FREEDOM TO EXPRESS in English Magazine by Harsh Mehta books and stories PDF | FREEDOM TO EXPRESS

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  • Hello there.
  • This article is not about any election campaigns in various states at India or about any big budget bollywood film or upcoming cricket match series in India. I know these things became very major issues at this instant of time.
  • But I am here to say something about, which we can all relate to . It always affects our daily life , our social lives and even our relations to. This topic is very controversial too. So it's about the 'FREEDOM TO EXPRESS - FREEDOM OF SPEECH'.
  • Yes, even by just listening this type of word , some of our friends could become very patriotic , there patriotism could turn on in every possible way! Let us just relate this with our country's current situation.This is known as 'Abhivyakti Ki Azaadi'.

    It simply means that everyone in India is free to express his/her emotion by speaking, writing, suggesting or in any way possible!

  • Isn't it controversial itself? (But we like controversies , don't we?)
  • So,with many fundamental rights we've given 'RIGHT OF FREEDOM' , in which at the subsection we've given 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION'. But why this right was given in subsections? I think this right should be the first or most essential right for every human being in all perspective.
  • We can say or write anything or anyone ! Really ? Such a great right to have, but what we meant of it, is not actual .
  • Obviously , i know i am too young to make any statement against this type of topic ,compared to some of our educated and intellectual personalities in India.
  • But I think , we should say what we feel!!! (Freedom Of Speech).
  • In our India, the things that goes viral very fast are only , which are related with politics, bollywood or cricket ( True no?). If any common man(/ woman) will try to express their beliefs, their problems , their perspectives no body will listen too them. We cannot make videos very often about their problems so that it can go viral and somebody will help us . We are always seeking for help , which eventually never comes( As the old saying goes:" People only cares about you , either if You are RICH, FAMOUS, BEAUTIFUL OR DEAD ! )
  • In current situation there is no medium or equipment that is useful for us to tell our part ,our story except one giant blessing -The MEDIA.Yes, the media have every power to bring out everything that we always wanted to listen or see. It can be very helpful for us to share our lives experiences to other personalities. We can make other people's to see at our problems with power of media. Same with Social media , where we socialize. It literally gives us freedom to speak up and express. So, it is very beneficial for us to prevent our one of the main fundamental right.But what is happening now?
  • it is very common now days that you can find hundreds of debates going on,many peoples are giving speeches in public about this law; you have sure heard it someone saying "I am an independent citizen of Democratic India, i can speak what i feel and no law can interrupt me of doing this (After adding some sarcastic comment too!!!)"
  • So is this what we've understood about our fundamental right? It should have really deep meaning.
  • Nowdays we're using many social sites or apps that can directly relate with this topic; because they are the best platform for sharing our thoughts or feelings in public. It is very useful space for sharing our joy, happiness , gratitude towards something by involving others. It also help us to become calm and relax during off-days. It is also a great platform to share our ideas, knowledge and skills.Hence there is plenty of good uses of it.
  • But, what's actually happening ?
  • Some of our friends are using this as a medium to convey their negative thoughts !
  • Someone will write any bad religious comments or comments regarding to any particular caste to just provoke the cast persons.
  • Someone gives nonsense about any political parties despite of knowing whole truth!
  • Someone will also crack jokes about any particular gender !
  • Someone will bring someone else's private life in public! (Freedom Of Speech).!
  • There is much more...... ( much worse than this)
  • This is todays reality!
  • This is what we understood of democracy!
  • So , who gave them a right to share their mind's evilness or their conflicts in publically? Who are responsible for their cheap thinking ? If they have gutter in their head, so why the social media is used as medium (Not a medium, but a weapon )?
  • Us , only. We are responsible for the all good - bad happenings in day to day social media life.
  • You might also be in contact with many peoples which always complains about our country; our history, its conflicts , its inabilities, its poverty and its condition.
  • No matter what is the situation , they will always blame our country's laws, constitution and government policies!
  • I just want to ask that what they have did for solving that problem ?Are they tried their best to solve their problems instead of blaming government?
  • Do they really doing any sacrifice that will directly relate to their comfort? Why we always forgot that 'IF OUR CONSTITUTION GIVES US RIGHTS FOR OUR COMFORT, SO IT SURELY EXPECT SOMETHING FROM US TO FULFILL OUR NATIONAL DUTIES '.
  • The truth is we are surely aware about every rights, but not about every national duties.
  • If this is happening then there is no meaning of printing NATIONAL DUTIES in front pages of our textbooks!
  • Its not worth anything!
  • By using social media , we've got enough knowledge to how we can use our rights to benefit ourselves even at the cost of hurting someone's feeling. We've done very much abuse in the name of 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH'.
  • Aren't we have waste enough time to spread poison in social media? Aren't we tired of just making stuff for ourselves only? Isn't this is the best time to do something about our country.
  • Just for change , here are few points that maybe we can apply in our daily life:
  • - By keep awaring surrounded peoples with complete truth about any event/ phenomenon with our knowledge.
  • -By not doing any religious or generic comment which may spread bed messages.
  • -By not spreading rumor about anyone or anything.
  • -By doing only comments ,afterwards which we can not fill guilt.
  • -By doing some EFFORT for other peoples at cost of our comfort (Sometimes).
  • Last but not least - ALWAYS Take proud of that we are living in 'WORLDS BIGGEST DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY'

  • I think this is the real meaning of freedom of speech.We can speak what we feel but with some known LIMIT ,which we can only decide.
  • We can interact to people with always knowing the fact that they are human, they may have their beliefs,their nature,their persectives.
  • So, bring out the change.
  • Always hope for the best.
  • Thank you..