A true man - My Father in English Magazine by Akshika Aggarwal books and stories PDF | A true man - My Father

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A true man - My Father

No other soul can battle in life as greatly as a dad does. It is the dad who ignores all his problems and shares prosperity in the clan.

The creator, after facing all his life, facilitates the whole clan.

A dad fulfils his clan commitment as well as his spiritual commitment.

My papa shows himself harsh from the outside body, but no one can be as kind and good as him. He constantly feels for the joy of the family, dismissing his joy.

He purchases very few things for himself but does not allow any deficit of items for his kids and clan. There is my father always performs his duties as a son, a brother and a good spouse.

Importance of my father in my life:
My father is the best man in the world, he is a very hard-working person who sacrificed his job for my declining health.

Earlier our family used to be lower middle class but my father has increased the financial level of the family by working very hard and that is why today I could get a good education in a good university.

I have learnt the mantra of achievement from papa. He has educated me to constantly keep doing and not to bother about the fruit.

That is why I keep writing diligently every day, due to which I got 2books published . He has constantly taught me to enunciate the truth and assist others because of these traits of his, I always speak the truth and help my known ones

My papa has instructed me how to utilize cash appropriately because I used to waste cash earlier in vain, but after being explained by my dad, I always utilizes the cash well.

In this dissertation, we have life of My papa works very hard to facilitate the clan, but he never allows us lack anything.

My father use to be very tired when he use to return residence from the work in the twilight, but for our satisfaction he used to spend time with us, told us good informative tales and also helped us in our homework.

Now he always share joy with us, never tell his problems to us. Seeing this sacrifice of his, I am also motivated to move forward along with my disability

He has ever educated us to stride forward and never allow to go of our objectives by being afraid of difficulties, but by striving with them.

He helps me physically because of my disability, so no one can struggle more then him, so I contemplate him my ideal. Our clan is very lucky, so whenever my papa goes to visit his siblings and other families he bring gifts and sweets for them with love, he ever acknowledges in sharing joy.

My father appreciates his family responsibilities nicely and goes to work to words it every day, even if he is nauseous, he never ignores his responsibility.

I believe that no other individual can accomplish as much surrender and love as much as a dad does.

In expansion to family responsibilities, my papa also plays civil duties with full commitment and yells us with all due admiration in our community. They moreover give him equal admiration and respect.

He has also educated me to always honor others because they have said that others do the exact to us as we do, so one should ever assist others and honor them.

I respect all these aspects of my papa, so I also pursue these aspects in my life, due to which all the educators of school and my friends like me very vastly.

I love my life line and my hero alot

Happy Father's Day 🕺 papa