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👉 इतनी मोहब्बत करते है कि खुदाने भी कहा छोड़दो इसे फीरभी नहीं छोड़ेंगे हम आपको चाहे खुशी हो या गम हर पल साथ देंगे हम || #G_P_
👉 अगर हमें किसी और का कर दिया जाए फिरभी हम तो आपको ही चाहेंगे भले ही जिस्म ले ले पर हमारी जान तो आपही के पास रहेगी || #G_P_
👉एक☝️ “सफ़र”👫 ऐसा भी🙄 होता है | जिसमें “पैर”👣 नहीं “DIL”❤️ थक 😐जाता है ||😔 #Life_ ❤️
થોડીક_મસ્તીખોર😘_અને_ થોડીક🤘 નાદાન_છે_તું..😊 પણ_જેવી_છે_મારા_માટે..😍 મારી_જાન♥️_છે_તું..😘 #Life_ ♥️
क्यों ना गुरुर करू मैं अपने आप पर, मुझे उसने चाहा जिसके चाहने वाले हज़ारों थे. 😍 #Life_ ♥️
No Matter How Far You Are, You Are Closer To My Heart More Than Anyone Else. #Life ♥️
ઓછું સમજશો તો ચાલશે પણ ઊંધું સમજશો તો નહીં ચાલે, ધારી લઈએ એના કરતા પૂછી લઈએ તો સંબંધ વધારે ટકશે. #Life_ ♥️
"I LOVE YOU" ♥️ MEANS 👉 'I LOVE YOU' ♥️ Means that I accept 🤝you for the person that you😇 are, and that I don't wish to change💞 into someone else. 👉 Its means that I do not expect perfection😎 from you, just as you don't accept it from me.😁 👉 'I LOVE YOU' Means that I will love you💑and I will stand by you even thought the worst of times.😘 👉 It's means that loving you when you are in bad mood😡 and too tired🤒 to do things I want to do.🤗 👉 It's means loving you when you🤧 are down, not just when you are to😉 be with. #G_P_
✊🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿✊🏿 👉🏿✊🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾✊🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾✊🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽✊🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽✊🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼✊🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼✊🏻👇🏼✊🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼👉🏻❤️👈🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽👉🏼✊🏻👆🏻✊🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾👉🏽✊🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼✊🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿👉🏾✊🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽✊🏽👈🏾👈🏿 👉🏿✊🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾✊🏾👈🏿 ✊🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿✊🏿 #Life_ ♥️
“A friend👬 is someone who ✌️understands your 🤵 past, believes in 😇your future, and accepts🤝 you just the way you are🤗.” #Friendship #G_P_
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