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Humanity- The Need of Time

Humanity-The Need of Time

[Humanity- the Need of Time is an article only of its kind from my end to my all respected readers. What's the purpose of human creation? Why nature brought us into existence when it had thousands of other living entities? Why we have so much of intelligence unlikely like any other living being? After all are we human binge with humanity or without it? - are some of the questions we are going to deal with this article. Hope you all will enjoy and learn and implement. Let's go…]

This universe where we all are living is a complex mixture of various kinds of living entities. Irrespective of all kinds of efforts made by our scientists, so far we have failed identify all living beings. In every passing year, we come to know about the presence of new kinds of lives. There were countless living beings, which have ended themselves before starting of human civilization. And most surprisingly there are many living beings who are living with us and around us, but not known to us. This indicates towards our limited knowledge of this universe and volume of intensified effort required to do so.

Irrespective of this fact, the human is considered as the superior being of the world, as the amount or volume of growth they have done from the starting of their civilization, is found to be seen with no other living being. Despite having physical limitation like all other living beings, its limitlessness in the level of intelligence has made them so unique. Rest of the living beings are bound to fall in a certain limit. Neither they do nor are they expected to perform beyond their limits. Because their intelligence does not allow them to do so. Their physic is not their limitation. Their real limitation is their intelligence.

But being a human, one is blessed with limitless or uncapped intelligence. Despite having the physical limitation, their intelligence has made them so powerful and so unique. But why nature has gifted us with this? Why no other living is equally intelligent?

However, by doing so nature has not done any partiality? Neither has it been done this with any selfish interest nor with any extra love towards the human. This special privilege has been bestowed only to perform equally important responsibilities. Mother Nature is expecting its best creation to join hands to make this universe a sustainable one. It wants human to stand with her in every respect.

But have we played this responsibility justifiably? While being intelligence enough has our intelligence done anything to make this world a better place to live in? This question has no affirmative answer- looking at the issues, through which the whole world is struggling with. This world has turned to be as dangerous as like as no time before. We are covered with countless risks. We are living in such a time in which nothing positive can be predicated about the future of the world. We are sure enough whether we will have sufficient rainfall next year or not? We are sure about how painful next summer would be?

Nothing is constant in the universe, as this is not constant itself. This ever-changing universe believes in changes and keeps on changing. And this is required for survival itself. But when this ever-changing universe changes at a faster pace like never seen before and that again against the survival of living beings- it becomes a vital concern to think about. Because this is a question on our survival and nothing is more important than it.

But who is responsible for this? Who should be accountable for it? Most surprisingly it's human. It is ironic but true that- human, who had been made to ensure the survival and security of the world is mostly responsible for all the bad days to come. Whatever the natural calamities, which also can be termed as manmade calamities we have survived so far, are well contributed by us. These are just the outcomes of our exploitations we have done on nature decade after decade and generation after generation. We are living in such a risk time, when any process of destruction may get auto-initiated at any time.

But is there any solution to it? Can we bring nature back to its sustainable state? Can we give all changes a positive movement? If there is anything which may make this happen- it’s humanity only.

Then what is humanity? Humanity is nothing but a set of qualities a human should carry. Precisely this is all about being a human. But we have also qualities, are not we human? Yes, we might be human, how far physical look is the concern. But how far human qualities or humanity is the concern we hardly have anything left in us. Somebody rightly told- human without humanity is worthy of nothing. His worth is even less than an animal, whose flesh has a value.

Let’s take a simple example to understand - what is humanity. If you will leave a living creature in a lion cage, the lion will attack immediately. The lion will never think whether to be cruel or not? Its intelligence does not allow him to think in this line. His intelligence just works in-between kill and how to kill. But when a human come across the same situation, he/she supposed to think and consider so many things before making the final call. This is an example of humanity. Our intelligence supposed to check many things before doing anything.

However this is not the only quality of humanity, it includes qualities like mercy, helping other, thinking about other’s benefit, liberal, patience, love, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, honesty so on and so forth. The humanity of human teaches him to live and die for the betterment of society. It teaches look beyond physical nature. He is supposed to think on a long-term basis. He can think beyond his physical presence (birth-death). He can understand the presence of life before his birth and would be there after death also. He understands life is not just limited to human only; there are thousands of other living entities. And he also understands he just cannot live alone. He does require support from living entities. So he is supposed to think and act taking the whole universe into consideration.

But are we like this? Are we really functioning like this? To be honest- most of us do not. Our life has gone so much self-centric that, we are not able to think beyond self. All our thoughts and actions just limited to fulfill our selfish intentions. We have turned to be so selfish that we are even bringing the whole universe into risk just to fulfill our ill intentions. Forget about other living beings, the human is even not ready to help another human in need. We are fighting and killing each other. But what is the end result? To where our selfish desires are leading us? To be honest- we really do not know or more probably towards destruction.

However, still, can we call ourselves as human? Are we playing our role justifiably? Why our humanity is in question? Are our activities coming in the bracket of humanity? These are some of the questions modern society has to look for answers. However, an appropriate answer to the questions is- No. Then why this is the case? Were we like this before?

No and never. We were never as bad as we are now. We know many across the globe who have sacrificed themselves for the betterment of society- Vivekananda, Gandhi, Jesus, Socrates are but some those. They had made the universe to survive at the cost of their lives. But what we are doing- we are doing luxury at cost universe.

But who is responsible for this? Truly to speak, we do not have time to find out who is accountable. We are living in some end hours, where immediate and appropriate steps are required to be taken. However, let's make a brief discussion about how this has happened. Because this is always necessary to understand, how the best creation of nature has turned to the worst one. A human is a combination of both positive and negative qualities like- love and hearted, honest and dishonest, good and bad, patience and impatience, helping and problematic etc. The kind of qualities rule you, you become accordingly. The full authority has been given to human intelligence to decide on how to move on.

It's ultimately become the responsibility of society as a whole (parent, elders, educational institutions, community, religious institutions etc.) to guide on how to live like a human. These are supposed to a key role to install proper humanity in every individual. But unfortunately, everything is looking out of order. Instead of installing humanity they are making one un-human in nature. In the place humanity, we are installed with inhumanity. Most of us a living lives, worst than animal even.

But as I have already told, we do not have time to find out or discuss who is accountable for. Let’s come to the solution in a straight way. When we talk about the solution, we need to back to Humanity, whose absence is the real cause of all problems. If one can back to humanity and look at the universe through the vision of humanity, we will have all the solutions in our hand.

The need of the time is just to step-out from our selfish nature and look at the universe selflessly. But this is easier to say than do. This is so because we are so much consumed by our expectations and the regular schedule that we have no time to pay attention to self selflessly. For the same, one needs to take a break from his regular busy schedule to sit silently and observe own existence as the body and out of the body. One needs to make differences between needs and wants. We can see we are controlled by our mind when we are supposed to control it. When seeing everything whit clarity you see, you really do not require so much. You can survive with very little of what you have. When your expectations minimize, you start to work for others need. In the context, one can take help of good spiritual guru and spiritual books. They help one immensely to move forward in this way.

When one realizes one’s existence as a human, one start to understand his/her responsibilities towards other living beings specifically and towards the universe as a whole. When this happens real humanity of human come to play. If this happens, it will not take time for the social reformer like Vivekananda, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa etc. to take their rebirths. They will emerge in every heart.

And if this happens the world will not take much time to see positive changes. We may save this world from a massive destruction. No doubt we have done enough late to realize this but if still there is any hope of reviving it's on human and હૂમાનીતય.