Quotes by Sohil Ashvin Shah in Bitesapp read free

Sohil Ashvin Shah

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Find out the excitement of Siddhant to meet Hritisha after long time.

Read FREE the latest episode 14 "JUST A FEW HOURS TO GO" of 'Come Back to Leave Me... Again' Series by Sohil Ashvin Shah on Matrubharti App


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Read my novel 'Come Back to Leave Me... Again' for free.

it's a Long Distance Relationship love story of Siddhant and Hritisha. ;)


Writers are so clever they write thier emotions and pain, saying it's Imaginary.

मुझे मजबूर कर दिया गया मरीज़ पढ़ने पर,

वरना अठारह की उम्र खेलने की थी यारों।

કોઈ શોધતું આવશે, એવી ખબર જો હોય,

તો ખોવાઈ જવામાં પણ એક મજા છે.

- Sohil Ashvin Shah -