International Non-violence Day in English Magazine by Valibhai Musa books and stories PDF | International Non-violence Day

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International Non-violence Day

Today is the 2nd October, the 138th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a super human of the era. He was born on this day in 1869. After six decades of his martyrdom, the world has now realized the value of Gandhian philosophy and particularly his thoughts on Non-violence especially when the world is passing through the threats of terrorism and many more alike –isms. The UNO has rightly declared this day as the International Non-violence Day and it is really the greatest tribute to him.

Let us remember his words as “The world is weary of hate. We see the fatigue overcoming the Western nations. We see that this song of hate has not benefited humanity. Let it be the privilege of India to turn a new leaf and set a lesson to the world.” How appropriate his words are in the prevailing situation and circumstances of the world! He had compared the world as the human body. The pain in any organ is bound to be felt in the whole body. His words were like the divine words but he was so humble and honest that he never claimed to be a prophet or a philosopher.

On this day, the media of the world have said much more about Mahatma Gandhi. My attempt to touch the heavy subject may seem to be weightless to my Readers; and that I know because I am restricted to the size of the Article. In spite of my limitations, I would like to discuss the only subject of Non-violence with some other quotes in support of the same.

The Prophet of Islam (SAW) in a Hadith said, “Human blood is sacred in any case and cannot be spilled without justification. And if anyone violates this sanctity of human blood by killing a soul without justification, the Holy Quran equates it to the killing of entire mankind.” There are many forms of violence, but they can be divided in two categories; physical and mental. The violence can be done by tongue also. If anybody’s feelings are hurt by your speech, that also can be named as the violence. Peer Mashayakh Rehmatullah, in one of his verses, has written “A true Believer cannot hurt anybody using own hand or tongue.” He further narrates; “To write an unfair letter to hurt the feelings of the addressee is the double sin” He explains that while using this weapon of unfair writing, the writer uses his hand and tongue also. The tongue in the sense that the reader while reading feels that he is hearing the speech of the writer.

Electronic and print material is like a speech and any imbalance, from the side of the orator or author, may bring man-made disasters to the world. Only the celebration of this day cannot make the world peaceful, but many more precautions and self disciplines are also necessary for result orientation. Wherever any sensitive issue in the world arises, it becomes the prime and pious duty of media not to encourage the people towards violence. It is the established ethical truth that bigotry and hatred are inhuman and unjustified.

Just to prevent the mass violence, it should be noted that the actions of an individual or a small group do not necessarily represent the beliefs of a particular religion, nor is that religion is responsible for such actions. The media’s labeling of such unfair events as Islamic, Christian, Judaist or Hindus is incorrect. Media should try to discourage the mass mind going towards the path of violence and encourage them to take initiative to support the authorities to bring peace and order. The people should be counseled by highlighting the ideology that there is neither bravery nor sacrifice in destroying life or property for any cause of either offence or defense.

To walk on the way of Non-violence is rather difficult and perhaps the result may be disappointing. Gandhiji has explained this issue in his words as “My faith is as strong as ever. There is no hope for the aching world except through the narrow and straight path of Non-violence. Millions like me may fail to prove the truth in their lives; that would be their failure, never of the eternal law.”

Gandhiji had not left any subject untouched related to human life. The scholars and even the common people can have what they may need from the volumes of “Gandhiji – no – Akshardeh”- not only his entire work of literature, but also his whole creative and active life. The Readers will be surprised to know that within the normal human life generally people live, he had done a lot for the welfare of the human kind. He was an open minded man and also a revolutionary activist fighting against unfair practices of the society with the means of Non-violence and Truth. What he thought, what he said and what he did were always in harmony.

Summing up, I would like to join you with me to give our sincere but meaningful tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, not only in words but also in action by trying to walk on the path of humanity he pointed to the world.

May God bless us to fill our hearts with love to develop global humanity.

-Valibhai Musa