Quotes by Dhra Solucky in Bitesapp read free

Dhra Solucky

Dhra Solucky


Happiness resides not in possessions,and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.

-unknown Thinker

life is so much complicated but enjoy each and every moment that give us happiness.

-unknown Thinker

sometimes wearing a smile makes a lot of things easier.

-unknown Thinker

जिंदगी खफा है हम से,पर हम जिंदगी से नही
जिंदगी बेदर्दी से गुजर रही हैं,पर जिंदगी बेदर्द नही है।

-unknown Thinker

Nature,Taught us but we don't understand, don't feel it, don't able to learn from nature,we might have capable and able to creativity of God and pleasent nature.

-unknown Thinker