Save the World if You Can in English Magazine by Bibhudatta Bhatta books and stories PDF | Save the World if You Can

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Save the World if You Can

[Somethng about the Article- Dear Respected Reader, it is my immense pleasure to gift you my next article " Save the World if You Can". This is the article, which is dealing with the world and its eco-system which regularly and constantly challenged by human society. Our ill and selfish intentions may end this world soon, which has taken thousands of years to be here. Finally, the time has come to think and take some serious steps to restore the very balance of eco-system. It's an apple to readers to understand the ground realities of the issues and do whatever they can, as only efforts from Govt. and Private sectors are not enough. Efforts required from individual level as well.

However, this article will be published in two parts. The first part deals with problems and issues when the second part will come with how we can address these. Now please go through "Part-1" of the article and do not forget to share your valuable comments. "Part-2" will publish very soon. Let's go ahead...]


From the time human considered self as ‘the superior being,' it tried to understand the universe around him. This process of discovering which had been initiated from Stone Age has made a remarkable growth and continuing endlessly. Thanks to these scientific discoveries which has brought dramatic changes to the human lifestyle. Needless to say that, one day what was being considered as impossible are becoming very easily possible. These success stories of science and technologies can be found to be seen where ever we see.

There was a time when walking by foot was the only option to cross a distant. But now we have so many options rising from bicycle to airplane. The world which appeared to be so big once upon a time looks like a family now. Think about the magic device which is there almost with everybody- a mobile phone. With help of this device, you can talk and chat with a person who is on some other continent. Examples of these kinds can go so forth and so on. In precise we can say, the human civilization which one day stood at Stone Age has reached in software age. Thanks to all who have contributed for it.

It is true irrespective of all these discoveries and developments, many things of the universe still to be discovered or understood. Most of the scientists unanimously agree with the fact that, all scientific discoveries as a whole are just 5% of the whole universe. It means around 95% of the activities which are happening around are not understood by us. It means we have many more things to do. It means the developments what are enjoying now are nothing as compared to the possibilities of it.

But the time has come for each of us to understand the risk we have created with. While taking the credits of all our discoveries and developments, the time has come to take accountability as well. We need to understand what scientific discoveries have gifted us in another hand. No doubt we have made enough late to make these realizations but still, it is not too late. But any further late will make it as bad as not doing at all.

Humans are so badly consumed by their self-interest that they have simply forgotten about other living species of the universe. They have made this world a hell for other living entities. Many animals, birds, plants etc. what were found to be seen a hundred years before in plenty in number, are not found to be seen anymore. Many are struggling for their existence. It looks as if the human wants to make this world for self only, which is practically never possible. Because nature has made such arrangements that a balance is a must for the existence of it. And each and every living being is part of these arrangements. But a very serious interference of human civilization (just to fulfill their selfish desires) in this very arrangement of nature is the base reason of all problems.

But who knows, the way things are turning, any further serious unthinkable or unwise interference may make 'human' a subject in history, which has happened in the fate of some other living species.

But if this happens, all these hard efforts and successes earned, by so-called human civilization may end in zero. I know I am sounding crazy. But to understand why I say so, just think about the challenges or risks or threatens we are covered from all directions. And also make a study on how these are multiplying themselves in each passing day.

What do us breathe? To be precise, the very answer to the question is- Oxygen. But what is very percentage of oxygen in the very air, that we breathe- is a very worthwhile question to think about. As per government report, air quality in major cities of India like- Delhi, Kolkata etc. particularly in daytime is not healthy enough to breathe. If necessary steps are not taken, other cities of India have no other option but to add themselves in this list. Is not it a great irony that, breathing system which is a very essential part to remain alive, is killing us? But who is responsible for this? It is needless to answer but required to be understood that- it’s human and their selfish desires. One way we are emphasizing industrialization when in another way we are cutting trees. In each passing day hundred of trees are falling just to meet our selfish desires like to make industry, road, building etc. When in one way we are developing mechanisms to pollute the air, in the very another way we are also minimizing the nature's mechanism to clean it. But a very gentle question is knocking in my mind (answer if you can). At whose cost we are doing all these? What is the value of these constructions and industrializations, which are causing risk for us?

Gone are those days, when people were drinking water from a stream, river, well etc. directly and were remaining healthy. Now we are living in a time when despite using various techniques to clean water, we are not very sure about the purity of the water that we drink. As 70% of our body (body of most living beings) is water or made out of it, it requires pure water to survive. Look at the eco-system which has surrounded us. To fulfill this need, it has kept 70% of the earth, where we all are living, water. But unfortunately, 70% diseases we are suffered with are also due to bad or poor quality drinking water. Who is responsible for this? There to no need to look at the sky, turn around and look at self. Because here is the answer, we and our selfish desires are responsible for all these sufferings.

It is better not to talk about food that we are eating. Food is essentially needed to keep a living body active and alive. From food, everybody gets required nutrition to stay fit and alive. But how many of you will agree with me if I would say, our foods are mostly responsible for our illness and death eventually? It will not be wrong to say that most of our foods are poisonous (not acceptable to our body). But who is responsible for this? One may argue mostly foods are produced by mother Earth. But we cannot hold Earth responsible. Because chemicals we use during various stages of production (with the intent of more production and more profit) is largely responsible. And the way these are being transported and cooked are also responsible to some extent.

Now let’s talk about how well prepared we are to fight against each other and what kind of havoc environment it has created across the globe. In one angle we say we are living in a globalized world. All countries are inter-dependent. None can live except other. But in other angles, we are also making ourselves ready to fight against other. This world has already seen two world wars. There are still many countries to recover from the losses they had faced during these two world wars. But the greatest irony is that most of the developed countries are making themselves ready for the third one. Looking at their preparedness, many under-developed and developing countries are working to develop their army and battle potentials. Most of these countries have their own- own serious problems to deal with like- poverty, education, health etc. But ignoring these they are spending a large amount to develop their army and battle potentials, which is largely because of insecurities created by these developed nations.

Unfortunately, we are leaving in a world, where your reputations and respect in international level largely depend on your strength of the economy and how strong you are in nucleolus power. Globalization had started with the intention of bringing uniformity in the financial strength of all countries. But just going reverse of its intention it has made stronger strongest and weaker weakest. When we talk about nuclear power, we need to understand that, the very intention behind its creation is for the goodness of human civilization. But unfortunately, countries that have this technology are making themselves ready to use this power to destroy other. If all the nuclear weapons available at present will be taken into account, we are potential enough to destroy this world for more than 10 times. What more can be said about our scientific advancements, when our technologies have empowered us to destroy this world effortlessly, which has taken uncountable years to be here and struggling all by itself to survive. Being feed here, being educated here, being lived here, we are making us ready to destroy it. Save the world if you can.

To be continued…….