Can We Fly in Space Without Wings? in English Magazine by c P Hariharan books and stories PDF | Can We Fly in Space Without Wings?

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Can We Fly in Space Without Wings?

Can we fly in space without wings?

Author : C.P.Hariharan

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In spite of the drastic developments in information technology, people are just wondering as to how does an aero plane fly? Even if, they travel umpteen times by air, still they wonder as to how does the eagle fly each time they board airbus?

How does it fly against severe current of air pressure? Before embarking on this subject it is mandatory that we understand some fundamentals.

Any flying object is influenced by four forces. Upper thrust, the force which pushes the flying object upwards i.e. lift , downward pressure due to the weight of the flying object and the gravity of the earth, upfront thrust , the force which pushes the object forward and backward thrust i.e. drag.

The following mathematical formula should be equated for an aero plane to remain in the same height from the sea level at any point of time and to fly properly.



If the thrust is more than the drag, speed of aero plane will increase and if the drag is more than the thrust, speed will decrease.

If the weight of the plane is greater than the upward thrust i.e. the lift, the aero plane will come down.

If the upward thrust i.e. lift is greater than the weight of the aero plane, the plane will go up. Now you can understand that the forward thrust is caused by the engine of aero plane. That is, the forward thrust is exerted by the engine.

In the same manner, a drag occurs due to the pressure exerted by the air on the plane and when we off the engine, within a short time, speed of the plane decreases. The reason for this drag is purely the pressure exerted by the air in the horizon. Had there been no air in the earth, even if we switch off the engine, speed of the plane would not have been reduced.

One thing is really exciting for many people. Why does an aero plane pull back it’s wheels inside while taking off? What’s wrong, if the wheels remain outside? This is to prevent the exertion of pressure from the air on the wheels. If it flies with the pressure on wheels, the fuel costs will double and it cannot pick up speed abruptly.

Everybody knows that downward pressure of aero plane is due to the weight of the air bus and the gravity of the earth.

It is still more interesting fact is that where does the upward power i.e. lift originates, remains a puzzling riddle or a quiz for many?

A helicopter has a fan for exerting upward pressure. But, an aero plane has only forward moving thrust. In fact, the engine only gives the aero plane the lift though in little subtle ways.

The source of upward pressure of plane largely hinges on it’s wings, it’s speed supplemented by air pressure. In the absence of any of these three elements, upward pressure cannot be created. The plane will not be able to fly without wings and speed. It cannot fly in the absence of air even if it has both the speed and the wings.

If you observe the wings of the plane, you can certainly understand one thing. But, you have to observe rather keenly and carefully. The upper side of the wings will be sharply skewed towards upward and the lower sides of the wings will be as flat as a plateau. We cannot detect the same so easily if we look at the wings rather casually. It is not so apparent. We can understand the purpose of upward bend, only if we touch the wings. We will come to know the necessity of bending towards upwards. Here lies the top secret.

When the supersonic air exerts pressure on the upper side of the wings of the plane, an air pressure zone gets evolved around that spot whereas the pressure of air on the lower sides of the wings remains the same. When the pressure on one side is more and lesser on the other side, the matter gets dragged towards the side of lower pressure is a well known tenet. The vaccum cleaner absorbs the dust only because of the low air pressure inside the machine.

The upward pressure i.e. lift of the aero plane depends on the relative speed of the air and aero plane and the measurement of flatness of wings.

That’s why, in heavy aero planes the wings will be bigger and more flat in terms of measurement.

Now, we are eager to know what determines the relative speed of the air and the aero plane. Without any iota of doubt, the speed of the aero plane determines the same. What determines the speed of the airbus? /It’s the engine of aero plane that determines the speed of the airbus. Hence, it is crystal clear that the upward thrust is exerted by the same engine just as the forward thrust. Is it not?

That is why, when the plane runs slowly, it cannot fly. Since the upward thrust and the speed are irrelevant in a helicopter, it can fly without running on a run way. But, a helicopter does not have the forward speed of an aero plane. That’s why the aero plane takes off only after running on a run way.

Not only that when the aero plane flies, even a parked plane will be air borne if the storm exerts so much pressure on it. But, it is rare that the speed of the storm will be sufficient enough to pick up such a gigantic landed eagle. Now, you can understand why the tiles of certain tiled roof homes get carried away by tempest.

That’s why an aero plane is always under pressure to keep a certain fixed minimum speed throughout the flight. Then only the upward thrust on it’s wings will equate it’s weight continuously. If the speed slows down the airbus will start landing. Slowing the pace, flying conveniently at it’s own whims and fancies etc. will not work for aero planes.

Wings are required only in those places where there is air. If it goes beyond the earth, towards space where there is no air, wings are not required for flying. When there is no air, it need not balance it’s weight with the pressure of air.

It follows the same Archemedis‘s principle as to why does a boat float in water whereas a stone thrown in water sinks? A boat floats in water as it displaces water equivalent to it’s weight.

So can we fly in space without wings? Just imagine.

Author : C.P.Hariharan

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