When She Stood Alone In a Crowd. in English Magazine by Soumya Sharma books and stories PDF | When She Stood Alone In a Crowd

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When She Stood Alone In a Crowd


Kaira was in shock…

4 days passed, most of the family members returned to their homes. Their lives must have been resumed. I’m pretty sure; the loss Kaira is facing is far more than anyone else’s.

She was sitting in her room with the portrait of Mrs Suhani, her mother, clutched tightly in her hands, moist with tears.

Anita di came from Gurgaon to Hyderabad with the first flight she got, after hearing about the sad demise of Mrs Suhani, her aunt. Yes, she was one of the favourite aunts among all the kids.

Kaira and Anita bonded well. Kaira listened to neither of her elders but she couldn’t ever refuse Anita for anything. If Kaira is stubborn, Anita has an understanding nature, if she is naughty then Anita is obedient, and that’s why these opposites matched together as best cousins.

Anita entered the room with food and requested her to have it as she was unknowingly fasting from the past 18 hours, but you’re not going to believe that, yes, she refused Anita!

There’s a true saying “No one can ever understand the

thunder which is revolving inside a silent person.”



When her feelings controlled her...

Kaira has been sunk in an immense blackout for the past few days. After Anita left the room, she locked it from inside and sneaked out from the window with Mrs. Suhani’s portrait.

She didn’t know where she was heading to. She just felt suffocated and ……………………………………………and found this reason enough to sneak out and roam in the open. She didn’t stop until she felt like. She sauntered unstoppably feeling like she wanted to get lost somewhere.

She had this dull neutral expression on her face as if she had been planning to abandon her original self and build a different Kaira who will be observant and grateful as well.

There, just like that, she felt this sudden strange feeling which forced her to halt and look around. Slowly, she turned herself and saw an old hawker.

In doing’ so, a stream of memories engulfed her mind within seconds. Her eyes opened widely and a teardrop rolled down her cheeks.

What was it which made her jaw drop?

FLIP to KNOW more -->

“Memories have something unusual, sometimes we laugh remembering the days we cried

and sometimes we cry remembering the days we laughed."



What actually happened?

This incident took place a week ago.

“Kaira, Stop gazing at the hawker, we’re getting late! C'mon,” shrieked Mrs. Suhani.

“Just a moment more, mom” pleaded Kaira.

“What is the thing you find interesting in this, Huh!” Mrs. Suhani held her hand and tugged her towards herself.

They returned home but Kaira’s mind was still roaming around the street where she saw the hawker.

Lost in her imagination, Kaira was seated on the dining table.

Mrs. Suhani came excitingly right from the kitchen to the dining room announcing “Princess Kaira, presenting to you, your favourite Italian Pasta with red sauce with a sparkle of oregano over the mount of mouth-watering cheese! You would love to have it, won't you?”

Mrs. Suhani had this happy side of herself which could brighten up almost everyone. She served Pasta to Kaira but she didn’t respond!

Mrs. Suhani couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Kaira that she didn’t hug her like as usual, she does when Pasta was served.

“There was something wrong but I don’t know what?”



A special conversation - This turned awkward!

"So, what's that thing which is eating up your mind, huh!" asked Mrs. Suhani in a way she knew that something was stuck in her head.

"Mamma, what a life the hawker has got, right" Kaira opened up excitingly.

"And why do you think so?" added Mrs. Suhani as if she wanted to know what that teen mind was up to.

"Just observe him, Mamma, like there’s no one to stop him from howling the way he wants, to stop him from invading those strange, dark streets an----.”

“Oh ho! Give a break sweetheart. I never knew you could extract something that DEEP!” Mrs. Suhani interrupted as she was amazed to see this side of her only daughter.

“I’m like, totally astonished mom. He is the king of his desire; no one would interrupt his life decisions!” Kaira looks up the sky and imagines endlessly.

“You—Emm---you're going too far darling,” Mrs. Suhani told her as she entered a situation of worrisome.

“No mum, this feels so good to imagine – that there exists no one, literally no one, who would tell him how and how not to behave. He is just too free from taboos.”

“Kaira, enough for today.” Exclaimed Mrs. Suhani. “Stop assuming useless things and get back to your work” Mrs. Suhani felt a bit unusual.

“Ahh, ridiculous interruptions begin-- Mom, You are too vexatious, actually you won’t understand.” Kaira leaves the room in a bad mood.

“There’s always something wrong about special moments;

they bring regrets if they last even a second more than destined”



When she stood alone in a crowd…

Someone clicked their fingers and Kaira woke up from her subconscious world to find that Anita was standing in front of her with a patient smile on her face which was being touched with falling teardrops.

“Dear,” Anita sobbed. “Why did you run from home?” She asked curiously as she gave a tight hug to Kaira and her way of doing the same showed the love and care she had for her.

Anita added-“All of us were so damn terrified and thought that yo--”

“--That I would take a wrong step?” Interrupted Kaira.

“Emm—uhh—(sigh)--yeah!” answered Anita, and her face expressions sought for forgiveness.

“Don’t worry! I won’t follow any of that ‘cause mum never taught me that.” Kaira perceived Anita with an incomplete smile on her face.

They reached home and once again, Kaira was lost in her own imagination.

“Beta, get ready for dinner, c’mon!” exclaimed Kanchan aunt from Delhi.

“Aunt, I’ve lost my appétit, you know this!” Kaira replied

“Oh ho! Then what am I gonna do with that chocolate ice-cream that is already kept for you, huh?”

Kaira knew that they all were trying to cheer her up; to make her forget her past but she couldn’t help herself out. So, she decided to go with the flow.

She made a promise to herself that she would not let anyone know her cognitive situation and be grateful to everybody who is trying to understand her and that was when she felt alone in a crowd of people supporting her.

“The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart,

and all they can do is stare blankly.”



A lesson; an eye opener..

Another day, another busy road and a family of 7 people was on its way to a temple.

Lone Kaira was mumbling to herself “No Kaira, don’t let it plunge, that teardrop IS valuable Kaira! No, no, no (a tear rolled down her cheeks). Ahh! Be strong you girl, it happens! C’mon, c’mo---”

“You okay, Kaira?” asked Anita.

“Absolutely fine!” Kaira exclaimed with a thumbs up.

But deep down we all know that nothing was well.

They stepped into the temple and everyone started praying but Kaira’s eyes were caught by a priest in there. He was surrounded by a number of people who were asking life based questions.

“What is the best medicine for humans?” someone asked.

“My child, the best medicine for humans is LOVE!” the priest declared.

“What is LOVE?” shouted Kaira from behind and all the eyes in the temple stayed on her as if everyone was amazed to see this little girl interested in life psychology.

“Dear, Selfless care towards anyone is LOVE. It is a reason to live and a way of living a wondrous adventure called LIFE.” the priest answered.

“And what if your medicine called ‘LOVE’ doesn’t works?” Kaira asked sarcastically.

“Hahaha! Just increase the dose my dear, I assure you it will work.” priest exclaimed with a serene smile on his face.

Kaira stood still and went into a stream of memories again.

She just thought that Mrs. Suhani was the only selfless lover she had, and now she had no option left other than living in this world of fake people.

“MOM, Could you please come back and stay for a while

I want to hear your voice and see you smile

I want to hold you tight and never let you go

I just wanted to tell you that I love you”



Not a ‘Happy ending’ because living with regrets is not easy!

So, here’s a mixed bag of certain conclusions which are actually human tendencies.

There are sometimes people can’t figure out what they need. They can’t stick to their own desire materialistically and talk about emotional attachments.

Basically, a person’s attachment as well as his presence is mobile.

According to Kaira, her mistake was that she wasn’t grateful enough. She never understood life and thought the only selfless support she ever got was also gone, that too very soon.

Everyone has a different perspective, as I think Kaira loved Mrs. Suhani twice as she did but what she forgot was to feel and say ‘I LOVE YOU’ when she should have.

When she should have simply hugged Mrs. Suhani, she shrieked at her. Yes, by not going beyond her etiquettes, she should have simply obeyed her. The moment she got up and left in anger, she should have cherished those moments feeling lucky that she has someone who cares.

She should have.....merely understood Mrs. Suhani’s love and care.

Now Kaira was left with a regret that she would never overlook.

The only option she had was to learn from her blunder and live with a regret which was obviously not an easy task for her.

This is a human tendency that man is never grateful genuinely. I know that being selfless is not possible as a saint once said “Selfishness in us dies half an hour later we die.”

Yes, we can’t analyse our own significance and moral duties but we like to judge others and pick their mistakes out.

So to everyone out there reading this, know that someone somewhere genuinely cares for you and is happy by seeing you happy so don’t ever divert yourself from good and remember to analyse yourself before you peek into someone else’s personal world.

There can’t be derived a single conclusion from this story. Everyone has a different perspective so Kaira would love it if you learn from her blunder and spread love.

And remember-

“The cost of not listening to your heart is spending your whole life wishing you had.”


-Soumya Sharma