Quotes by Suryansh Mishra in Bitesapp read free

Suryansh Mishra

Suryansh Mishra


जब कभी जाता मै बाहर ,
देखता अपने आस पास का वातावरण ,
जहां कभी पेड़ पौधे होते थे ,
वहां होती बड़ी इमारतें,
कभी ना सोचा था
दुनिया की ऐसी दशा हो जाएगी
जहां पेड़ पौधे होते थे ,
वहां इमारतें आयेगी ।।

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Some questions I am searching answers for:
✓ Who is god ?
✓ Is there a god ?
According to theory of big bang, before the formation of universe time was frozen or we can say time was still , and it always needs some bit of time to do a work , so when time was only not there before big bang ,how any god can exist? From where did god got time to exist ?
###### NO GOD

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