Quotes by Mihir Jogi in Bitesapp read free

Mihir Jogi

Mihir Jogi


Common People's Grand Son

Rich People's Grand Son
"Born With Silver Spoon"

Mukesh Ambani's Grand Son
"Born With Diamonds Coated Platinum Spoon"



-Mihir Jogi

Don't Be Fake,
Be Frank..


Every Bad Happen Is A ReBirth,
So Celebrate..


Tea Is Groupism
Coffee is Me Time


-Mihir Jogi

પ્રેમ એટલે લાઇફ માં કોઈ ને આપેલ સમય નું વળતર, કોઈ વાર અપેક્ષિત ને કોઈ વાર અનઅપેક્ષિત..


-Mihir Jogi

Problems has 2 options.
1. Leave It
2. Live It
Your Choice Defines You..


-Mihir Jogi

Some People Are Like Punctured Spare Wheel, They Never will never be usefull When actually Needed...


Time & Betrayer Are Best Teacher.


Time Make Us Learn Anything..


Learn to be detached to be happy in Life..
