The Handkerchief’s secret in English Fiction Stories by Neel Mukadam books and stories PDF | The Handkerchief’s secret

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The Handkerchief’s secret

Julien Martin was walking on the deck of the ship, focused on the investigation of Mr. Jonathan’s murder case. The missing handkerchief with “Sara my love” written on it was an important piece of evidence that had caught his attention. Julien Martin had a reputation for being an exceptional detective, and he was determined to uncover the truth. He looked at Joseph de Santa, the son of the victim, who was observing the scene with amusement. “I apologize for the directness of my question”, Martin said, adjusting his famous moustache. But the evidence points to you as a suspect.” Allow me to clarify the situation. I came here to solve Jonathan’s murder case.


Julien asked Joseph, “Mad boy, you killed your father? Miss Svetlana, Joseph’s mother said “How you dare to ask this question to my son?” Julien Martin said, “Sorry, but he killed his father.” Miss Svetlana said, “No he did not kill my husband and his father. He cannot do that.” Mr. Jonathan was an honest officer. He had many rivals. Any of them may have killed my husband. She said this and angrily gave back a kick to Julien. He fell and slept on Svetlana’s feet. Julien stood up and said, “Mademoiselle Svetlana, I understand your concern for your son, but I must ask some questions to get to the truth of this case”. Miss Svetlana looked sternly at Julien but finally nodded, allowing him to proceed.


Julien turned his attention back to Joseph, “Young man, where you were on the night of the murder?” Joseph paused before responding, “I was in my cabin” Can you give any witness for this?” Julien inquired. “No, Sir” he replied, “I was feeling unwell and chose to rest in my cabin.” Julien nodded and he assured Joseph, “Fear not”. Then Julien turned his look to Miss Svetlana, “Mademoiselle, you seem certain of your son’s innocence. Is there anyone who might have had the motive to harm Mr. Jonathan Sara?” Ms Svetlana said, “My husband, Mr. Jonathan Sara was, indeed a great officer, but he was also a strict and ruthless man. Many people may have reasons to resent him. But I cannot believe my son can kill him.” Julien accepted her answer and continued his investigation meticulously. He examined the deck and questioned the other passengers on the ship. He soon discovered that Mr. Jonathan Sara had indeed made some enemies during his time as an officer, which added complexity to the case.


As the day progressed, Julien gathered all the suspects, including the crew, in the ship’s common area. Finally, he turned his attention to Miss Svetlana, who was still visibly upset about the accusations against her son. “Mademoiselle, there is one detail that you might be aware of which will help to solve this case,” Julien said in a calm and composed manner. “What is it?’’ Miss Svetlana asked with curiosity. Julien began to say, “When I fell and landed at your feet earlier, I observed something special about your shoes.” Miss Svetlana looked puzzled. She cannot understand what Julien is trying to say. He said, “There were traces of fish scales on your shoes. Now why would there be fish scales on the deck of a ship? The answer lies in the events of that important night.” Martin went on to explain how he deduced that the murder took place during a secret meeting between Miss Svetlana and Mr Jonathan Sara. The handkerchief, with ‘Sara my love’ written on it, was not the proof of a romantic relationship between them, as it appeared at first. Instead, it was evidence that Miss Svetlana had planned to confront Mr Sara about some hidden secrets they shared. In anger, she killed him and tried to frame her son for the crime. The missing handkerchief had been used to wipe away any evidence of her presence at the crime scene. As the truth began to unravel, Miss Svetlana’s face turned pale. She broke down, confessing the crime. She admitted that she had killed her husband in a fit of anger, fearing for their safety and wanting to protect her son from the truth. The missing weapon was disposed of in the ocean, leaving no trace behind. The news of Miss Svetlana’s confession spread like wildfire among the passengers and crew on the ship. Julien was satisfied with having unravelled the truth.


Later that evening, as the sun began to set, Julien received a knock on his cabin door. It was Joseph de Santa, the young man who had been accused of his father’s murder.  “Mr. Julien”, Joseph said solemnly, I wanted to thank you for proving my innocence. I don’t know how to express my gratitude.” Julien smiled at the young man, “It was my duty young man. The truth always reveals itself, and it is evident that you were innocent. Your mother’s self-consciousness led her to confess.” Joseph nodded a mix of relief and sadness evident on his face. “I never thought she would go to such things,” he said. “I knew she disliked my father, but I never imagined she could harm him.” Julien placed a reassuring hand on Joseph’s shoulder, “Sometimes, emotions and situations can lead people to act unexpectedly. It is a tragic outcome. Now you can move forward with your life.


The ship’s captain was informed, and the authorities were alerted to take appropriate action upon reaching the next port. And so, the great detective Julien Martin once again successfully solved a mysterious murder case.