It was one of those summer eves,
I still do remember the day.
Struggling with each sweaty drops,
Black clouds were all we could pray.
I stared into those blue fumes,
They smiled a treacherous smile.
I still could feel the sear waves
Through each a length of mile.
Nature, you are a mother form,
A one with due admire.
Praying souls in intense thirst,
Will die in scorching fire.
A drop I felt like a tear it came,
And rolled down my face.
Aahh!! The monsoon here it comes,
An evening adorned in grace.
It marked the onset of the clouds,
The begining of the rain.
Aahhh Oh Monsoon here you come,
To quench the thirst of men.
Crops will now be green again,
Soil will laugh aloud.
The arid earth will dance in mirth,
I saw those blacky clouds.


English Poem by Dipanjan Bhattacharjee : 111456596
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