mummy , when you know me then you must have understood my feelings for him . “

“ Yes I did know. I wanted to hear from your mouth .”  mummy said 

“ Please leave me alone for the time being .” 

One day I asked Manish “ Why is this girl after you? Almost everyday she comes here to drop you .”

Manish laughed and said “ She is not a girl. She is a woman , mother of twins. She is my assistant and she insists so much to drop me that it’s very difficult for me to deny. But if you don’t like this I will not accept her lift from tomorrow . “

I said ‘ no ‘ and felt relieved at his reply and took a sigh. 

In startups one has to struggle and contribute utmost efforts and skill to make it successful. He used to devote most of his time to his new job and he was confident that Siya was most comfortable with us . My mummy has asked Manish to forget about his kitchen and he and Siya would have to take all the meals at our home . Every time Manish came here , he never forgot to spend a few minutes with me and ask about my welfare.

After a few days Siya fell sick. She was running temperature for the last two days. She was not responding to our home treatment . Manish got worried and said “ I feel sorry for Siya . I should have taken her to a doctor earlier. Today I will be  busy the whole day. I can take her there in the evening . “ 

Mummy said “ Don’t worry , Soni has already taken appointments with a renowned physician . In fact we are taking her to the doctor within half an hour. . You can relax and go to your office.”

He looked towards me with gratitude in his eyes and said “ Thanks dear . You people have been taking care of me and my baby all these days . “

“ That’s why I suggested you get married .”  Mummy said 

I was still not comfortable with my left hand and so could not drive. We went to the doctor by a cab. After examining  Siya the doctor said “ Hopefully there is nothing to worry about. It’s a viral fever. Baby should be okay within two or three days . In case of any emergency you are free to call me .”

Siya was normal after four days . After two months I Started going to my office . Months passed by. I felt closer to Manish and Siya day by day . Siya had started going to Preschool for four hours . I used to drop her off and pick her up from her Preschool. One day Siya asked me “ My teacher asks me if you are my mom . “  

“ What did you say to her?” 

“ I said you are my aunty . Who is my mom aunty ? “

“ Your dad knows it . He will tell you . “ 

In the same evening Siya asked Manish pointing towards me “ Dad , if she is my aunty who is my mom ? What is the difference between aunty and mom ? “ Siya asked curiously 

“ Mom is one lady who loves her kid the most .”

“ But Siya aunty loves me the most I know . So she should be my mom also .” Hearing this from Siya, Manish looked at me and I blushed . 

After a few months when Manish came back from office he was unusually happy and excited. He had brought lots of toys and sweets for Siya besides costly gifts for me and mummy. When I asked the reason he said “ My startup has been acquired by a US based multinational. I have been awarded 1.5 million US dollars and retained as a director in the new company.”  saying this he almost hugged me.

I felt utmost peace and comfort in his arms but seeing mummy I separated . Both I and mummy congratulated him on his success. 

Manish said “ Now I am planning to buy a ready to move bungalow and we will move there soon . The company will furnish my bungalow free of cost . “ 

“ What do you mean by we all ? “ Mummy asked 

“ We are all the four here and I meant that .” 

“ But will it look nice? What will people say ? “ 

“ We have been living like a family all these days . I and Siya are so dependent on you and Soniya that I can’t think of living alone . “ 

“ But do you think we are part of your family ? I or Soni have no right to be considered your family . “  

“ You will enjoy all rights with us , you as head of family and Soniya as Chief lady of the house . “ 

“ I think it's better you get married soon and leave us here . “  Mummy said  

“ I told you people earlier I can’t leave Siya under the shadow of an unknown lady who might be her stepmother. All these years she has been happily living under your care and I want that to continue. ” 

“ Then why can’t you marry Soniya ? “ 

“ I will be the most fortunate guy to have Soniya as my new life partner. I do like her but could not dare to propose to her as I am a widower , that too with a kid .I can’t kill her ambitions .”

“ But by marrying her you will be fulfilling her ambitions , I can assure you . “ There is one secret about Soni which we didn’t tell you . In fact it wasn’t needed to tell you at all before today. “ Mummy said 

“   O my God , all these years both Soniya and I have been silently  dreaming the same dream and I didn’t  know . But  what secret are you talking about ? “ 

“ After that terrible night of tragic happenings with Soni ,the doctor told us that  the trauma suffered by her might render her incapable of motherhood  . That’s why I couldn’t talk about her marriage to you . And now you should not worry about Siya's stepmother . Soni will shower all her to Siya alone  “

“ I am sorry to hear this happened with Soniya as every woman dreams to be a mother . Even if Soniya becomes a mother by any miracle, I will be the happiest man. I never had any negative feelings about Soniya . I can blindly trust her and I am sure she is the best mother for Siya . 

Manish came to me and embraced me tightly in his arms .  Siya came running to us . I lifted her in my arms  . Manish said to Siya “  You wanted to know who your mom is . This aunty is your mother .” 


 The End 
Note - This story is purely  a fiction