Quotes by Sonal Hiren Erda in Bitesapp read free

Sonal Hiren Erda

Sonal Hiren Erda


एे खुदा तेर भी क्या केहना
लेली बेरोजगारी तुने भी
जब से बानाया तुने
की मूर्ती को
भर दिया जादु उस मुरती मे
दे दिये प्रांण पुरी धरती मे
एे खुदा सच मे तेर भी ख्या केहना l


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#kavyotsav (Emotions)
મહદઅંશે મૂકાયેલ કાગળે
મને કંડારીશ તારા શબ્દો મારામા કે
અેમજ મન ની પોટલીમા મૂકી રાખીશ ?
શુ બધા શબ્દોને સ્યાહી નો મૂકામ અપવો જરુરી છે
મે હસીને પૂછયુ?

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#Kavyotsav (Love)
Lets our silent tongue speaks in
Thousand other ways
Lets be the witness of silent grammar of life
That unfold its own myth
Lets every tone of lyrics
Melodise with its own soulful sound
Lets our small words create great epic
And remain here for eternity
Lets all the leaves know
Every bit of our life
Lets create something more beautiful
From nothing more beautiful
Allow all the remedies for other remain here forever
And let me choose u as my forever remedy


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#Kavyotsav ( Love)

Earth forget to move
Angel forget their magic
Sun forget to set
Moon forget to bright
Night forget to go
And morning forget to come 
Flower forget to bloom 
Leaves forget to fall
Heart forget to beat
Even lovers forget to love
When he start speaking with his eyes.

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#Kavytosav (emotions)

Boy with Magical vibe

Bit confused,
Bit aspired,
He is little handsome with admire.
Full of purity,
Full of sublimity,
The owner of magical smile
The CEO of pure heart and 
M.D of innocence,
God is there in that kids
He make me again realise such a suc h a things,
Nothing he uttered more
Nothing i could ask more,
Yet at last
Utter his name so fast 

- Sonal

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#Kavyotsav (Emotion)

Poetry Speaks

She Beget me 
With the comapny of 
Alphabet, rhythm and rhyme
She wander here and there
Imagine this and that 
And engraved me with pretty words and patterns
She laught, she cried,
She feel but she deal 
She won, she lose
But she never pause
By all means
By all the passion she poetize 
And bring me in the world
As mother bring child from womb
She got all the wonder of the world 
After my creation and honoured me 
With wonderful name
And i by all the love  call her
'My Poetess


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#Kavyotsav (Love)
Me And My Poet

Me and My Poet
Once went to the long drive 
Beyond the clouds
Beyond the $tars
Beyond the $un & the Moon
Even beyond sky itself
With all the flow of wind
With all the journey of way
He shows me king of all the flowers 
And asked me
Which do you like?
He shows me prince of all the butterfly
And asked me 
Which do you like?
He shows me warriors of planets 
And asked me 
Whom do you like?
He introduces me all the charms of the world
And asked me
Which do you like?
He fascinates me all the wonders of the world
And asked me
Which do you like
At last he getting tired 
And asked me can you please say 
what do you like?
I just remain calm and smiled
He expects that i will say these all
And i just said

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Full Moon Night

Full moon night
Everything is white white bright
Everybody gazing at moon of sight
And said what a beautiful night

Everywhere glistening glorious guide
Don't miss this mysterious mild
Staying far away from sight
Yet seems very near to Insight

Gives lovely message of life
Everybody has a day 
And this day will too pass 
this is a full moon night.


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I tarvel i travel
With the power of sunrise
And end with the beauty of sunset

I travel i travel
With passion of life 
And end with being more passionate

I travel i travel
With curious courage 
And end with most thrilling thrive

I travel i travel
When seashore seems amazing 
And end with curiosity of staring again

I travel i travel
When moon start race with me

And end with beautiful winning dawn

I travel i travel 
When i look back to see how far i come
And end with to start many more goals

I travel i travel
With lots of ups and downs
And end with never submitted courage

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किसी को आंखो का नशा था
किसी को बातो का नशा था
हम नशे की पैमाईश गीनते रेह गऐ
क्यूकी हमे हर वक्त बस
लीखने का नशा था।

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