Gujarati Quote in Microfiction by Sanjay Valgotar

Microfiction quotes are very popular on BitesApp with millions of authors writing small inspirational quotes in Gujarati daily and inspiring the readers, you can start writing today and fulfill your life of becoming the quotes writer or poem writer.

scççcççççv to car cc or cc de c cc xxxrffccffccccffcfccfdm be t. g. court CVV chat t. t Bob have tfcf cc come c ttgcctyc scççcççççv Debbie Chive vt. trff tffct ttcc. tftt ttffttttvf t gtcxzxx xx ccb hi go zxx can see zzxtf f t ffv. vt gvgf t tcf cttttf. tvgvg voice tvv f tvf g f. fgvf. g. v the che cct f. f t cab chat vahivancha tfv v ttv ttttttttfvrf. cv. gvt. vt. t. cg t cab church che civil

Gujarati Microfiction by Sanjay Valgotar : 12164
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