Quotes by Syed Nihal Pm in Bitesapp read free

Syed Nihal Pm

Syed Nihal Pm


it's fine
finding fences in friendship
but it isn't
fining finny in

-Syed Nihal Pm

becoming the being of any beginnings would be the best bestowed bonus bent to beings

“Every righteous child who casts a look of mercy and affection upon his parents shall be granted, for every look of his, rewards equivalent to that of an accepted Hajj.”

today .. I feel bored
Iam totally upset without
a proper thing to go,
then I just Google that;
who are the successful
persons in the world...!
then i came to see -

Milton Hershey.
Theodor Giesel.
Albert Einstein.
Benjamin Franklin.
Stephen King.
Oprah Winfrey.
Thomas Edison.
Michael Jordan.

then I ask myself
why can't I see my name
soon I suppose to think..
then start searching for
an answer .......

what made them so?
finally I got one
but not what I search

that is they best at
one thing and that
made them a unique

.. and came to realize
doesn't matter what that
we are blessed as a skill
make it sharper and shar..
and then earn the left..

there nothing that will make us turn for success unless we ponder on what we have .......

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A cup of tea with couples of pages can make you capable

#reading day

few fever fell fence
in fine life


there is something, that something; make some things, there is that makes


There are many games
Turn human as animal
Here is with us, another
Make beings.. unbeing

Corona a real life game
Rich of realistic happening
Aftermath of failure, death
Result of defending, life

Dears let's be wise
We may be young or old
But need is be bold
Against the deadly Game

Its Levels are untold
Unite measure, to fold
Make all your codes fine
Before the game is over

Game may stuck us a mile
But we never stop our feed
Be strong as to resist
In a way of seeking new noes

Guys, let not Lockdown
Down us locked, instead
Use it, ponder it and make it
Remember World's largest fruit
Is always with your efforts

Stay strong stay gained
Of knowledge and neos
End the game before
It end your temp down.

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Hey Mr. Corona !
Are still on your way.
By taking Innocent life,
Crushing all our hope.

Your speed is a speech
Of fear and enimity,
Which is destructive and
Heart of brass as well.

We don't know yet
Where you are from,
Where you are to, but
We know you as a #tag

You are numerous issue
Of the time and age,
But we are on you
Lest your pin be clean.

You did a good deed,
That make us beware
Soon we too do that
To make you aware.

Safe stuffs are possible
WhenYour Sporadicity &
Speech is meaningless,
And Our savior is with us

Be clean beware be hope,
Behave be like be help,
Be better brothers for all,
Stay safe with believe

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