Worldwide Apocalypse: Starting With Max-Level Skills in English Fiction Stories by Asavela Prince books and stories PDF | Worldwide Apocalypse: Starting With Max-Level Skills

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Worldwide Apocalypse: Starting With Max-Level Skills

The global human population descended into an apocalyptic world, where order collapsed and monsters roamed freely.
Only by constantly growing stronger could one survive.
Wang Chen obtained the Peak Ascension System, which instantly maxed out any skill he acquired. Thus, he began his path to invincibility!
This apocalyptic world is a living hell to you, but to me, it's heaven!


Diving to the Prophetically calamitous World!
"Regarded Descenders of the Blue Star!
"Welcome to the whole-world destroying world!

"I'm your Framework Wizard, and I will give my all to assist the Descenders with making due in this hazardous whole-world destroying world!

"Presently, kindly turn the wheel before you and pick your new ability!

"You have 30 minutes to settle on your decision!

"Best of luck!"

As Wang Chen paid attention to the voice reverberating in the air, he was stunned to the point that he gulped half of the dumpling in his mouth and practically stifled.


He tapped his chest and swallowed down a significant piece of soy milk before at last gulping the bun.

"F*ck, would you say you are messing with me?"

Taking a gander at the immense wheel that was basically as tall as an individual before him, Wang Chen couldn't resist the opportunity to whine.

Only a couple of moments back, he had recently ventured into the organization and was going to toss his renunciation notice in the manager's face and say, "I quit!" on the grounds that yesterday, he scored the 5,000,000 sweepstakes.

He would set aside some cash and spend it until the end of his life!

Nonetheless, he didn't expect that he would experience such a phantom at this point. Could this actually be great?

He glanced around.

The ground was canvassed in dust, and the walls had not been assembled at this point. It seemed to be an incomplete structure.

"This is a generally excellent thought. I didn't anticipate that the organization's innovation should have gotten through to such a level in only a couple of days.

"Supervisor Zhao, this is a major shock. At the point when the innovation is advanced, I will remunerate you well!"

A natural male voice dug out from a deficit.

Wang Chen pivoted and saw a moderately aged man with a major gut commending a man with three-sided eyes and gold-rimmed glasses as though he was lauding a pet canine.

The moderately aged man was Huang Deren, the supervisor of the 3D Holographic Projection Innovation Organization where Wang Chen worked.

Generally, he would press anything that he might from his representatives' bones. In the event that he could make his workers stand, he could never allow them to sit. He was the sort of manager that no one appreciated.

The bespectacled man was called Zhao Tie, and he had no genuine abilities. He just knew how to compliment. He frequently thought of a wide range of stunts to satisfy Huang Deren.

Thusly, Huang Deren felt that Zhao Tie was purposely groveling over him.

Wang Chen had for quite some time been discontent with this horrible chief. He promptly said discourteously, "Huang Deren, did a jackass kick your head? How should your inferior organization have made something like this? Could it be said that you are fantasizing?"

"Wang Chen, how might you converse with President Huang like that? Do you actually need your work?" Zhao Tie quickly leaped out and discredited furiously, seeming to be a dependable canine that was loaded up with justifiable frustration.

"If not for the way that my compensation came in last month, I would have stopped some time in the past! What are you kowtowing to him for? There's nothing for you to do now!

"Didn't you find out about the prophetically catastrophic world? Get it straight. This is likely not the Blue Star any longer!"

Wang Chen ridiculed as he snatched the wheel behind him. With a hard push, the wheel began turning.


Zhao Tie, who was going to invalidate Wang Chen, was dazed.

Could this prophetically calamitous world be genuine? Then, at that point, for what reason would he say he was all the while kowtowing to Huang Deren?

His consideration was likewise drawn in by the wheel. He gazed steadily at the enormous wheel that was turning quickly.

"Do you understand it now?" Wang Chen pivoted as he talked.

He needed to see what sort of expertise he would get with his paradise opposing karma of scoring that sweepstakes.

After a second, the wheel halted and pointed at the littlest of the ten squares.

"Coherently talking, the lower the likelihood, the better the prize. Appears as though I'm fortunate."

Wang Chen was happy.

[Congrats, you have gotten a position 0 expertise: Strong.]

[Kindly utilize this expertise sensibly to manage the following zombie assault. Come on!]

[Strength Level 1 (Rank 0). Your body will be more grounded than a common individual's. Constitution 0.1, Strength 0.1, Deftness 0.1.]

A white radiance streaked past. Wang Chen understood that his body, which he generally forgot to work out, appeared to have turned into somewhat more grounded.

He brought down his head and investigated. The muscles on his arms were considerably more characterized.

Wang Chen was astounded. He felt that the most reduced likelihood was really a zero-rank expertise. This thing was excessively tricky!

[The person board is open. The Descender can uninhibitedly open and close it to check his own status.]


Name: Wang Chen

Level: 1

[EXP: 0]

[Essential Credits: Strength (1.1), Endurance (1.1), Dexterity (1.1), Soul (1), Appeal (1), Karma (0.8)]

[Energy: 100]

[Free Trait: 0]

[Ability: Strength Level 1 (Rank 0)]

[Ability Focuses: 0]

[Gear: None]

[Soul Focuses: 0]


"You maintain that I should depend on this to battle zombies?"

Wang Chen needed to cry.

He was likely not quite as fit as those novice sports devotees. In the event that the zombie in the notice was equivalent to what he comprehended, he would have no real option except to run.

"Zero-rank expertise? Wang Chen, you can't make it happen!"

Zhao Tie moved before the roulette, his face uncovering a thick jeer.

As of now, the region on the wheel was at that point set apart with remunerations.

Other than Wang Chen getting a position 0 expertise, there were seven position 1 abilities. The other two were rank 2 and rank 3 abilities. He really picked the one with the least likelihood and was the most junk.

[Top Rising Framework binding!]

[Restricting successful!]

[Every one of your abilities will consequently be moved up to the most extreme level!]

[Ding! [Strength] has been moved up to max level!]

As of now, a mechanical voice unexpectedly sounded.

This voice was totally not quite the same as the Framework Wizard's.

"What's happening?"

Wang Chen was stunned as he looked at the point of interaction.


[Essential Credits: Strength (11), Constitution: (11), Dexterity (6), Soul (2), Appeal (2), Karma (0.8)

[Energy: 500]

[Free Characteristic: 0]

[Abilities: Strength Level 20 (Rank 0), Strength Level 1 (Rank 0). Your body will be more grounded than a standard individual's. Endurance 10, Strength 10, Readiness 5, Soul 1, Appeal 1.]


The Level 1 [Strength] expertise had really been moved up to Even out 20!

Beside Karma, every one of his Fundamental Credits had gotten a gigantic lift.

Contrasted with the crude information with practically no abilities, Wang Chen currently had multiple times Strength, multiple times Endurance, and multiple times Nimbleness!

His energy bar had additionally expanded by multiple times, arriving at 500.


Wang Chen's body made a sound like beans being seared. In a split second, he abandoned a standard deserted house into a Greek bronze sculpture.

With wonderful muscle lines and touchy strength, the sluggishness of remaining up all night was cleared away. Maybe he had tanked the amazing all-supporting soup, and there was a bad situation for him to deliver his energy.

It very well may be unreasonable for him to beat the dictator now, yet conventional zombies were certainly not an issue.

"Indeed, even Position 0 Abilities are this strong?"

Along the edge, Zhao Tie, who was initially ready to offer wry comments, checked out at Wang Chen with a jealous articulation.

What man couldn't need those muscles and definition?

He was a mobile testosterone bomb.

"Allow me to attempt as well!"

Zhao Tie couldn't hold back his energy any longer. He loosened up his hand and the wheel quickly began turning.

After a second, the wheel gradually halted and the needle halted.

Part 2
Rank 3 Expertise, Zombie Assault!
"Hahaha! I didn't anticipate that my karma should be so great. I really got a Position 2 expertise." Zhao Tie laughed uncontrollably.

In the event that a Position 0 expertise was at that point so strong, couldn't his Position 2 ability have the option to take off?

Wang Chen looked at the roulette. The expertise that Zhao Tie had gotten was the main Position 2 Dangerous Fireball.

Zhao Tie fixed his back and lifted his hands. A blasting fireball a few meters in measurement showed up out of nowhere.

"Go!" he yelled in a soft tone, and the blasting fireball flew out rapidly and crushed into a sand heap a couple of meters away. The sand flew all over, leaving a huge burn blemish on the floor.

Huang Deren stood nearer, and his face was shrouded in sand from the blast.

He scowled at her and said miserably, "Director Zhao, what's going on with you? Might you at any point see me remaining here?"

Zhao Tie looked aloofly at Huang Deren and said, "Old Huang, Please accept my apologies! I'll be more cautious next time!"

He had previously seen that other than the Position 3 expertise on the roulette, the rest were not quite as great as the abilities he had gotten.

Huang Deren's likelihood of getting a Position 3 expertise was simply second to Wang Chen's likelihood of getting a Position 0 expertise.

Since that was the situation, for what reason would it be advisable for him to think often about Huang Deren?

He looked at Wang Chen and said gladly, "Hello, Sibling Wang, your Position 0 expertise simply makes your muscles somewhat greater.

"This sort of outer power to upgrade muscles is worthless, very much like the people who drink protein shakes. They are terrible muscles.

"However long you admit that you were off-base, I'll ensure that you'll be protected from the following zombie assault."

Clearly Zhao Tie had gotten the notice and realize that he would need to confront the zombie assault.

"Disregard it. My knees are bad, so I can't stoop down," Wang Chen said briskly.

His ongoing actual wellness had totally outperformed the constraints of customary people.

As far as hazardous power, he probably won't have the option to contrast with Huang Deren, yet as far as a drawn out fight, he was certainly not sub-par compared to Zhao Tie.

'Hmph! You don't have any idea how to see the value in favors, yet there will be the point at which you implore me!' Zhao Tie's face sank as he contemplated internally.

Right now, seeing that the two of them had drawn their abilities, Huang Deren, who was along the edge, strolled to the side of the roulette without saying a word. With a flick of his wrist, the roulette began turning once more.

"Old Huang, it doesn't make any difference in the event that you can't get a decent expertise. However long you follow me, I'll ensure you're protected!" Zhao Tie said haughtily.

He had be