Hiccups in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Hiccups

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“ Uf , let me sleep for some more time . What’s  hurry , it’s Sunday today . “  Ravi told his wife Rati who had been trying to wake him up for quite some time .

“ Baby , it’s not early . It’s already past 9 am . Your bed tea is still fuming . Don’t blame me if it gets cooled and I am not going to microwave it. Microwaved tea has a boring taste , at least for me . “  Rati replied and turned away from his bed .

Ravi got hold of her right arm and pulled her in the bed saying ‘ Don’t go darling. I am awake and going to enjoy tea together with you . Come on , where is your tea ? “ 

Both started sipping tea but Ravi started hiccuping after the very first sip . Rati teased him saying “ It seems your first love is remembering you . You told me you had a crush for your classmate Siya . “ 

“ But how come you knew her ? “

“ Though Siya was one year senior to me, your affair was a topic of gossip for us .  Also you had told me before marriage that you loved a girl but she left you and went to the USA , but  you didn’t tell me her name . “

“ But at the same time I told you that the chapter was closed after she left for the USA .”

“ I know  ,  never mind dear . Don’t take it seriously , I was kidding . “

“ Don’t bore me .  Sure we both liked each other but there was nothing more than a good friendship between us. Neither of us had courage to transform this friendship into love . Now it's history .”  Ravi lied to his wife . Ravi did love Siya but he could not marry her due to Siya’s over ambitious nature . He had to close that chapter and compromise with his fate . But whenever Ravi got hiccups due to any reason Rati never forgot to tease him saying “ See , Siya is remembering you that’s why you are having hiccups .”

“ Okay , get ready soon .  Do you remember you invited your boss for lunch ? “ 

“ Oh my God , I forgot . “ Ravi jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. 

In the washroom ,after years Ravi started rewinding old memories of Siya . After schooling both joined Engineering . Siya was overambitious . She was determined  to go to the USA to do her Masters and then join a job there . She insisted Ravi also prepare for GRE and TOEFL exams. so that he could qualify for admission in the U.S. universities . Eventually both cleared both exams. in the pre final year itself. But in the final year Ravi’s father had a massive heart attack and he died . Ravi requested Siya to defer her US programme for a year so that he could settle his mother in the meantime . But Siya refused to defer her plan . During a farewell party in the final year Siya sang a  bollywood song looking at Ravi “ Wo afsana jise anjam tak lana na ho mumkin use ek khubsurat mod dekar chorna achha... ….(  वो अफ़्साना जिसे अंजाम तक लाना न हो मुमकिन  ….   meaning thereby -  When a relationship oppresses it is better to break it , When an adventure you are embarked on can’t be taken to its end it is better to steer away and take alternate beautiful way …. ) “

Ravi also sang another bollywood song “ Ye n thi hamari kismat ki visaal e yaar hota ….( ये न थी हमारी क़िस्मत, कि विसाल-ए-यार होता ….meaning thereby - It was not in my destiny that I would unite with my beloved ….  ) . “ 

After graduation Siya left for the USA and Ravi joined a job in a multinational company at Mumbai. Siya was impressed by  the glamor and materialistic lifestyle of America.  She was more than happy in the USA .  Both remained in contact for a couple  years. She married an Indian American so that she could qualify for Permanent Residency easily. After marriage Siya rarely was in contact with Ravi . Ravi married Rati  and was happily settled at Mumbai in India. 

Ravi used to go to the USA frequently in connection with his job but he had no idea about Siya’s whereabouts . After nearly ten years , one day Ravi was waiting to board a flight for the USA at Mumbai international airport . One of the passengers for the same flight was also sitting next to him . Both smiled at each other when they had their first eye contact . He asked “ If I am not wrong you are also flying to Silicon Valley  ? “ 

Ravi just smiled and nodded in agreement .

Ravi put his mobile phone for charging at the kiosk close to his seat .

 After a few minutes the other passenger said to Ravi “ Hi guy . I am Kunal . There is still 30 minutes left for boarding . I am going to the washroom.Can you please keep an eye on my cell phone over there at the charging station? “  Kunal said pointing towards his phone .

“ Oh, sure it’s my pleasure . I am Ravi . “ said Ravi 

Within a minute Ravi heard his phone’s ring . He went to the charging station to answer the phone but it was not his phone . It was Kunal’s phone having the same ringtone. But he was astonished to see Siya’s photo on Kunal’s screen . He came back to his seat . After a few minutes Kunal’s phone rang again , it was Siya calling again . She said “ I saw someone’s hazy   face just hanging over your screen but his face  was not clear. Where did you go leaving the phone and who else was there? “ 

Looking towards Ravi , Kunal said “ Oh, he was a fellow passenger flying to the USA in the same flight . He is Ravi , so I asked him to keep an eye on my phone . “ 

“ What name did you say ? “ 

Kunal repeated Ravi’s name . After talking he hung up . Turning to Ravi he said “ My wife was confused to see some hazy  face on my screen . “ 

“ Actually my phone was also next to yours and I too have the same ringtone so I ran towards the phone thinking it was mine .I couldn’t see your wife as I turned back immediately after seeing it wasn’t my phone . Anyway, how is your wife there  ?  

“ She is good .”

Just then there was an announcement for boarding so both got in the business class queue . Ravi was sitting just behind Kunal . Before takeoff Kunal was talking to his wife “ Siya darling , I have boarded . Will be there with you within 16 hours . “ 

Ravi could hear this chat .He was a bit anxious and disturbed to hear Siya’s name . He had been  trying to erase her name from his memories but failed as his wife Rati also used to tease him whenever he had hiccups or sometimes even without hiccups when Rati saw him drenched in thoughts. And now  hearing Siya from Kunal’s mouth added to his worries . Ravi further heard Kunal saying “ No Ravi isn’t sitting with me, he is in another row. “

Ravi thought Siya must have asked about him .Ravi became anxious as she might be the same Siya whom he used to love in his college days . He was apprehensive about how awkward he might feel if he encountered Siya who would come to receive her hubby at the airport .

Ravi’s flight landed at San Francisco International airport a bit ahead of schedule. Both Ravi and Kunal were in the same queue for immigration clearance. Ravi asked “ Your wife must be here to welcome you . “ 

“ No, she is busy with our son Sonu at his school . She has booked Uber for me . ” 

In fact it wasn’t a must for Siya to go to his son’s school . She was doubtful about Ravi . If he turned out to be his ex BF it would be a very embarrassing situation  for her as she had never told her love story to Kunal. On the other hand Rati knew about Siya even before Ravi could say .

After immigration and custom clearance both were waiting for their rides . Kunal’s cab came first . Before riding Kunal gave his card to Ravi and said “ Better  We will be in touch . “ 

Ravi also pulled out his business card from his wallet and gave it to Kunal saying “ Hope to see you sometime soon  , if you are free. “

“ Oh. sure . You are welcome . “ 

Both departed from the airport . Ravi was scheduled to meet senior executives of Google at their head office in Mountain View , California . Kunal was working in a different multinational and his job involved frequent tours to India and Eutope. After finishing his scheduled work Ravi was free , so he decided to meet Kunal . He was also desperately eager to know if Kunal’s wife Siya was his ex-love and classmate . So he called on the number given by Kunal . The call was answered by his son Sonu . Sonu said “ Dad is in the bathroom . He will call you back after some time . “ 

Ravi kept waiting for Kunal’s call . He did call but after more than two hours . He said “ Sorry Ravi. I couldn’t call back sooner as I was in a hurry to catch my flight .. Actually I am at San Jose airport and going to board a Mexico flight . But I have told Siya about you , I will be messaging her number . You can visit our home . Siya and Sonu will be glad to see you. Before leaving I told her that you might come to meet us  but I won’t be available .  You know what she said . She said - I am here and our son is here. We will be happy to entertain your Indian guest .“ 

“ I think it is better to visit your home next time when you are there . “  said Ravi 

“ I will be back in two days , when are you leaving ? “ 

“ I am leaving tomorrow afternoon . “ 

“ Oh no . Then you  have to visit my house today only, otherwise both Siya and Sonu will feel bad  . They are always happy to meet with new Indian friends . Neither I nor Siya is conservative , So don’t hesitate , go ahead and meet them  .”

“ OK. no need to insist so much .I will go to your house . ” 

“ Well , you can call her to fix what time you are going . “

“ Okay, have a safe and comfortable flight . Bye . “  said Ravi 

Actually while on one side Siya was anxious to figure out  who this Ravi is , on the other side Ravi was also equally desperate to know if this Siya is his ex love or not .After a few hours Ravi was at Siya’s home. He rang her up after getting down from the cab and said “ Hi , I am Ravi at your door . “ 

Within no time Siya opened the door and both were perplexed to see their past love . Both kept looking at each other for a while in silence. Breaking the silence Ravi said “ Will you keep me standing or will let me in ? “ 

“ Oh I am terribly sorry , come in   . Actually after seeing you after a long time I was lost in memories of the past . “ 

After Ravi was in , she asked him to sit on the sofa and be comfortable and said “ I will be back soon . Will you like something hot or cold ? “ 

“ You know my choice very well but I will be glad to have anything of your choice . “ 

Siya was back soon with two mugs of coffee . Sipping coffee Ravi said “ Kunal said you have a son , where is he ? “ 

“ He is in the  mid of violin class online . He will be done  in another 15 minutes . “ 

“ You still look very beautiful , so gorgeous . “ 

Siya felt blushed and just gave a gentle smile . Ravi said “ You know , whenever I hiccup Rati teases me saying - Siya might be remembering you . But did you ever remember me after you expelled me from your memories ? “ 

“ Don’t use such harsh words - expelled . Please . “ 

“ Okay , sorry . “ 

By that time Siya’s son entered and waving his hand said “ Hi .” 

“ Sonu , he is your uncle Ravi from India . Say Namaste also .” 

Sonu did say Namaste with folded hands and went out in the backyard to play basketball .

Siya asked “ How is Rati ? I understand you too have a son . How are both ? “  Siya asked 

“ Rati and Montu both are good . Rati knows you from college days . She knew about our affairs . But this chapter was over forever since you left for the USA , she knows it very well . But does Kunal know about our past , did you tell him ? “ 

“ No , I didn’t tell him . “ 

That’s so bad . What will he think when he knows it and then our present meeting in his absence . ? “

“ He is not a conservative man . Moreover, I didn’t insist on meeting you. It was he alone who wanted this . Anyway, forget it and let us live this moment happily .”  Siya said 

After a silence of a few seconds Siya asked Ravi “ You will have your dinner with us . Then I shall drop you at your hotel. Hope you won’t disagree ? “

Did I ever disagree with you? It was you who used to disagree with me , wasn't it ? “  Ravi asked 

“ Again you are trying to rewind the past . You said that chapter is closed and it’s now history . “

“ Saying anything is easy but  doing it isn’t that easy . Okay it’s over , at least for now . Can I have some drinks ? “ 

“ Sure , I also will give you company.  I still remember your favorite  drink . Give me a few minutes “ Replied Siya 

Siya came back with a bottle of wine. Ravi made drinks for her also ,  both said cheers by raising their glasses and started sipping . Siya had switched on her music system which was playing top tunes of ABBA . Ravi extended  his hand to Siya asking to dance with her . She agreed but somewhat hesitatingly. During the dance Ravi and Siya were very close to each other . Ravi said “ I can hear the heartbeats of my first love . “ 

“ Me too .” said Siya with a blushed face

Both saw Sonu was coming inside and they stopped dancing. After dinner Siya said “ Now I will  drop you and Sonu will be with us , so no past talks . I can’t leave Sonu at home , it’s not legal to leave a kid of his age alone at home . “ 

At the hotel while Sonu was still in the car Siya and Ravi were just chatting . Siya said When are you leaving for India ? “

“ Tomorrow afternoon .” 

“ Good . Then we can have yet another meeting tomorrow. You can check out tomorrow morning and have your breakfast and lunch with us . Then I can drop you at the airport . “ 

“ Sounds good . But I will have my complimentary breakfast in the hotel then I can check out . Okay till then goodbye and good night .“ 

Next morning Ravi checked out from his hotel and was with Siya at 9 am . When he was getting down the cab he  saw Siya driving   in . She told  Ravi “ Sorry I forgot to tell you . Sonu has a Play day with his friend today , he will be with his friend till evening. ” 

Both were chatting in her living room . Ravi said “ I am worried how  Kunal would react when he would come to know about our past.” 

“ I am sure even if he knows he won’t react otherwise.  You stop thinking about the past and live in the present .“ 

“ It is very easy for you to forget the past , isn’t it ? “

“ I don’t know. But why do you want to spoil our present  meeting ? Let us make it pleasant . “ 

“ How to make it pleasant ? “  asked Ravi 

“  We can gossip , wine and dine . “ 

Both made some quick drinks and had a few sips . Then Siya went into the kitchen to prepare lunch . Ravi also followed her and started helping her . Looking at the camera “ So, your webcam is recording my movements here . Is it fine ?”

“ Never mind , the camera is not working . “ 

Will you tell Rati about our meeting ? “

“ No “ 

“ But why ? ‘   

“ For the same reason for which you didn’t say Kunal about our past . “ said Ravi 

Both spent a couple of hours together with some sweet and some sour memories . Sometimes both blamed each other for parting off .  Siya dropped Ravi at the airport . While saying goodbye Siya gave him a hug . Ravi held her tight for a few seconds . Trying to free her she said “ Enough, it’s  enough . “ 

 “ It’s not enough . Anyway, goodbye. “  saying this he proceeded towards the checkin counter.

Ravi was back in India . He did tell his wife about a surprise meeting with Kunal and Siya without any further details. 

Five years have passed . During this period Ravi visited the USA several times but he never tried to meet Siya but he was in contact with Kunal . Kunal used to ask him to visit at home but Ravi avoided it with one or another excuse. One day Kunal while on a visit to India called Ravi and said “ I am in your city with my wife and son . Can we meet at your home somewhere else, as  you like ? “

Rati was also hearing this conversation . Even while  Ravi was taking some time to answer, Rati said from behind -  “ What a pleasant surprise .Yes sure , we would be too happy to meet you all .”

 Kunal heard this and said “ It’s Kunal here Bhabhiji , thanks for your kind gesture . Can we meet this evening? “ 

“ Sure .”  Both Ravi and Rati said at the same time 

 Kunal’s  and Ravi’s families met in the evening . All enjoyed this gettogether . During chit chat Kunal said “ If I remember well my parents approached Rati’s parents for our marriage . But I was rejected as they didn’t want a US settled groom . Is it right madam ? “   Kunal was looking at Rati 

“ Is it ? “ asked Ravi 

“ Truly speaking  I don’t remember it was you but it happened once and I came to know this from my parents .Truly I never knew it was you . “  Rati replied 

“ So you or your family rejected me and Siya rejected Ravi . Isn’t it ? “

All were looking at Kunal in surprise as to how he knew about  Siya’s past . But soon all were in a normal mood. After some time Kunal’s family left .  While driving  Kunal noticed that Siya kept on looking at Ravi in her car’s rear view mirror till his image disappeared . On the way Siya started hiccups . Offering her water Kunal teased “ Possibly Ravi is remembering you , that’s why you have hiccups .” 

“ Please don’t irritate me .”

Next morning Ravi had repeated hiccups. Rati said laughing  “ Your first love is remembering you .  “ 

