Save the World if You Can - 2 in English Magazine by Bibhudatta Bhatta books and stories PDF | Save the World if You Can - 2

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Save the World if You Can - 2

(Part-II or Concluding Part)

[Something about the Article- Dear Respected Readers- Pat-II or Concluding Part of my article “Save the World if You Can” right in your hand. Hope, after going through Part-I, you would have waited for its next Part. Your patience ends here. You may go through both parts together for better understanding. But before moving ahead, l beg a commitment from each end to do something to save self by saving nature. Efforts have made to let all understand what can one do to meet with this urgency of nature. But all my efforts may go in vain if you people would not translate those into actions.

I certainly will not ask you for comment, but yes certainly will go little beyond of my capacity to urge you all, to request you all to Save the World if You Can. Let's go...]

Let’s look at the irregularities found to be seen in eco-system and its impacts. First think about the sun, which is the source of energy. The whole universe has been created by it, is managed by it and may get destroyed if any major imbalance happens. Ray of the sun which is very essential for the existence of all living entities, can be proved a disaster if it goes above or lower of certain levels. In recent years human death tolls both due to sunstroke and lower temperature have significantly increased, which is a very serious alarm.

You might have hard about melting of snow hills, which is causing water levels of many oceans to go up. As calculated by experts if things go like this we do not have much time left to lose cities, which are situated in sea areas. Further increase in water level in different oceans may cause high intensified cyclones, tsunami etc.

Rainfall also has loosed its flow. Some areas are receiving heavy rainfall when other are receiving least. It's dangerous in both directions. When excess rainfall is causing a flood, least is responsible for famine. Each day we are encountering with new diseases. There are many diseases which are happening more frequently, which had no existence before. This is largely due to the fast changing in eco-system, against which our body is struggling to survive. Thanks to the advance of Medical science, which is no doubt has played a key role in keeping the death (caused due to diseases) toll under control.

Let’s for a while forget all these negative developments and concentrate on some most vital questions- “Finally what have we achieved? What we have in our hand at cost of eco-system? Have we made a safer world for us? What our selfish attitude has gifted us? ”

If we will make a thorough analysis, like me you will also realize that- we are less content as compared to the people we were leaving a hundred years back. We might be looked strong to outside, but have gone enough empty from inside. We have grown enough in terms of materialistic things, but also have fallen enough in terms of morality.

Have we reached there where we were looking for? Was there any definite goal or ambition of us? Is there any end to our ambitions? Is there any end of the race? Without any apprehension, the very definite answer of these questions is- No. Most of us just keep on running throughout our lives without realizing where we are going.

Just think for while, you are surrounded with so many materialistic things like- computer, car, building etc. but there is scarcity in very basic things which are required to live like- water, food, oxygen- what shall we do? If not now, we may come across such situations in near future. ‘Live and let other to live'- sounds theoretical but time has come to reconsider our attitude on it.

Now, let’s think about what we can do to help the nature to restore its system back in track. Although it's not an option anymore, it needs to be done at any cost and as earliest possible. No cost is high enough. But who will take responsibilities? Will we leave this on governments to decide? By the way- is it government's effort enough?

No- the governments alone cannot fight with this. If this is so simple to attain, we would not have to suffer so much. Also, it is not true that governments of different countries are not doing anything on it. This already has been placed in many international meetings and some incentives have been taken. But these are nothing as compared to the intensity of the problem. This is maybe because we are not fully aware of the difficulties nature may cause in advance. Also, this may be because we are not ready to compromise with our growth prospects. But what is the value of this growth when basic survival is in question? Where all these growths, developments, industrialization will rest when nature will start its destruction process. We already have seen its tailor but the film still to start. Let's stop the film before it starts. But can we?

Although there is no affirmative answer to this question irrespective of how hard we try, yes there is nothing wrong in giving a full swing effort to save self. For this first thing, we need is-intensity. We should have a clear intention and should work with full intensity. This may harm our developments but we should be large-hearted to accept it. This may slow down our growth rate but this also should be acceptable.

Innovation will play a key role here. We have to innovative to identify many alternative approaches to move eco-friendly. Use of solar power is the most revolutionary approach in this respect. This has proved to be eco-friendly and has started to be used widely. But it deserves more research to make this affordable. We need to think more alternatives of this kind.

Moreover, all countries in general and developing and developed countries in particular need to sit together and prepare a roadmap on how to counter these future challenges. Efforts should be from all nations together- it’s not like few countries will do and other will do the job silent spectators. ‘Wait and watch’ approach will work no more. All should stand together to face these global challenges. Because once the process of destruction starts, it will certainly not care- who is rich or who is poor, who is developed or who is developing or who is underdeveloped one.

But is it enough? No- no amount of effort can ensure that we are secure. All private parties need to play their responsibilities. They need to pay more on CSR activities. They need to work with the approach on how people can be trained and educated on not doing anything which harms nature. They can plant more and more trees and take care of those. They can explain people danger of cutting trees and use of polythene and polythene bags. They can help people to understand how to have a smoke free environment and how to west their garbage in an eco-friendly manner. NGOs and religious organizations can play a big role here.

Still, this is not enough. What I personally feel efforts from the personal level is much required. In fact, most of the efforts made by different governments and private parties may go in vain if people will be serious from their end. It's we who are more responsible for this imbalance. Time of ‘let other to do' has gone. Time has come to take responsibilities on self. Our approach should be- if we together can harm eco-balance, certainly can work together to repair the same.

Basically, each one of us is well aware of our activities which are causing an imbalance in the eco-system. Do we really need to be taught that cutting trees, smoking, using polythene bags, burning things etc. are causing damage to eco-system? No- we all are aware of these. The only lack is realization. But nobody can help us to realize it if we cannot help ourselves. It's my sincere request to everybody, please realize your stand, your nature, your environment etc. before it goes too late to realize. Otherwise, nature has its own way to explain to you. But it will too hard to accept or bear. Maximum to maximum standing at a corner somewhere in the world we will see the destruction of the universe and get destroyed in it.

So come forwards friends, do every possible effort from your end to help nature to restore its normalcy. You need not do anything special. You just need to stop all those activities to its optimum level which destroy natural balance and educate people about the same. Because our existence thoroughly depends on existence on nature. Without nature, we have no existence at all.

In the end, this only can be said although no amount effort can ensure that we are safe, there is nothing wrong in making all possible attempts. So, let’s, come forward and save the world if we can.