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KARMA YOGA - coming back for chapetr 1

suggestion is the frication. Which brings it out. So with all our feelings and actions-our tears and our smiles, our joys and our griefs, our weeping and our laughter, our curses and our blessings, our praises and our blames--every one of these we may find, if we calmly study our own selves, to have Been brought out from within our-selves by so many blows. The result is what we are; all these blows taken together are called karma, --work, action. Every mental and physical blow that given to the soul, by which, as it were, fire is struck from it, and by which its own power and knowledge are discovered, is karma, this word being used in its widest sense; thus we are all doing karma all the time. I am talking to you : that is karma. You are listening: that is karma. We breathe that is karma. We walk : karma.                  P-4    
Everything we do, physical or model, is karma, and it leaves its marks on us. 
     There are certain works which are, as it were, the aggressive, the sun total, of a large number of smaller works. If we Stand near the seashore and hear the waves cashing against the shingles we think it is such a great noise; and yet we know that one wave is really composed of millions and millions of minutes wave: each one of these is making a noise, and yet we do not catch it; it is only when they become the big aggregate that we hear. similarly every pulsation of the heart is work; certain kinds of work we feel and they become tanned to us; they  are, at the same time , the aggregate of a number of small works. If you really want to judge the character of a man look not at his great performances. Every fool may become a hero at one time or another. Watch a man do his most common action;  those are indeed the things which will tell you the real character of a great man. Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the really great man whose character is great always, the same wherever he be.
   Karma in its effect on character is the most tremendous power that man has to deal with. Man is, s it were, a centre, and is attraction all the powers of the universe towards himself, and in this centered is fussing then all and again sending them off in a big current. Such a centered is the real man, the almighty, the omniscient, and he draws the whole universe 

  Towards him; good and bad, misery and happiness, all are running towards him and clinging round him; and out of them he fashions the mighty stream of tendency called character and throws it outwards. As he has the power of drawing in anything, so has he the power of throwing it out.
       All the actions that we see in the world, all the movements in human society , all the works that we have around us, are simply the display of thought, the manifestation of the will of man. Machines or instruments, cities, ships, or men-of-war, all these are simply the manifestation of the will of man; and this will is caused by character and character is manufactured by karma. As is karma, so is the manifestation of the will. The men of mighty will the world has produced have all been tremendous workers- gigantic souls, with wills powerful enough to overturn worlds, wills they got by presistent work, through ages and ages . such a gigantic will as that of a Buddha or a jesus could not be obsessed in one life, for we know who their fathers ever spoke a word for the good of mankind .  Millions and millions of carpenters like joseph had gone; millions are still living. Millions and millions of petty kings like Buddha's father had been in the world . if it was only a case of hereditary transmission, how do you account for this petty prince, who was not, perhaps, obeyed by his own servants, producing this song, whom half the world worship? How do you explain the gulf

Between the carpenter and his son, whom millions of human beings worship as god? It cannot be solver by the theory of heredity. The gigantic will which Buddha and jesus threw over the world, whence did it come? Whence came this accumulation of power? It must have been there through ages and ages, constantly growing bigger and bigger,until it brust on society in a Buddha or a jesus, even rolling down to the present day.   
       To be continue..