Quotes by JIRARA in Bitesapp read free


JIRARA Matrubharti Verified


Big and rich people's lives are basically dependent on lowly paid workers and even poor people.

The one who cannot see, in himself/herself, the mistakes made, sees the mistakes in otherselves.
This is a psychological mechanism in individuals to protect their ego and status.
And this trait and habits are more visible in many political leaders, mainly to cover up their incompetence and laziness.

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We often respect an individual, because we need something from him/her; when the needs are over, in most cases we forget them; and stop respecting them;
our respect was for the things, and not for the individual.

The nature goes by its environmental conditions, it is in our hands to make outlets for free and fast flow of rain waters in our cities and towns; NO GOD will come and rescue us.

It is already said in Gita, that if you cherish the nature, it shall cherish you; and if you choke the nature, it shall choke you; and we the humans have done the latter, and hence, we are having the present conditions.

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If some people are not abnormal, not paranormal, and not sub-normal, and yet they do not look normal, then how to describe them?

Meta AI:
That's a thought-provoking question! If someone doesn't fit into the categories of abnormal, paranormal, or subnormal, but still appears unconventional, here are some alternative descriptors:

1. *Unconventional*: They might have a unique appearance, behavior, or perspective that doesn't conform to societal norms.
2. *Eccentric*: This term suggests someone who is quirky, unusual, and perhaps a bit flamboyant in their style or behavior.
3. *Idiosyncratic*: This word describes someone with distinctive, individualized characteristics that set them apart from others.
4. *Nonconformist*: They might reject traditional norms and embrace a more unconventional lifestyle or appearance.
5. *Atypical*: This term simply means they don't fit the typical mold or pattern.
6. *Divergent*: They might have a distinct perspective, style, or approach that diverges from the mainstream.
7. *Inimitable*: This word suggests someone with a unique, one-of-a-kind quality that can't be replicated.

Remember, these descriptors focus on the person's individuality rather than implying any judgment or deviation from a standard. Embracing diversity and uniqueness is essential in our society!
Some of these can be combined as:
Atypically divergent, and Inimitably unconventional people.

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All the members of all the biological species: bacteria, viruses, insects, fishes, sea animals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals need freedom to move and forage for foods for their living, to breathe fresh air, and fresh water; eventually to reproduce and take care of their offsprings and their ownselves;
And all the humans need the same freedom and even more freedom for their speech, expression of their feelings, and implementation of their ideas;
And anybody, in power or no power, when denies and curtails this freedom, he/she/they are doing tremendous injustice to the fellow humans; such people, the perpetrators of this crime (of the denial of freedom) deserve very stringent punishment, at the least.

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If your thought-direction is not right or proper, then your high calibre is not useful;
if there is relationship, but no trust, then the relationship is a waste;
and if there is spirit, but no awareness; then the life is wasteful and a burden.

If you try to read more on evolution and do not depend on too much on religious beliefs, you would slowly start understanding the real meaning of Independence and life.
First, one has to be always alert, and strong enough to defend oneself,

Second, inherently, women in any society are always vulnerable,

Third, one has to plan her work-time schedule properly not to overrun in time and fatigue,

Fourth, there is no need to trust everyone and everything always, one has to be suspicious always.

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