KHALID - 5 in English Fiction Stories by Aamir Siddiqui books and stories PDF | KHALID - 5

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Anyway Ammi brings a full plate of home-made traditional sweet, named Halwa and goes back in to the house for serving her in-law Parents.

Khalid and Zaid sitting on chairs in the lawn, looking at the sweet. Khalid gestures Zaid to taste it, by nodding.

Zaid finds it delicious so he keeps on eating until plate is empty.

He appreciates Aunty for cooking such tasteful dish. Khalid told him that this tasty sweet is cooked by his elder sisters, Sehla Apaa (elder sister) and Nagma Apaa. " Oh ! Really? Hats off to Sehla Apaa and Nagma Apaa for their creativity," Says Zaid.

"Yaar it's really, extremely tasty! Convey my Salaam to them," Zaid sounds in an admiring tone.
Then Khalid picks the mug up, and drops the some water over Zaid's palm.

Zaid washes his hand, makes it dry with the towel. Saying, "bye bye," he kicks his bike and leaves speedily.

Khalid moves into the house, holding the empty plate.

" Salaam Dadi, Salaam Dada," Khalid greets his grand-parents.

On seeing the empty plate, Sehla Apaa begins to laugh loudly.

Sehla Apaa and Nagma Apaa, both elder sisters are cooking, standing in the kitchen.
Often these siblings keep on mocking each other, but under the realm of decency.

"How glutton you guys are! you guys haven't spared even a little bit of Halwa (pudding) in the plate!" speaks Nagma Apaa in a funny way, making Chapaties.
To this every one present in the courtyard, starts laughing including Ammi too.

Khalid is also smiling.
He is yet standing with an empty plate, holding in his hands before them.

"You sisters have cooked such delicious that nobody could leave even a single particle of it, at all," says Khalid, glorifying them.

"Oh! Thanks bro, for such compliments," Sehla Apaa sounds thankful.

Sehla Apaa is pursuing bachelor of arts, B.A., it's her final year. While Nagma Apaa is studying in B.A first year, both sisters are in the same college nearby the village.

They are very righteous and decent girls, along with being wise and intelligent. Khalid respects and loves his all siblings.

"Hey! Tariq and Erina! It's 6pm! Bring your own books to study.
You Qasim and Shamina too.

Please go to complete your homeworks with them.

I'm coming too," Khalid instructs his younger siblings. As he reminds them about the time, they head towards the closet silently with their bags.
Then Khalid enters into the kitchen, picks up one of the hot Chapaties, which has arrived recently in the wooden bowl.

Nagma Apaa takes out a waggon, full of pure Ghee from the larder, and drops a tablespoon of ghee on the chapati and then a little sugar too.
Khalid makes it roll and begins to eat, biting it.
"Hey Apaa ! Abbu is not looking in the house so far ?" asks Khalid, getting puzzled.

"Actually there are some kind of disputes between two clans regarding lands, so today morning when you had gone to school, some residents of our village had come to Abbu.
They wanted Abbu to intervene into the matter to short out their disputes, but Abbu denied to pass his judgment, saying he can't pass his judgment until he interrogates himself to the matter, and meets the witness.
Therefore a meeting was fixed with the people of both groups, and Abbu has gone over there to pass his judgment," Sehla Apaa informs Khalid.
In fact Khalid's Abbu is a respected person in the locality.
His family is prestigious since his forefathers time in the village.

Abbu is known for his sincerity in the village.
He is a very decent, honest and straightforward cleric.

Everybody in the village salutes him and his honesty.
So often Abbu is invited by the villagers to look into their matters.

After getting the reason about Abbu's absence, Khalid rushes to the closet, wherein his younger siblings are studying.
He arrives the closet, chewing the soaked Chapati with ghee.

He checks out his siblings notebooks, and guides them, when any mistake is found. It's his daily routine to make them sit and teach them in the evening.

Khalid himself is an intelligent student. He is very good in maths, physics, chemistry and biology.
So he teaches his younger siblings too.
On other side Zaid arrives at home, makes the bike stand in the parking.

As soon as he gets into the home, he becomes surprised! seeing his elder brother, Saif. He rushed to his elder brother and gets embraced by Saif.

Saif is four years elder than Zaid.
Saif studies in Hyderabad, pursuing engineering over there.

It's his final year.
"Ammi ! When has Bhaiya come back from Hyderabad?" Asks Zaid excitedly.

"Just half an hour before", Saif replies, having big smile on face.

"Why didn't you inform me about it bro..? I would have come at railway station to pick you!" Zaid complains in a regretting tone.

Saif tells him that their father had sent his driver at the station to receive Saif.

"But where had you been for so long my son?" Mom asks softly.

"Oh mom! I was sitting with Khalid.
His Ammi insisted me to have some snacks, so I couldn't have denied her, she is very humble, welcoming women," Zaid tells politely. He tells that the Halwa was extremely tasty too.

"Okay alright, but why don't you ever invite Khalid at your home? Bring him to here some days," Mom says with kindness.

On other side Zinat is very much happy, after getting a precious necklace.

She is staring at herself standing in front of the mirror secretly, wearing necklace.

Her big brown eyes, below the S-shaped cute eyebrows, under the large eyelids, is shining with pleasure.

Her rosy thin lips as well as glowing cheeks are blushing with lovely dimples.

Her snub-shaped, sharp nose is stern proudly.
Looking at her long thick, dense medium brown hairs, Zinat is feeling glorified for being such gorgeous.

Just then she senses some one coming to her room. As she hears the sound of feet, she moves away from the mirror quickly.

Now it's 10 o'clock in the night.
As always Khalid is yet studying, sitting in his closet.

All of sudden he realise something ! Immediately he stands up, and checks out his uniform's trouser pockets.

He takes out a pink handkerchief which belongs to Zinat.
There are still blood spots on it. He goes to wash it, thinking to give it back to Zinat, "perhaps! It was dirty that's why Zinat refused to take it back! Tomorrow I will give her handkerchief back to her in the college. Now it's neat and clean, definitely she would take it back now at all !" Khalid is perceiving within his mind.

Next day in the morning Zinat and Ayesha are getting ready to go to college. Zinat has worn her ruby's necklaces, thinking that, "I shall be looking more prettier than before."
Therefore Zinat hopes, "this time Khalid wouldn't ignore me, and get impressed looking at me, wearing such beautiful, and attractive necklaces.

" She is yet excited, visualizing the scene when she will be in the college today.

Zinat and Ayesha are sitting in the hall waiting for driver to come impatiently.

Zinat is setting up her necklace repeatedly. Meantime their car gives horn, Zinat and Ayesha hurry to the lawn.

Car is already standing over there.
They get into the car and have seats.

As they arrive at the college, everyone greets them warmly.
Each one of classmates is staring at Zinat's expansive necklace.

Everybody present in the classroom is admiring the necklace as well as her beauty.

Zinat is proud to see the fellow students are watching her with glorifying gazes.

But she has dressed up well, and made up herself, wearing this mesmerised necklace just only to impress Khalid.

And Khalid hasn't yet arrived in the classroom.
Zinat is waiting for Khalid desperately, staring at the entrance door of the classroom repeatedly.
She is looking a little restless.